Chapter 1588
The little mother showed a wry smile, "It's true that I worry too much. The main reason is that I have too little experience. It is because my family is poor and I haven't been to school for a few years since I was a child?"

The master showed a bit of distress when he heard this, "Okay, it's all over, and you are living a good life now, there is no need to miss the past all the time!"

live a good life?What a happy life with a bad old man like you?If you are with your childhood sweetheart, that is a really good day.

The little mother just fell asleep sullenly, and woke up the next morning to find that the master had left.

"Is Missy still at home?" Mom walked into the living room and asked the servant!

Wang Ma raised her head, "I left early in the morning with the master, and said they were running a factory or something..."

Now that the eldest lady is gone, her driver must have left with her, and the youngest mother nodded casually, "I won't eat breakfast, and don't do my lunch either. I'll go shopping and arrange a driver for me." Bar!"

"The new car hasn't been bought yet. The eldest lady is afraid that after leaving, you won't be able to go out, madam, so today I'm leaving with the master!" , so I went home, let the new driver take my wife, how about it?"

The little mother didn't expect such a surprise, so she suppressed her smile and nodded, "That's fine!"

After getting in the car and leaving the yard completely, the little mother patted her chest and said to the man in the driver's seat, "Honey, it's just the two of us today, where do you want to go?"

Zhang Yuntai was a little out of his wits, and when he heard this sentence suddenly, he came back to his senses, "Let's go to the master's factory!"

The little mother was a little unhappy, "Why do you want to go to that old man's factory? Let's go shopping or go to the garden. There is a movie released recently. I heard that it is very good. Let's go to the movie!"

Zhang Yuntai shook his head, and said seriously: "I'm really not joking, let's go to the old man's factory and take a look, by the way, see how big the old man's property is, or what his eldest daughter is doing!
Only when we figure it out, can we get all the money away when it's time to do it, otherwise we won't be able to get anything! "

When the little mother heard this, she was still a little reluctant, "You can go to the factory at any time, why do you have to pick this time? What a great opportunity today, the master and the eldest lady are gone again, the two of us can get along alone, Why can't you take this opportunity to have a cup of tea or watch a movie?"

Zhang Yuntai sighed, "Are you stupid? Take this opportunity to care about the master, maybe the master will leave you a sum of money when he sees you so well-behaved... I said you marry someone else's family Why are you still like this? So it’s because of you, what a great opportunity, why don’t you take advantage of it? I guess you wouldn’t even pick up a silver ingot right in front of your eyes!”

When the little mother heard this, she cried aggrievedly, "It's just a little thing, do you need to say that about me? I think you are not for me, but for yourself!"

"I'm planning for myself, not for the future of the two of us. Let's go to the master's factory now to see how big his family business is, so that we can make a plan at that time. If you don't listen to me, you have to go Shopping, but when can’t you go shopping? When the time comes, let’s take down the property of the master, don’t talk about shopping, I can buy you the whole street!” Zhang Yuntai said emphatically.

The little mother finally compromised, "That's fine, but let's not go empty-handed. I remember that there is a pastry master who likes to eat it very much. Let's go buy some pastries and go to see it, so we have an excuse!"

Zhang Yuntai nodded, "It's good to be obedient, as long as you listen to me, we will have a good life in the future!"

Lin Lang was leading people to clean up the factory building, and hired a few old masters who could make clothes. As for the purchase of tools and the like, they were all taken over by Mr. Gao. It was only one afternoon, and the spacious factory building was full of All kinds of things, there are sewing machines, and fabrics of different colors.

At noon, the father and daughter didn't go back, so they casually ate in the staff cafeteria. While eating, the driver came over and said, "Master and Madam are here!"

Master Gao raised his head, "Why is she here? I don't remember ever coming to the factory..."

After thinking about it, Lin Lang understood why those two people came to the factory, and smiled at the driver, "This place is dirty, and my mother is dressed cleanly and carefully, so don't let her come here, take her to the office, I will I'll be there with Dad in a while!"

Father Gao was puzzled while eating, "Okay, why did you come here? The sun is really coming out from the west!"

"Who knows!" Lin Lang smiled.

Master Gao went to the office after eating, and found that besides Xiaoma, there was also a new driver there.

"Why did you come here today?" Master Gao asked.

The little mother said softly, "I heard from the housekeeper that you and the miss came to the factory early in the morning and were afraid that you would not have a good lunch, so when I passed by the pastry stand, I bought some pastries for you. food!"

The master took the pastry over, "You have a heart!"

The little mother lowered her head and said softly: "I'm a woman who doesn't know a single word. Usually, you can't help you too much. You can only do some trivial things for you!"

The master smiled happily, "By the way, why did this driver deliver it instead of the old driver at home?"

"It turns out that the old driver asked for a day's leave for something at home, and I was in a hurry to come out, even though he sent me off!" The little mother said lightly.

Master Gao didn't take this matter to heart, "Okay, you can go back early when the things are delivered, the factory is not clean, be careful that you are covered with dust!"

The little mother just wanted to nod, but she remembered Zhang Yuntai's explanation and shook her head, "It's hard to come to you this time, I haven't seen your work place yet, you just have nothing to do today and show me!"

"Aren't you the least interested in this on weekdays? Why do you suddenly want to see it today?" Master Gao asked puzzled.

The little mother was embarrassed, "Didn't Miss always want to do business? Although I don't know anything, I still want to see if I can help!"

Master Gao patted my little mother's hand, "You have a heart, but these things are up to me, so don't worry about it!"

The little mother raised her head, with a trace of sadness on her face, "Master, do you also dislike me for holding you back this time? To be honest, I am more supportive of Miss's business, so I want to help you. Hope you can support me!"

The master hesitated for a moment, "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. If you really want to help, you can ask the eldest lady to see what she needs!"

The little mother nodded happily, and went directly to Lin Lang's office.

Lin Lang nodded after hearing the reason for my mother's visit, "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. If my mother doesn't mind working hard, I'll trouble you to come with me to the warehouse to move the fabrics!"

moving things...

Since becoming a young mistress, my mother has rarely moved things. At home, she basically just reads newspapers and goes shopping by the way. She doesn't do any rough work at all.

Now that I suddenly have to do rough work, especially some dirty work, my mother hesitated, but looking at Zhang Yuntai at the side, my mother gritted her teeth, "Okay, in fact, I am also a child born in a poor family, and I often do some rough work. I can read a few words, but the family doesn't pay much attention to it at all, thinking that girls are useless, and boys are the pillars of the family!
Now I can help the eldest lady, prove the meaning of my existence, and prove that girls can hold up half the sky. I am very happy in my heart. If the eldest lady needs help in the future, you can call me! "

Lin Lang blinked at her mother, and said meaningfully: "Of course, my company has just gotten on the right track, and it's the time when I need people. As long as my mother is not too tired or tired, I can come to help at any time." , anyway, I don’t refuse anyone who comes!”

(End of this chapter)

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