Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1580 Twin Sisters Flower 5

Chapter 1580 Twin Sisters Flower Five
Lin Lang couldn't help laughing, "You begged the wrong person. Instead of begging me, you might as well beg those rich women!"

The manager's face changed, "Sister, you...know..."

Lin Lang didn't hide it either, "I know, it can be said that the whole circle knows about it, that's why I feel disgusted. When he was with me, he was still talking about it, saying absolutely no. Knowing how to do such nasty things, you have only been away from me for a few years, and you are willing to degenerate into this state, really... I don’t know what to say, you can’t afford to provoke others, do you think I can provoke them? Besides, your use value is so little, how could I offend others for you? Let's save it..."

Yu Zheqing had been sitting by the side and heard this, hurriedly dodged the manager's cell phone, begging for mercy, "Lin Lang, I really didn't mean it, it was his daughter who said she liked me and wanted to be with me, I ...I didn't deliberately seduce..."

"Hehehe, I know you best. You really didn't seduce other girls, but you have that plan, but you don't think about it. You are with her mother, and you still want to seduce her." Daughter, you have to be ashamed!" Lin Lang said sarcastically, "I heard that you have been banned by their family now, and you probably won't come out in this life, but now that you think about it, it's really retribution!

Back when you were a gangster, I didn't dislike you for being poor or incompetent. In order to realize your wish, I spent my youth and everything, and finally made you popular, but you made me famous again for the sake of resources. You kicked it away, and now you are so downcast that you are blocked by others, it is estimated that in a few years, the money will be spent, and you will become that little bastard who has achieved nothing... Everything has returned to the source..."

"Sister!" The manager begged bitterly: "Although that family is great, but I heard that, sister, you are quite familiar with that family, so you can help to say a few good words and let them let Yu Zhe go Qing, we are also willing to pay some money as compensation, do you think it is okay? If not, I can also let Yu Zheqing sign a contract with you to sell himself, and you can sign it for as many years as you want!"

"I don't want such a notorious entertainer!" Lin Lang resolutely refused, "I don't even want it for nothing!"

After speaking, Lin Lang hung up the phone and added that phone number to the blacklist by the way.

After finding out that the phone was hung up, the manager couldn't take it anymore and threw the phone on the ground.

"Why do you think you are crazy!" The manager roared, "Eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot, I...I don't even know how to say hello..."

Yu Zheqing broke down and said, "I didn't do it on purpose, I just thought... thinking that if I could really become his son-in-law, then... wouldn't I need as many resources as I want in the future? I didn't either. Thinking of how he protects his weaknesses, things like this are very common in the entertainment industry..."

"Fuck you!" The manager couldn't help but swear, "If my little lover seduces my son, I promise to beat my little lover to death. Open up!"

Yu Zheqing finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly knelt down, "Brother, just pretend I'm begging you, please help me, I really don't want to be blocked, I really don't want to be so lonely, please Please help me!"

"I've already helped you!" The manager said in a broken voice: "When I signed you back then, I gave you so many resources and let you star in several big productions. It's because you didn't live up to expectations, and several TV series didn't become popular. , even the box office of the movie was so bad that no one asked you to endorse it... You said you wanted to fight hard, and you wanted to find a backer. It became like this..."

Yu Zheqing covered his face and began to cry, "I really know I was wrong..."

The agent sighed, "Just as I told Li Lang, all of this is retribution. If you hadn't abandoned him at the beginning, but stayed with her well, although marriage will affect your reputation, but relying on her For your single-mindedness, maybe you have already become a first-line artist, instead of being unable to get up and down like you are now, and offended a lot of people, and you will be blocked immediately..."

Yu Zheqing also felt regretful, if he hadn't kicked you away at the beginning, he might have been the male owner of that entertainment company.

Although it's only been three or four years, Linlanga's company is already comparable to the first-line economic companies. Not only are the TV series and movies produced guaranteed, but all the male and female artists are very popular.

Thinking of this, Yu Zheqing's old heart ached, "If it really doesn't work, I'll go to the company to beg her. After all, there are so many years of hardworking, I don't believe that he will really sit idly by!"

The agent nodded. He was unwilling to give up this cash cow, and said through gritted teeth, "If he doesn't want to give you a hand, we will use the last resort!"

Yu Zheqing frowned, and really didn't understand what the last resort was, but at this point, a dog could be forced to jump over a wall, and if he was forced into a hurry, he couldn't imagine what he would do .

After Lin Lang hung up the phone, she was in a good mood. Yu Zheqing used to be very popular, but after so many years of acting, no matter how popular she was, her fans were not as many as before. More importantly, her acting skills are even more eye-catching. up.

Thinking that her task was about to be completed, Lin Lang was about to whistle when suddenly her eyes went dark and she fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Lin Lang looked at the woman in front of her and asked angrily.

The original owner lowered his head and said hesitantly: "I know I shouldn't have brought you here at this time, but... I really can't bear it..."

Lin Lang looked at the original owner as if she heard a big joke, as if she was looking at a fool, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

The original owner nodded slowly, "I know this matter is very unfair to you, but... watching him suffer, watching him being banned, my heart is pierced... I... I don't know myself What's the matter..."

"I know what's wrong with you, you're a bitch!" Lin Lang said angrily, "But just because you're a bitch doesn't mean I'm going to be a bitch, I'm a clear-headed person, and I know what I should do and what I shouldn't do, like that Scumbag, you should kick him out and enjoy the good life now, instead of turning back!"

"I know, I know!" The original owner burst into tears, "But my heart doesn't know, I feel sorry for him when I see him like this!

No matter what you say, just pretend that I'm kneeling down and begging you, help me give him a hand, he doesn't need to be popular, he just needs to get through this difficulty! "

"I won't agree to you!" Lin Lang refused very firmly, "Do you know why he was banned? Because he did shameless things, seduced the old ones and seduced the young ones, Extremely immoral, are you sure you want to forgive such an immoral and despicable man, and want to spend the rest of your life with him?"

"I..." The original owner's eyes fluctuated, "I don't know, I just want to save him now!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Have you forgotten why you asked me to help you avenge you in the first place? Just because that man had a better choice, he kicked you away and framed you, making you a street rat , everyone shouted and beat..."

(End of this chapter)

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