Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1581 Gold Broker 6

Chapter 1581 Gold Broker Six
The original owner nodded, "I know what he did to me, but I really don't want to see him die like this. It's not because I still have affection for him, but because I have worked hard to get his current status. Yes, seeing my hard work ruined like this, my heart..."

"But if you help him, have you ever thought about what to do with the suffering you have suffered before? Can you really pretend that nothing happened?" Lin Lang stared at the original owner, "Ugly words are up front, if you want to help that man If not, then I will not accept your commission!"

The original owner's pale face said, "But things have come to this point..."

"We can go back in time. If you refuse the commission, the time will go back to the day when I accepted the task, but you have to complete things without me on that day!" Lin Lang explained.

The original owner laughed at himself, "Forget it, I know my own abilities, if I really go back to that day, I guess he won't even look at me!
As I told you, the past is in the past, I shouldn't stand still! "

After finishing speaking, the original owner disappeared, only a knock on the door was heard, and the assistant walked in.

"Sister!" the assistant said, "Someone is looking for you, but there is no reservation!"

"Who?" Lin Lang asked, frowning.

"Yu Zheqing and his manager!" The assistant said with some embarrassment: "I originally sent them away, but...sister...they seem to have a handle on you. I'm afraid of any bad influence, so I let you They're waiting outside..."

"My reason?" Lin Lang laughed immediately, "I'm doing well, so what reason can I have to send people away, I don't want to see them!"

The assistant nodded, and was just about to go out when the door was pushed open suddenly, the manager and Yu Zheqing left, came in, looked at Lin Lang, licked his face and said, "Sister Lin, we have been old friends for many years, you also Don't be so unfeeling, if you say you don't see it, you won't see it..."

"I don't remember that we are friends!" Lin Lang said with a look of disgust.

The manager pushed Yu Zheqing and signaled him to beg for mercy. Although Yu Zheqing was a little ugly, he still knelt down, "About...the things before...I know I abandoned you back then, It caused you a lot of harm, but I also have my embarrassment..."

"What embarrassment can you have? Since ancient times, people walked to high places and water flowed to low places. Your approach is correct, but you absolutely shouldn't. Why did you stab me at the end?" Lin Lang also said. I have always been unable to understand this truth, "I have been with you for so many years, and I have paid so much for you, do you have no heart at all? And what you said to me before, could it be all lies?"

Yu Zheqing shook his head, "It's not a lie...but some of it is not the truth. I like you very much, but I was afraid of being poor since I was a child. I lived at the bottom of society since I was a child. I was fed up with other people's eyes and contempt. A good choice, I will naturally climb up without leaving room, I know it was wrong for me to stab you in the back, but I am also afraid, afraid that you will tell the things between us, afraid that my status will decline, and even more afraid of my The loss of fans...I...I'm sorry for you..."

Lin Lang's heart suddenly ached, "Sure enough, people can't stand the temptation in front of interests!

But since you betrayed me, what face do you have to beg me now, you go away, I won't help you! "

The manager was anxious, "Sister Lin, please, please give him a hand for the sake of the past, and you don't need to do too much, just say a few nice words in front of others, please..."

"It's because of my previous hard work that I didn't get into trouble, otherwise I would have exposed his ugly stuff!" Lin Lang shook her head, "Get away from me quickly, or I will call the security guards to come up !"

The manager immediately became angry, "Okay, since you won't help me, don't blame us for being unscrupulous!"

Lin Lang didn't take such words to heart at all, after all, the two of them were just clowns in her heart.

As a result, in the early morning of the second day, the assistant blew up his phone, and there were many inexplicable text messages on the phone.

"Sister, something is wrong, now there are rumors about you and Yu Zheqing all over the Internet!" the assistant said anxiously.

"I haven't contacted him for several years, where did the rumors come from!" Lin Lang frowned, and turned on the phone at random. As expected, today's headline was about the past between herself and Yu Zheqing.

Lin Lang randomly clicked on a post, which contained a lot of intimate photos of the original owner and Yu Zheqing, even if there were intimate photos, there were also photos of Lin Lang going to socialize to help Yu Zheqing, the original owner in the photos was drunk ,Pale.

Lin Lang looked at those photos and said to herself: "Did you see that? This is the man you miss so much. In order to make a comeback, I will spare no effort to discredit you and use you..."

The original owner never replied to him, Lin Lang didn't bother with this matter, got up quickly, got dressed, didn't even eat breakfast, and went directly to the office.

"Contact the public relations department to issue a statement, and say that it happened in the past, and now I have nothing to do with Mr. Yu Zheqing!" Linlang said forcefully: "If there are any rumors or unpleasant things on the Internet, please send them directly to the lawyer. Han!"

The assistant nodded quickly, "I have asked the people in the public relations department to write the manuscript, but I haven't got your permission, so I haven't dared to post it!"

Lin Lang nodded, "By the way, help me contact the reporter friend, I want to hold a press conference to clarify things on the Internet!"

"Actually, there is no need to hold a press conference. There are many reporters downstairs who want to interview you and Yu Zheqing!" The assistant lowered his head, "It's just that you didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to agree to the interview. I dare not make a statement, and they have been waiting below, if you want, I can call them up immediately..."

Lin Lang pursed her lips, "Bring those journalist friends to the conference room, and find someone to buy some fruit and drinks by the way, I'll be there later!"

"Okay!" The assistant glanced at Lin Lang, "Sister, have you had breakfast? Do you want me to bring one for you?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I don't have any appetite right now, give me a cup of coffee to refresh myself first!"

The assistant went down, and soon brought a cup of coffee and a sandwich, "Sister, anyway, let's eat something to fill your belly, the body is the most important thing!"

Lin Lang's face was filled with gloom, "How is the company?"

"Many people are panicked by such things, and there are many people talking about it on the Internet..." the assistant said cautiously.

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and the assistant didn't dare to go down to arrange those reporters first. When the arrangements were almost done, Lin Lang put on a light make-up and walked into the meeting room.

"Ms. Lin, how do you explain the photos posted on the Internet?"

"Yes, I heard that you and Mr. Yu Zheqing used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but then they separated for some reason?"

"I heard that Yu Zheqing has been having a hard time these days, and it seems that something has been involved. May I ask if this was your fault? Is it revenge for a failed courtship?"

"If you and Yu Zheqing are really dating, why hasn't Yu Zheqing signed with your own company?"

"If Yu Zheqing was your lover, would you praise Yu Zheqing? Would you be flattered?"


Linlang clapped her hands when she heard what they said, "Everyone, you have several people and several mouths, but I only have one person and one mouth. I know you have a lot of questions to ask me. Don't worry, I promise to know everything. So please take your time, don't worry!"

The reporter smiled, "Then I'll come first, I want to ask Ms. Lin, are those photos on the Internet real?"

Lin Lang nodded, "I don't know how Yu Zheqing replied, but I can't tell you about my relationship with him, the specific reason is because it involves legal aspects, so I'm sorry, I can't tell you, the photo It's true, but I won't say anything about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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