Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1582 Gold Broker 7

Chapter 1582 Gold Broker VII
The reporters were a little annoyed, "You can't explain this clearly, and you can't explain that clearly, so what can you explain clearly? After all, we have been here for so long, you can't let us go away empty-handed!"

Lin Lang spread her hands, "I can only tell everyone that the past is in the past. I have nothing to do with Mr. Yu Zheqing. He walked his Yangguan Road, and I crossed my single-plank bridge. Please don't tie me to him. !"

"Is it because Mr. Yu Zheqing is down and out, so you can't wait to get rid of it? Then you are too snobby!" The reporter condemned.

Lin Lang looked at the reporter angrily, "It's funny what you said. When Mr. Yu Zheqing was prosperous, I didn't pick him up, so why do you say that by gaining power?"

The reporter who said this rolled his eyes, "As far as I know, Mr. Yu Zheqing seems to have given you the first money to set up the company. According to this statement, your company should also have Yu Zheqing. Mister's share!"

"I earned my money as an agent, and none of it came from improper sources!" Lin Lang said emphatically, "So you should at least turn your head before you speak, or show evidence before you tell me such a thing, otherwise I will I will sue you for lying!"

The reporter shrank his head, "But I'm not wrong, your money did come from Yu Zheqing first, do you dare to deny it?"

"I don't need to deny it, because I only acted as an agent for him, so I earned all my money from him, but I am really aboveboard. Back then, he was a little actor who was just a little actor, and I made him a big man. Star, I spent a lot of effort during this period, so I deserve all the money I got!" Lin Lang said emphatically.

"Then... let me ask Ms. Lin another question, that is... will the old relationship between you and Yu Zheqing rekindle?"

"It's nothing!" Lin Lang shook her head directly, "The past is already in the past, and I will never look back. As the saying goes, a good horse doesn't turn back. I can't be worse than a beast!"

After the press conference, Lin Lang called in an assistant again, "You can help me contact a few sailors later, let them lead the way, and spread the word about Yu Zheqing's scandal!"

At the beginning, I thought that although the two broke up, and later, although Yu Zheqing acted unethically, the two reconciled, and the matter passed. To add insult to injury, others don’t think so, they regard themselves as life-saving straws, and post some ambiguous photos on the Internet, causing the majority of netizens to misunderstand, and what’s more, their own company is in turmoil. It’s really shameless. Since you are not benevolent, don’t blame him for being unrighteous .

Yu Zheqing originally only wanted to rely on those ambiguous photos to make the person who punished him take care of him, but he didn't expect Lin Lang to be so tough, and even sent a lawyer's letter, but after the group knew that he had nothing to do with Lin Lang, they became more ruthless Well, the company is also a white-eyed wolf. After seeing that he has no use value, he directly pays himself in blood, which makes him lose his job, and now he can only eat his old money.

But after these years, although he earned some money, he spent almost all of it, and he didn't have much savings in his hands, so he was a little stretched.

When Lin Lang finished handling everything, he suddenly found himself back in the space. He looked at 12580 and asked suspiciously, "What's going on?"

"The original owner has returned to his body, and your mission has been completed, you can perform the next mission!" 12580 said indifferently.

Lin Lang immediately laughed angrily, "This is really funny. I worked so hard to win the country, but he said he would go back, and I haven't enjoyed it yet. Let me tell you that there are so many beautiful little brothers and sisters." Sister, I haven't..."

"It's alright, alright, don't be angry, as long as the task is completed, there will be opportunities in the future!" 12580 reassured, "It's almost the end of the year, let's sprint for performance!"

Lin Lang lay on the sofa, and said without a straight face: "What about the sprint performance, our company doesn't have any year-end bonuses, no matter how hard you work, it's just for others!"

"You work hard, and you can get free yourself after accumulating enough points!" 12580 patted Lin Lang on the shoulder, "If you really don't want to do it, you can take a break!"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "I think it's better to forget it. I can't be idle. Once I am idle, I want to rest all the time. Let's carry out the task!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Lang opened her eyes again, looked at the strange environment, looked at the princess bed she was lying on, and couldn't help but yawned, it was too comfortable, forget it, don't accept the plot, sleep first Besides.

Lin Lang slept until dark, and didn't wake up until she heard a knock on the door.

"Miss, the master is back, let you go down to have dinner together!" The servant knocked on the door and said respectfully.

Lin Lang sat up, "Go and tell my dad, I'll go down later!"

The servant agreed, and gently opened the door with his footsteps.

Lin Lang leaned against the head of the bed, closed her eyes and began to get in touch with the plot.

【I am happy, but I am not considered happy. I am happy because I live in a turbulent era, an era where old and new intersect!

My father was originally a Juren of the previous dynasty, but after the fall of the previous dynasty, he started to do business, and he was considered a small success!

Although I was born in the old society and my mother is also a woman in the old society, my mother is very open-minded and never bound my feet, let alone taught me the knowledge of the three obediences and four virtues!
Not only that, my mother also sent me to school and let me study with my classmates, but because of the tiredness in my early years, my mother left my father when I was a teenager. Although I liked my mother, she later married another woman. And that woman was only five years older than me.

Although I am sad, I can't change my father's behavior. When I grow up, my father will only have me as a daughter, and my father is determined to work hard, but it is impossible for such a large family business to lose its inheritance. I am looking for a son-in-law.

I am a person with a modern education, so it is impossible to accept such a marriage, so I ran away from home very rebelliously, and the outside world was turbulent. You bastard, I thought that just when I was about to finish, a man appeared and fell from the sky to save me, and my heart fell on him!
My father knew that I liked him. Although he cared about his family background, but seeing my obsession, he could only agree to our marriage, but I didn't expect that all love was just a calculation. That man was premeditated by me. At the beginning, they all focused on my father's family business, and the one involved with that man was my stepmother. The two of them have known each other since childhood!

Later, my stepmother married my father because of family background, but the two of them did not break contact because of this. Later, when I grew up, my father was about to be rejected, and loneliness began to worry. She didn't want to look at this huge family. She was even more afraid that after I got married, my father would drive him out when he died, so he was afraid, and even made such a play with his childhood sweetheart!

After my father was born and passed away, the two of them directly poisoned me to death. From then on, the two lived together!

I'm really not reconciled, the first one is because although I enjoy the convenience of this era, my father's thinking is still stuck in the old society. He thinks that girls can't inherit the family business at all, so he thinks about it Find a son-in-law for me, and then hand over the huge family business to the son-in-law!
I am naturally not reconciled, I am a person who has been influenced by the new society, I have the ideas of the new society, and I have the ability, so there is no problem in inheriting the family business, why should I hand it over to others?Moreover, giving up my home to others is equivalent to handing over my destiny to others, and I can only rely on others to live in the future. I don't want to live like this. I hope to inherit the family business from my father and expose my stepmother by the way. true colors! 】

(End of this chapter)

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