Chapter 1583 Noble Miss One
After receiving the plot, Lin Lang opened her eyes and sat up slowly. While she was thinking about something, the door rang again.

"Lin Lang, are you awake? Your father told me to tell you to go down for dinner!" A gentle voice came.

Lin Lang lowered her head slightly, her good eyes were full of light, and she said to the outside, "I'll get up in a while!"

"Okay, then I'll go down first!" After the woman finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels and went down slowly.

Lin Lang got up after him, chose a comfortable dress and paired it with a pair of low-heeled leather shoes, washed up and went down slowly.

"Why do you wake up so late?" Father Gao raised his head and said dissatisfiedly, "The sun is almost setting!"

Lin Lang glanced outside, said with a smile, "Dad, isn't it just a matter of sleeping in, is it that important?"

Father Gao snorted coldly, "It's fine if you sleep in at home, but after you get married, if you want to sleep in again..."

Lin Lang said while eating breakfast: "Instead of doing this, you might as well let me recruit a son-in-law at home, so that I don't have to marry, and you also have an extra son, how wonderful!"

As soon as the words were finished, she suddenly remembered the sound of plates breaking. Lin Lang looked for the sound and found a little mother looking at her in astonishment.

Father Gao didn't react for a while, and only came back to his senses after hearing the voice, "You are a little girl, how can you say such a thing?"

Linlang gave Xiaoma a meaningful look, and said to Father Gao: "But don't think about it, if I don't recruit a son-in-law, who will our family's huge family business be handed over to? It's unlikely to be handed over to your brother." Son? If I remember correctly, you seemed to have a quarrel with my uncle when you separated the family. Thinking about the family property you have worked so hard to give to your uncle, I don’t know if you feel distressed !"

Father Gao's complexion changed, and he felt distressed, "Okay, don't talk about it, little girl, just do your own thing well, and don't worry about what you shouldn't worry about!"

Lin Lang casually ate the food, "I don't want to worry about it, but you are my father, I have to think about this family, I will graduate from high school soon, the already asking our university It's a matter, I personally don't care what major I study, but when I think about our family's situation, I think I should study business, then I can inherit the family business, and you don't have to worry about dividing your property to others!"

Father Gao's eyes flickered for a moment, thoughtful, and then he tapped the plate with his chopsticks, "You don't need to worry about this, hurry up and eat!"

When Linlang heard this, she understood that Gao's father was sad about this matter, smiled, and after eating, he said obediently: "Anyway, I have nothing to do recently, or you can take me to your company to see , By the way, get acquainted with the business!"

"This..." Father Gao hesitated. In fact, he never thought about letting his daughter inherit the family business. After all, no matter how enlightened he was, he came from a feudal society. The business was inherited by his son, but after so many years, he didn't even have a son. Could it be possible that he really wants to hand over his family business to others?

He was really reluctant, but he hesitated to let his daughter inherit it. After all, the daughter is a girl. Girls, it’s good to marry when they reach a certain age. Why do you want to inherit the family business? man thing...

The little mother stood aside, and after realizing that something was wrong, she walked over slowly, "Lin Lang, you are still young and don't understand many things. Inheriting the family business is not as simple as you said, especially if you are a Girls, girls...let's stay at home honestly..."

Lin Lang curled her lips, "Little Mom, that's not what you said. Everyone is equal now. What's wrong with women? Women can also do business. If you look abroad, there are many women doing business. Why is this matter?" Doesn't it work in our country? It's obviously your discrimination!
Besides, if our family's business should be handed over to me, who would it be?Is it possible to give it to my cousin like this?That's really a field where the fat doesn't flow to outsiders! "

A dark light flashed in the eyes of my little mother, "But you have never been in contact with business since you were a child, and now you suddenly want to start a business. Could it be because of a fever in your head? You should think again, in case you go into business What should I do if my reputation is ruined by the news? There are many big families now, and they don’t want their daughter-in-law to show up in public, and my little mother is also thinking about you, so don’t think too much about it!"

"I know my little mother is doing it for my own good, but our family's situation is different!" Linlang spread her hands, "If I marry someone else, our family property will be cheaper to outsiders. It was made by my father's hard work, don't you have the heart to watch my father's hard work go to waste?"

The little mother was taken aback, "I...I didn't mean that..."

Seeing them arguing, Father Gao felt a little headache, so he knocked on the table, "Okay, please stop arguing, the arguing in the early morning made my head dizzy!
Lin Lang, your little mother is right, you are a girl, doing business or something...let it go, but I happen to be fine today, so you can go to the company with me to play first! "

The little mother was very happy to hear the first half of the sentence, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, her face was a little ugly, and she said hesitantly: "It's not good to take Lin Lang to the company to influence, and Lin Lang is a girl..."

Father Gao waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll take my own daughter to the company, it's not a big deal!"

Lin Lang smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Dad!"

In this way, Lin Lang went to the company with Gao's father under the unwilling eyes of Xiaoma.

Father Gao's business is mainly textiles, and there are also some grain and oil products. After so many years of development, the business has become very impressive.

After Gao's father came to the company, he went to discuss business matters with several shopkeepers. As for Lin Lang, he wandered left and right, and then came to the finance department.

When he saw the financial statement, he said to the accountant, "Do we still do business with foreigners?"

The accountant nodded honestly, "Some are mainly from the UK, but the demand there is not much!"

Lin Lang nodded, "I looked at the purchase cost and found that the cost has been getting higher and higher over the years, but the selling price has hardly increased. Does father know about this?"

The accountant replied: "The chairman knows this, and the fact that the price of goods does not increase is also proposed by the chairman, saying that the country is in difficulty now. If we raise prices, many people may not be able to afford food, so the things sold now It’s basically cost price!”

Lin Lang flipped through it casually, "By the way, what does the shortfall mean?"

The accountant patiently explained: "Our company's main products are grain, oil and other items, but such things as grain and oil are easy to break, and are easy to get wet, and this kind of thing is most likely to be stained!

It is impossible to sell those bad things again, so we will destroy them centrally, and those shortfalls are precisely because of the destruction of things! "

Lin Lang felt a little pity, "Grain and oil... If you can still use it, donate it to the orphanage. Don't waste it. If you can't use it, you must destroy it centrally. Don't let it be used by those who are interested. As for the cloth... if printed Don’t destroy it if it’s wrong or something is wrong, at least it can be worn as clothes and sold to poor people at a lower price!”

The accountant nodded, "I see, I will report this matter to the chairman!"

Lin Lang smiled, closed the things, and went to the chairman's office. As soon as he walked over, he found that they had already adjourned the meeting.

"Who is this lady?" Several managers looked at Lin Lang and asked in confusion.

"This is my daughter!" Father Gao said with a smile, "Come to the company with me today!"

Several managers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw it clearly in each other's eyes, and nodded quickly, "Hello, miss!"

Lin Lang also greeted them with a smile, and after everyone left, Lin Lang told Father Gao what she thought.

(End of this chapter)

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