Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1577 Gold Broker 2

Chapter 1577 Gold Broker II
Yu Zheqing's eyes darkened, "Don't push yourself too far!"

"What's so good about me, I fought with you at the beginning because you said you would marry me and be with me in the future, so money and money, I don't care at all!" Lin Lang blew on her nails, eyes sparkling It is inevitable, "But now we are both blowing it up, what else do I have to worry about, men are unreliable, can I still rely on money?"

Yu Zheqing glanced at the manager next to him, and found that he kept telling himself to agree to those requests, but he just couldn't swallow this breath in his heart, "Impossible!"

Lin Lang said indifferently: "Well, since you don't care, then I don't care either. Tomorrow, several newspapers will come to interview me. Then I will let them see what I have gained through hard work over the years, and let them Let's see, what have I paid for you?
But when the time comes, you affectionate characters... Mr. Pianpian... hehehe... will collapse, and if there is no star of use value, it will be worse than shit! "

Just as Yu Zheqing was about to speak, his phone was snatched by his agent, "It's Sister Lin, right? I'm Zhejiang's new agent. I understand what you asked for just now. Don't worry, we are not A stingy person will definitely give what is due, I just ask you to be merciful!"

Lin Lang nodded, "It seems that you are quite lost. In fact, I am not a person who pushes forward. As long as you give me back what should be returned to me, I promise not to pester him, and I can also sign a waiver for you." Secret agreement!"

The agent nodded, "That's easy to say, otherwise, how about I go to you tomorrow?"

"That can't be done. I have appointments with those reporters tomorrow, and I may not be free!" Lin Lang is not a fool, he naturally knew that the manager wanted to press this matter first.

"This..." The manager's anxious mouth was about to bubble, "Sister Lin, you're all in the same circle, so there's no need to make such a big fuss!"

"Yes, they are all in the same circle, but you pick up the bowl to eat, and then start cursing your mother when you put down the bowl, and you don't do that!" Lin Lang sarcastically said.

The manager blushed, "Actually...we don't know about the message that Zheqing sent, and we've tried our best to make up for it. I just hope that you will hold your hand high and don't make this matter so violent. After all, you and Zheqing also After so many years of being in love, even if there is no emotion, there are still so many years of affection, so why make such a fuss?
Besides, you brought Zhejiang Qing up with one hand, so do you really have the heart to watch him crash?Zhejiang Qing is your painstaking effort! "

"Of course I know that I brought him out with my own hands. It's because of this that I feel sad. I gave up everything and everything for him, but in the end he bit me back. Tell me, what kind of mood do I feel?" Lin Lang said As he spoke, there was a trace of hostility in his tone, and a hint of ferocity in his eyes, "I am already worthy of you if I can talk to you well now, don't force me, it really annoys me, at worst I will The sky is pierced, anyway, I have nothing, I am not afraid of anything!"

"Sister!" The manager shouted quickly, "Speak up if you have something to say, if it's really not good, I'll go over and talk to you at night, is that okay?"

Lin Lang smiled, "Of course, I'll be here anytime!"

After hanging up the phone, the manager threw the phone on the sofa, looked at Yu Zheqing, and asked, "Let me ask again, do you have something in that woman's hands?"

Yu Zheqing just wanted to answer no, but hesitated again, "I don't know, I met him in high school, and although we didn't contact each other for a few years, we have been together since she graduated from university, for so many years, He handles many of my affairs, and I can't guarantee that there is nothing in her hands that is not good for me..."

The agent took a deep breath, "Then why don't you think twice when you do something?"

Yu Zheqing lowered his head, his eyes darkened, "If it really doesn't work, I'll go talk to that woman, I don't believe she can really let go of the relationship for so many years!"

"Don't you think it's not messy enough?" The agent patted the table, "You are a public figure, if someone photographs you going in and out of Lin Lang's house, what do you think those paparazzi will write? What do those fans think?"

Yu Zheqing raised his head, with a hint of impatience in his tone, "Then what do you want me to do? Kneel down and beg him?"

A dark color flashed in the manager's eyes, and he said in a warning: "Yu Zheqing, I'm not that woman Lin Lang, who was coaxed by your kind words, and I don't know how to get resources for you. People are very realistic, if you have the ability, I will use you, if you are useless, I will throw you into the trash can like trash, so don't play petty temper in front of me, I don't like this!"

Yu Zheqing turned pale, "That's not what you said when you signed me..."

"In order to sign the contract, I naturally had to say a few good words, but the contract was over there, and I didn't do anything to violate the contract. Even if you want to break the contract, you can't find an excuse!" The manager stood up. He got up and patted Yu Zheqing's face, "You have managed to get up from the bottom of society, you probably don't want to go back, if that's the case, just obey my orders and do things obediently, otherwise..."

Yu Zheqing was indeed a little scared. He was able to keep doing it at the beginning and didn't worry about his future life because he was favored and because he knew that there would always be someone who would take care of everything for him, but it was different now. This person It's not that I really want to cooperate with myself, but I value the profits on myself.

"I see..." Yu Zheqing paled, "Then what should we do next?"

The agent rubbed his aching forehead, "I'll talk to her later, you stay at home honestly, don't make any more moths!"

Yu Zheqing nodded obediently. After sending the person away, he showed a gloomy face, picked up the glass water glass next to him and threw it on the ground, and the glass shards fell around.

Yu Zheqing's eyes were red, he was panting heavily, he clenched his fists hard, his veins were exposed, he said through gritted teeth, "What's the big deal? I'm just a bad manager. When I become popular, I will Replace you!"

Here, Lin Lang waited for the agent to come. After he opened the door, the family won. They came in and got a glass of purified water. He pointed to the camera in the corner and said, "I'm sorry, a girl is alone at home, so I have to prepare!"

Looking at the camera in the corner, the agent swallowed the swearing words, showed a hypocritical smile, and said angrily: "Actually, sister, my agent doesn't know anything about swearing on the Internet. It's too late when I know it, and I really want to repent, I hope you can give us a chance!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Of course it's fine. After all, I'm not a person who can't be unforgiving, but I can't suffer for nothing. My reputation is damaged now, and now I have nothing. A casual apology, just pretend nothing happened!"

When the agent heard this, his face froze, and it took a long time before he returned to normal, "This is natural, but... we must remember that the company is not rich..."

(End of this chapter)

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