Chapter 1585
The little mother sat on the side, secretly sad, "What can I do, although I married that old man, in fact, in their eyes, I am not even as good as a maid, and all of them are wary of me...I...I really am... I can't take it anymore, let's leave here and find a new place to start a new life..."

Zhang Yuntai got a headache from the quarrel, "You really have the heart to watch the vain money flow into other people's pockets, think about our daughter marrying someone you don't like because of poverty like you, do you hope Our son can't go to school because he doesn't have money, do you need our son because money is servile to others?"

"I..." Mom hesitated, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"Go back and think of a way to see what plants you have over there, and put me in there first. When I gain the favor of the old man's daughter, then we can have inexhaustible glory and wealth!" Zhang Yuntai said Said with a longing face.

The little mother's eyes widened for a moment, "You want to marry Lin Lang, how can you do that, then what should I do?"

Zhang Yuntai patted his mother on the shoulder, and said comfortingly: "These are just expedient measures. I married that woman mainly for their family property. After all, as long as I become the son-in-law of that old man, I believe that old man will give everything to me." Leave it to me!

I know you don't want me to marry another woman, but you have to think about our future. Besides, although I married you, my heart is on you! "

The little mother's face softened a little, "Then...then you must promise me that you will not have too much contact with her, and never be with her..."

Zhang Yuntai nodded quickly, "Don't worry, we have been in love for decades, how could I be fooled by a little girl liar, the person I love the most in this life is you, and my whole heart is also yours! "

When the little mother heard this, her face was full of emotion, and she left the teahouse reluctantly until it was getting late.

When I got home, my mother found that the master was also in a panic, and quickly calmed down, "Why did you come back so early?"

Father Gao didn't raise his head, and continued to read the newspaper, "The company doesn't have much to do, so I'm back. If you go out next time, you can ask the driver to take you. There's no need to go out. It's quite troublesome!"

The little mother lowered her head and said gently: "I... I was afraid that after Linlang came back, if she wanted to go to other places, there would be no car to take her, so she didn't ask the driver to take me, and the ones I went to were often In this place, all you meet are acquaintances, it doesn't matter if you drive or not, at worst, you can just call a driver back, don't let the young lady feel wronged!"

Lin Lang was about to go downstairs, when she heard what my mother said, she walked down slowly, "Thank you so much for thinking about me, but... there is something I really need to discuss with you, Dad , since I said that I want to go out to do business, but this must be tested, our family only has two cars, you use one, and if I use another one, what should we do with the car? We can’t let them Let's all walk, so let's buy another car!"

The little mother's eyes lit up, and she quickly said, "Lin Lang has really grown up. I think what you said is right. It's time for our family to buy a car. What does the master think?"

"This..." The master hesitated a bit. These years are not good, and he doesn't make much money. If he buys another car, the postage and the driver's fee will be quite a lot of expenses.

"Dad, you pay the money for me first, and after I earn the money, I will pay for these expenses myself!" Lin Lang said quickly.

As soon as the master heard what his daughter said, he smiled and agreed, "Okay, okay, I really convinced you, I will buy you another car, but you have to hire a driver for you... now There are very few people driving here..."

The little mother felt that the opportunity had come, so she took two steps forward, "Master, I...I have something to ask..."

The master raised his head and looked at the little mother in surprise, "Tell me, what is it?"

The little mother hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "Since our family wants to hire someone, and the fat and water don't flow to outsiders, let's invite my cousin from my hometown. He has been working in Shanghai all these years, but he has not What a name, now I have no money in my hands, and I am so poor that I can hardly afford to eat. It would be nice to be a driver in our family. On the streets!"

The master frowned, "Your cousin, why have I never heard you mention it?"

The little mother was a little scared, and said with concern: "The main reason is that I don't have much contact with him. Their family is relatively poor, and he has more backbone, so he won't ask others for help. Recently, he really can't afford food. He has been begging me to help him find a job, but I can't find a job for him if he doesn't leave the door.

But I just heard what the master and the eldest lady said, I think it would be good to let him come to our house as a driver. If the master doesn't believe it, you can go to my hometown and ask him. It is indeed my cousin, and I will not lie to the master! "

The master smiled, "I didn't say you lied to me. Don't worry too much. I'm mainly afraid that some bad people will spoil my daughter. After all, there is only such a child in our family, so we need to be more careful!"

Sitting aside, Lin Lang continued, "Dad, since that person is my mother's relative, let him come over. After all, we should take care of our own relatives as long as we don't lose money to outsiders!"

The master reluctantly nodded his head, "That's fine, you send someone over tomorrow, I'll see and talk about it!"

The little mother put her heart back into her stomach, "Okay, I will let him come to see the master tomorrow, but... I just heard the eldest lady say what is the business, it is possible that the young lady will inherit the master's business. Business?"

Lin Lang smiled happily, "Ah, I'm still young, how can I have the ability to inherit my father's family business!"

The little mother breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't inherit the family business, she still had a chance, but she still couldn't let go of her heart, and Lin Lang raised her heart again with a word.

"Although I can't inherit my father's depression now, it doesn't mean I won't be able to in the future. After all, we only have one daughter in my family. If I don't give it to me, who will I give it to? It's impossible to give it to outsiders!" What's wrong with Lin Lang?Blinking eyes, he continued: "I went to my father's company today and found a lot of problems. By the way, I wanted to test my ability and plan to start a business after a while. My father also agreed and gave me a sum of money!"

The little mother was about to tear the handkerchief in her hand, but she still forced a smile, "Really? That's really great, if you need any help from me, just ask!"

"My little mother is polite, but my little mother has lived in a small place since she was a child and has never read a book. She must not have much knowledge. If you help, you don't need it. It will be a waste of help when you can save it. When my little mother is unhappy, I will If you're not happy, it's really not worth the candle!" Lin Lang covered her mouth and giggled.

My little mother blushed when she heard this. What do you mean?What does it mean to come from a small place?What does it mean to have never read a book? I also want to study, but my family is poor. What can I do?
Besides, have you read the book, are you amazing?It's the same way after reading and reading, but I want to see what kind of business you can make, so as not to lose all your family fortune.

Father Gao also thought that what his daughter said was inappropriate, "Although your little mother came from a small place, she is quite good in terms of etiquette!"

(End of this chapter)

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