Chapter 1586
Lin Lang nodded casually, "Mother's etiquette is indeed very good, she is very much like the old lady in ancient times, she pays attention to three obediences and four virtues, which I can't learn!"

The little mother lowered her head and eyes to remove the resentment in her eyes. Who wants to obey the three virtues, he also wants to be a couple for the rest of his life, but she doesn't have the capital, and the poor father in the family is sick again. Married to such a bad old man as Father Gao, she hated it in her heart, but no matter how much she hated, there was nothing she could do. At the same time, she was also jealous of Lin Lang, why did she have such a good family background, and such a good father!
Thinking of the plan that Zhang Yuntai said, my mother was a little moved. She wanted to see what the eldest lady would look like after she was cheated of money and sex.
The little mother raised her head and smiled gently, "Missy is still young, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future!"

Father Gao didn't see the intrigue between the two women, so he put away the newspaper, "Okay, it's getting late, let's have dinner!"

After the meal, the young mother returned to the room, and Gao's father stepped into the crutches to go for a walk in the garden. The butler followed him after thinking for a long time, and finally said hesitantly: "Master...I..."

Father Gao turned his head back, "You have been with me for so many years, I know your temper, what happened so that you can't say it?"

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, but still reported honestly, "As for the matter of the little lady, the young lady is really too young, so..."

After thinking about it, the master figured it out, "You think too much, I know that woman best, and she is the most honest, she will definitely not do anything to apologize to me!"

Hearing what the master said, the housekeeper couldn't go on talking, so he could only gently remind him: "I'm just a little scared, after all, the lady is still young, and now I follow the master because the master is still capable, but when the master is old, the little lady Can madam really just watch this huge family property fall into the hands of the eldest lady?"

Thinking of their tit-for-tat confrontation today, Father Gao hesitated a bit, and pointedly said to the butler: "It's fine if you tell me about this matter, don't let the second person know about it!"

The butler nodded, and then continued, "Master, there is actually one more thing I didn't tell you. Although the lady said she was going out to play mahjong, she didn't let the driver follow her. Who plays mahjong, none of us know..."

The master's expression changed, and he soon understood, but he was unwilling to believe it, "I know, I will pay attention to it myself!"

The master returned to the room with a heavy heart, looked at the little lady sitting on the bed, his eyes became dark, this woman is still so presumptuous, still so young, but he is already old, the two of them have not had passion for several years up.

"How did you play mahjong today?" The master asked casually.

When my mother heard this, she became nervous, "Originally I invited someone to play mahjong, but in the middle, I received a message that they would not go if they had something to do, so I can only go to the teahouse to listen to the opera and drink tea! "

"Oh!" The master sat by the bed, "Who do you usually play cards with? I don't think I've heard you mention them?"

The little mother lowered her head, "It's just some female friends. They drink tea and watch plays on weekdays!"

"Oh, then why don't you invite them to come and sit at home?" asked the master.

"I wanted to invite them at first, but I was afraid that after inviting them back, the eldest lady would have objections, so think about it and forget it!

Although they are not invited to the house, they are often invited to drink tea, eat some pastries and so on, and sometimes go shopping with them. They are very nice people. When a banquet is held inside, I can invite them over!
But I have to talk to the master about some things. Their family background is average, not particularly good, and certainly not as good as ours, so if there is any impoliteness at that time, I hope the master will not mind! "

The master's face softened a little, "Why do I mind, your friends are my friends, you can also invite them to play at home, I'll talk about Linlang's side, you don't have to worry!"

The little mother forced a smile, "Master is so kind to me!"

At night, the master fell asleep and snored like thunder, but the little mother did not fall asleep. She stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, and really couldn't figure out what she had neglected, which made the master suspect herself.

But fortunately, Zhang Yuntai will move to the old house at that time, and he can get along with him all day long, and he doesn't have to go out to find an excuse to get together with him, let alone being exposed by others.

Early the next morning, my mother went to Zhang Yuntai with panda eyes, and said with a thousand words: "The master wants to hire a driver, I said you are my distant cousin, and I want you to come and help. The lady has already agreed, but the master still needs to observe!"

Zhang Yuntai nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely pass that old man's inspection. When I become a driver, the two of us will be able to get along day and night, and you don't have to worry about coming out to date me all day long!"

The little mother smiled softly, "Well, but there are many old servants in the old house, and they are all the master's confidantes. After you go there, don't be caught by them!"

"Don't worry, I will be careful, but you must restrain yourself!" Zhang Yuntai exhorted: "I will have some contact with Lin Lang at that time, but you must remember that in my heart there is only You alone, I am so good to her now, it is for our future!"

The little mother was sweet in her heart, "Don't worry, I'm not a person who puts priorities in front of others!"

After explaining the good things, Zhang Yuntai changed his clothes on the second day, went to the old house, and met Mr. Gao.

"Master Gao, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'd probably end up on the street!" Zhang Yuntai was dressed in dirt, and his face was covered with dust. He looked stupid, especially simple and honest.

When Master Gao saw Zhang Yuntai's appearance, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Our family is looking to hire a driver, can you drive?"

Zhang Yuntai nodded quickly, "Master, don't worry, I have shipped goods to others before, so I can open it!"

The master frowned, "You have transported goods for others, and it is said that transporting goods for others is a good career, why did you stop doing it all of a sudden?"

Zhang Yuntai has already thought up his rhetoric, "Yes, this is indeed a very good job, but the current situation is unstable. Because our boss offended some people, and the gang ~ sent fire ~ to fight, so Our power over there was swallowed up by others, and those who are capable are looking for connections and trying their best to keep him, and I don't have any connections, so I can only be brushed off!"

The master was very emotional when he heard this, "The current situation is really too turbulent. I think you are a good young man. You can stay here for a month for a trial. If you are good, you can stay!"

Zhang Yuntai quickly showed a grateful look, "I really thank you so much, master, the great kindness of master, I will never forget it next time!"

After listening to such words, Mr. Gao didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand casually and asked the housekeeper to take Zhang Yuntai away.

"My lord, I'm actually pretty nice with this expression, but I'm a bit honest, but I'm pretty clear-headed, and I'll definitely do my job well!" My little mother helped to say a few good words.

Father Gao stood up, "The young man is indeed very honest, but I have to let Linlang see if I let him stay. After all, Linlang can only let him work if he is satisfied. If you don't like it, let that young man be my driver." !"

When the little mother heard this, she was a little surprised and asked, "Didn't Missy agree? Why do you still ask?"

"She agreed to find a driver, but she didn't agree with that young man to be her driver, so let's not make the decision for her, lest she lose her temper!" Father Gao didn't take this matter to heart, "If she chooses That young man, let that young man be her driver, if not selected, let my driver be Lin Lang's driver, and the young man be my driver!"

(End of this chapter)

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