Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1579 Gold Broker 4

Chapter 1579 Gold Broker IV
But the biggest problem now is not the actors, but the source of funds. Although Yu Zheqing has made up for the expenses owed to her agent over the years, since Yu Zheqing didn't make much money, she didn't get much money either. .

Lin Lang collected the funds in her hands, sold her car, sold her house, and mortgaged a loan from the bank, among other things, this fateful movie finally started shooting.

There are only actors and no directors, so you always make a cameo as the director. After all, he has made so many movies and has also been an actor, so Lin Lang is very handy for this kind of shooting.

As for the actors, they wanted to play some young master and young lady's temper, but Lin Lang was their boss, even if they wanted to play bad temper, they didn't dare to play bad temper during filming, let alone play big names in front of Lin Lang, all of them were well-behaved. It's incredible.

Lin Lang also used her contacts to bring in one or two investments. Although the money was relatively small, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. With these messy investments and the expenses in hand, Lin Lang spent half a year, and finally got Finish the movie.

After the movie was finished, Lin Lang chose some modern and popular music, and after recording it, edited it into the movie, and everything was ready.

The filming is finished, but it gets stuck when it comes to the release stage. The movies that can be shown in theaters now are basically produced by big companies. Movies like theirs with small investment and low cost are dismissed by movie theaters at all. , there are a few of them who are optimistic about this movie, but the price given is extremely low.

In the past few days, Linlang found several friends for this matter, and spent a lot of effort, but they all ended without a problem.

In the end, a friend couldn't help it anymore, and told Lin Lang directly, "Because of Yu Zheqing's matter, his company is not very happy, and other companies have winks and dare not offend big companies, so I've been tripping you up!"

Lin Lang was so angry that her chest hurt, "Isn't this matter already negotiated? They apologized for the compensation, and I will stop talking about Yu Zheqing!"

"So, they are at a loss, and I can't swallow this breath in my heart, so I came to buy medicine to find your bad luck!" The friend sighed, "You just listen to my advice, don't mess around in the entertainment industry, be honest Really find a job!"

"I'm not reconciled!" Lin Lang lowered his head. He was really not reconciled. Just because they were in a high place, could they oppress others at will?

"Anyway, thank you for telling me these things, otherwise I may have to touch more walls. Thank you very much. I will remember your kindness. Sooner or later, I will repay you!" Lin Lang said gratefully.

The friend sighed, "We have been friends for many years, thank you for what you said, and...you also helped me when I was down and down!
Lin Lang, in fact, I know that several film and television companies have contacted you, but the share is a bit small, but it has reached this point, it is better than throwing this movie in your hands, you should sell it..."

Lin Lang did have such a plan, nodded, and after thanking her friend, she picked and picked from several partners, and finally chose a suitable one, and after arguing hard, the release contract was finally settled It is signed.

But because their movie is not famous, and the starring is not a famous star, so their movie was released quietly. Just when everyone thought that this movie would die, on Valentine's Day The movie exploded, earning nearly 2000 million at the box office that day.

The people in the movie theater are not fools, they strike while the iron is hot, and they have a few more schedules, plus the good reputation and the theme of love, so this movie quickly became popular, and on the next Sunday, the movie directly broke through According to the sharing agreement, Lin Lang's movie made a lot of money, at least several times.

Of course, it's not just this movie, but also the right to show derivative products on the Internet and TV. Add up all kinds of miscellaneous things, and Lin Lang makes a lot of money.

After having money, the celebrities in her hands also started to have resources, unlike before, they could only accept some small online advertisements.

Linlang knew that his abilities were limited, so he gritted his teeth and signed contracts with other privacy companies, as if renting out his artists. He knew that his approach was a little bit of a chicken, but so far, this is for the artists and for the company. The best way is, after all, I have nothing. These artists follow me, no matter how popular they are, but if there is no work released, sooner or later, the audience will forget them.

Lin Lang began to recruit a large number of newcomers, and at the same time began to train various agents, but he was not idle. While starting an agency, he also started to produce some films and TV series.

Since the TV series and movies they produce are all performed by their own actors, the cost has been reduced a lot. In addition, the director is stricter, so their movies and TV series have very good quality assurance.

"Sister, I heard that you are currently producing a TV series, and you are short of a leading actor. I wonder if it is true?"

When Lin Lang received the call, her eyes were dazed for a moment, and then she remembered who this person was, "Oh, we do lack a leading actor, but... even if I go again, I won't use other people, and I will use him if I want to." Use our own people!"

The agent smiled, "Sister, there are indeed many male artists in your company, but which male artist is more famous than our Yu Zheqing? And I can assure you, as long as you let us act in this TV series Protagonist, we don't need any salary, how about it, isn't it very exciting!"

"Haha!" Lin Lang said with a sneer, "Haven't you heard a saying, cheap is not good!"

The manager's expression changed, "Sister, you brought Yu Zheqing up here with your own hands, and now he's out of luck, for the sake of his previous affection, you should give him a hand!"

"Don't tell me such nonsense, if he remembered the previous relationship, he wouldn't have said that on Weibo when he signed with you!" Lin Lang didn't answer the question at all, "It's really true I am not happy with the clear retribution of the law of heaven. He joined you in order to abandon me for resources. Although you gave me a lot of resources, they were all messy resources. You even accepted several bad movies for him, which ruined his reputation. Worse, now he is not even as good as a third-tier artist... and even considered a cancer by the industry, now that he thinks about it, it’s really a good reincarnation, who will the heavens spare!"

The economic man said in a low voice, "I know it's all his fault, but he has really repented, so you can give him another chance, even if he can't be the lead actor, he can be the second lead!"

"Don't even think about it, my company won't give him any resources!" Lin Lang said emphatically.

The manager's face was a bit ugly, "Sister, this place in the entertainment industry, Hedong for 30 years and Hexi for 30 years, you look down on him now, there is no guarantee that he will not have greater achievements in the future, just give him a chance, just treat it as a chance for everyone. Is it okay to have a chance? We don’t need the leading actor and the supporting role, but at least give us a chance, we don’t need a salary, and we can even bring money into the group!”

Hearing this, Lin Lang laughed, "I can give anyone a chance, but I won't give him a chance!"

The manager suppressed his anger, "Sister, why are you doing this? Is it possible that you are still thinking about the past? If it doesn't work, I will let Yu Zheqing stay with you for a few days, and then you can do whatever you want." You can beat him like this, scold him, as long as you can express your anger, everything will be easy to talk about!"

Hearing what the manager said, Lin Lang wanted to laugh up to the sky, "You all begged me to this extent, it seems that you have caused a big problem this time, but I still say the same thing, I won't give him any money." Chance!"

The manager also had a terrible headache, glared at Yu Zheqing fiercely, felt puzzled, and kicked him a few more times, "Sister, please help me, if this matter really gets out, no If someone pulls him, he will really fall, give him another chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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