Chapter 1587
The little mother forced a smile, finally waited for the cowherd to come back, she couldn't wait to walk over, "Missy is back, how are you today?"

Lin Lang smiled, "I went to a department store for a day, but I didn't find anything I liked, so I came back!"

Mom paused for a while, shopping in a department store for a day?It's okay if you don't meet the one you like, but if you meet the one you like, you will have to spend a lot of money.

This eldest lady really does not eat the sufferings of the world. The money for a piece of clothing can cover the expenses of a family of five for a month. Why are people treated differently for the same person?

"I guess it's because there are no new products. It won't be too late for Missy to go and have a look when new products come in next time!" Mom said with a smile.

Lin Lang handed his bag to the servant, and didn't say anything. In fact, he said he was going shopping today, but he was actually inquiring about the market. There were indeed a lot of new clothes when he went to the market. Most of them were cheongsam or western clothes. Still relatively conservative.

If she wants to make clothes, she can't be too conservative in style, but she can't be too open...

"Lin Lang is back!" Father Gao came out, followed by Zhang Yuntai, "This is what your little mother found for you, come and have a look, what do you think of this man?"

Lin Lang slightly raised her eyes, and soon the two of them were together. She just opened her mouth, but she didn't expect the fish to take the bait so quickly.

"He's a nice guy!" Lin Lang nodded, "Let him get to work quickly, I'm in a hurry to use the car these days!"

"Okay!" Master Gao nodded.

Zhang Yuntai also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Thank you, Miss!"

The little mother breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the scene in front of her, "It's not too early, let's eat quickly!"

During dinner, Master Gao couldn't help asking: "When are you going to do business?"

"It's only been a few days!" Lin Lang said while eating, "Dad, I remember that there seems to be a large open space in your place, just build a factory for me, and I will buy a few more sewing machines. It doesn't need to be too good or too much. It's bad, just use it as it is, and hire a group of female workers, basically it will be fine!"

"You don't have to worry about the female workers. I have a lot of female workers in the textile factory, and most of them have some sewing skills!" Master Gao continued.

Lin Lang felt that she couldn't wish for it. After all, skilled female workers were much better than those who didn't know anything. At least they didn't need to spend time on training.

"But it's okay, I have to use the fabrics in your factory, I can't give you money now, I will pay you when I make money!"

Master Gao waved his hand with a smile, "It's okay, anyway, the factory will be yours after a hundred years!"

Sitting aside, the young mother almost broke the chopsticks in her hand when she heard the conversation between the father and daughter. After barely eating, the father and daughter came to Zhang Yuntai's room without paying attention.

"Are you crazy!" Zhang Yuntai said nervously: "If others see it, the two of us will be ruined, and maybe we will be jailed!"

The little mother originally wanted her sweetheart to comfort her, but she didn't hear the words of comfort, but she heard the words of blame, and she burst into tears, "Just see it when you see it, I really don't want to live like this again Get over it!"

Zhang Yuntai also heard something wrong from his mother's words, and patted her on the shoulder, "What's wrong with you? Did someone provoke you? Actually, I didn't mean to blame you just now..."

The little mother looked up, the pear blossoms were raining, and her eyes became red, "Just now at the dinner table, the master said that after a hundred years, all the property in the family will belong to his daughter. Has he thought about what I should do? I am young It's light, and I didn't support the child. If I really gave it to his daughter, wouldn't I have to go to the street to beg for food?

When I think of this, my heart aches. I have worked so hard to follow him for a few years at a young age and marry him as a bad old man. As a result, he is still on guard against me giving all my property to his daughter. I..."

"Okay, okay, let me tell you why you are sad about something? So it's about this matter, it's a trivial matter, don't cry anymore!" Zhang Yuntai said comfortingly: "Actually, it's just right for the old man to give his daughter. When I marry him His daughter is equivalent to owning all the property of their family, and the two of us can do whatever we want, if you don't like his daughter, you can just kick her out of the house!"

When the little mother heard this, she burst into tears and laughed, "You know how to say good things to coax me, but it's enough if you have the heart, if it was in the past, it's fine, but I'm afraid it won't work now, and I don't think the young lady looks like you." It's so easy to deceive... The two of us should cheat a sum of money and leave here..."

Zhang Yuntai shook his head, "That's because you are not a woman, a woman will marry a man, and she will treat that man wholeheartedly!
When I marry her daughter, it is impossible for the old man to let his daughter show up in public to do business. This is unreasonable, after all, there is no reason for women to do business in this world!

Women must pay attention to the three obediences and four virtues, and they must not show their faces in public, otherwise they will be disloyal, so for the sake of their reputation, they will definitely hand over all their properties and companies to me to take care of them! "

"But the eldest lady said she was going to do's impossible to hand over all the money to you..." the little mother said hesitantly.

A trace of contempt flashed in Zhang Yuntai's eyes, "Missy said she was going out to do business, but in fact it was just doing some small business for his father's face. There is no need to show his face, and the master would not care, but what if his daughter really wants to do it?" Business, do you think the master will agree? If I remember correctly, you once said that the master's family is a scholarly family, and the scholarly family pays more attention to reputation and rules, and the master can't let his daughter break the rules!"

The little mother nodded, "I understand, but you must promise me that if you really marry the eldest lady, you must never fall in love with her!"

Zhang Yuntai promised to say, "Don't worry, my whole heart belongs to you, how can I give it to another woman, the main reason I'm with her is to plan for our future!"

After talking about the conversation again, the little mother left here reluctantly, and when she returned to the room, she found that the master had already returned, which shocked the little mother.

"Where did you go just now?" the master asked sharply.

The little mother pretended to be calm and replied: "Oh, since you have hired my distant cousin as the driver, naturally I, the cousin, should remind him a few words to let him know what to do and what not to do." !"

The master lowered his head, "Then what did you say to your distant cousin?"

The little mother said indifferently: "Of course I have to tell him to be careful in everything, and to protect the young lady well!"

The master smiled happily when he heard this, "You have a heart!"

The little mother said coquettishly: "Who made the eldest lady your heart and soul, how can you be free? As your wife, I really want to worry about it with you, but you are really sure about the matter of the eldest lady doing business." Is it? Don’t spend all your money at that time and get nothing, then it’s really..."

The master closed the newspaper in his hand, "Actually, I don't have any plans, but since he said to do business, we, the elders, should support it. If we have that ability, then the property will be inherited by her in the future. If we don't have that ability If so, just stay at home honestly, and when she grows up, I will choose an honest father for her, marry her off, or recruit a son-in-law when the time comes!"

The little mother lowered her head, "Actually, I'm a little scared. The eldest lady is a girl after all. If the business affairs are spread to the outside, I don't know what the outside will think of us. I'll let it go. After all, I don't go out often. But master can't do it anymore, master, you often socialize, if someone speaks gossip in front of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!"

Master Gao didn't take this matter to heart at all, "Now is the new society, women can go out to study, why can't they go out to do business? I have a few friends, and their daughters are also very capable, and they all I went out to do business, and I did a good job, and I didn’t hear what others said was a mess, so don’t think too much, just mind your own business!”

(End of this chapter)

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