Chapter 1584
Hearing his daughter's words, Gao's father showed a look of approval, "Your idea is good, and I will tell the next one to implement it when the time comes!"

Linlang got off, and then said another thing, "Dad, I took a look, and I found that the purchase price of our things has been getting higher and higher these years, but the selling price has not increased too much, although it will not be too much now. Losing money, but not making much money!"

Father Gao shook his head, then sighed again, "Not only that, the prospects were good a few years ago and you could make some money, but these years are not good, the country is in turmoil, and there are so many foreigners there I have to take part of the money I earn every year to manage people, in fact... our family has not made any money at all these years..."

"That's because we haven't found a way to make money!" Linlang continued: "Dad, fabric and food are indeed just needed, but these things make little money. Let's change careers. Even if we don't change careers, can we try to open up a new industrial chain? For example, if the cloth is made into clothes or various things, the selling price of the things will be higher, and we can make more money. As for whether you can process it into other products, I think biscuits are quite good. OK, and cake and all that..."

Father Gao hesitated, "But I have never been involved in these industries, and I am a little scared..."

"What's there to be afraid of? Father, you didn't get involved in business when you were in business. Didn't you do well? Besides, you are still young, so what can you do even if you lose money? At worst, you can make it back. If you don't move forward, you will be eliminated by others sooner or later!" Lin Lang said enlighteningly.

Father Gao thought for a while, "This is a big deal, let me think about it again!"

"Dad, tell me if you want to. I want to try it. You can just train me. Do you think it's okay?" Lin Lang asked why.

Father Gao raised his head and said earnestly: "Daughter, tell me, why do you suddenly want to do business, don't fool me casually, I know your temper, and your mind has never been on this matter , What is it that suddenly made you change your mind?"

It really is the original owner's biological father, so sensitive.

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Actually, it's nothing. I just think that our big family can't be handed over to outsiders. What should I do after you leave? Do I live on the breath of others?"

Father Gao also sighed, "I didn't think about this at first, thinking that I'm still young, maybe you will have a younger brother in a few years, and everything will be solved by then, but so many years have passed... ...I can't deceive myself anymore, and I really should make plans for you in the future. If you really want to do business, then I will train you well in the future, but you have to think about it, this Shanghai beach woman is doing business But there are very few of them, if this news gets out, you will be drowned with saliva!"

"I'm not afraid of that!" Lin Lang said firmly.

Father Gao stood up, "Okay, she is indeed my daughter, she is ambitious and courageous, if that's the case, I agree with what you said just now, I will sponsor you 5 oceans first, and I will treat it as you This test, if you succeed, we will hand over the business of our family to you in the future!"

Lin Lang nodded quickly, "I will not let father down!"

Here, my little mother has been uneasy about what happened this morning. After thinking about it for a long time, she took her wallet and started to walk outside. I will come back later!"

The servant, Mrs. Wang nodded, and when the little mother really left, Mrs. Wang spat on the ground, "You are so coquettishly dressed, I don't know who to seduce!"

"Don't speak so harshly, after all, she is our wife!" the housekeeper persuaded.

Mrs. Wang didn't listen at all, "Oh, our wife passed away a long time ago, what kind of wife is she, her name is not correct, her words are not right, our wife was carried in eight sedan chairs, and the genealogy still remembers her. The name of our wife, but this woman was bought by our master for a sum of money. At most, she is just a concubine. If you call her madam, she thinks highly of her. She is so old, and she doesn’t know how to restrain herself. Dressed so coquettishly, I don't know what's on my mind!"

The housekeeper slightly raised his eyes, "Anyway, watch your side carefully, I don't want bad things to come out of our family!"

"Heh, I can take care of the legs growing on someone else's body? You see, she said that she went out to play mahjong. I think she was going out to fool around. She didn't even call a driver. Obviously she didn't want others to follow her!" Mrs. Wang flipped a page Supercilious.

The butler looked at the back of the little mother going away, thoughtful, "You know this matter, I know it, but you must not let the master know, the master is not in good health, but he can't stand this stimulation!"

"Okay, I'm not a broken-mouthed person!" Mrs. Wang waved her handkerchief.

After the little mother went out, she went to the telephone office to make a call, then went to the tea office, asked for a box, and waited obediently there, and soon a man walked in.

"Why did you call me suddenly? What happened?" Zhang Yuntai asked anxiously.

As soon as the little mother heard this, tears fell down like worthless ones, "Our eldest lady has a moth again!"

"What?" Zhang Yuntai frowned, "What happened, tell me quickly!"

The little mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "She doesn't know what to think, she suddenly talked to the master about doing business this morning, and even said that she wanted to recruit a son-in-law... If she is really successful, then the master's family The karma will be at the expense of others, what should I do then? I am still young, and I don’t want to stay in that place all my life, let alone ruin it in their hands, and I don’t want to work so hard, but I end up with nothing! "

Zhang Yuntai frowned, "Didn't you say that little girl doesn't like to worry about this? Why did she suddenly think of this? Did someone whisper something in his ear?"

The little mother shook her head, "I don't know either. I was a little scared when I suddenly mentioned business. If it doesn't work, I will steal a sum of money. Let's get out of here, and stay by that old man's side all the time." , I really have had enough, I don't want to ruin my life!"

Zhang Yuntai shook his head, "You are willing to come with me, but I am unwilling, so I just take you away casually, their Gao family has a big business, and they have so much money, why should he take advantage of his daughter?

I know I've wronged you now, but if you bear with it, he's still just a girl. When he talks about business, he's probably just talking about it. He probably loses his temper in two days. Don't mess yourself up! "

The little mother sat on the chair, "If it's just him talking casually, it's fine, but the master has this idea. I'm really scared. I'm afraid that after the master hands over the family business to his daughter, it's fine when the master leaves. , I can only rely on her daughter to live, let alone the two of us!"

Zhang Yuntai had a headache, "But I have nothing now, so I can't get close at all. Their father and daughter, even if they want to help you, they can't help you!"

The little mother raised her head and said with tears in her eyes: "Yuntai, anyway, I have saved a lot of money in the past few years. When the time comes, I will borrow some money from the master and roll up the things at home. It will be enough for the rest of our lives." After living, why do you worry about the property of the Gao family?"

Zhang Yuntai patted my mother on the shoulder, "You don't understand this. I don't want the Gao family's property for money. The main reason is because of you. You are young but forced to marry because of the Gao family's money. I am not reconciled to such an old man, so I want to take revenge on the high price, and I want to seek justice for you!"

The little mother was very moved when she heard this, "But... what should we do? Now the master is determined to hand over the family business to the eldest lady, even if I want to speak, but according to my identity, the master will not I will listen!"

Zhang Yuntai also had some headaches, "Forget about this, you can help me find a way to get close to their father and daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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