Chapter 1589
The words have already been spoken, and there is no way to do it back. The little mother can only pinch her nose, but when she came to the warehouse, her face was pulled down.

"Can I have these fabrics? Dirty and ugly?" The little mother took two steps back, "And there is so much dust, if you want to move it, it will stain the clothes. Let's let those workers come to do it, anyway, they also have It’s okay to let them come to work for the master’s salary!”

Lin Lang said with a face of disapproval: "Little Mom, although they take my father's salary, they are also working for my father. My current factory is not the same as my father's factory. If they let them If you work, isn’t it just calling them around for nothing, I feel really sorry for that, you wouldn’t do such a thing like calling people around for nothing, mom, would you?”

But looking at the dust in the room, my mother hesitated, "But... we are girls, if we make it dirty and messy... then it will be bad, in case we get hurt or something... ...That is really not worth the candle, although they are your father's workers, but your father's factory is our factory, it's really nothing if we let him do some work!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I won't let them come to work, of course, if my little mom hates being dirty and doesn't want to do it, then I have nothing to say!"

Zhang Yuntai stood aside and said hurriedly: "Miss, I happen to be free, so let me help you with the work. I grew up doing rough work since I was a child, and I don't feel dirty or tired. Please give me a chance." Bar!"

Lin Lang nodded, "That's fine!"

Seeing the two of them walking past, the little mother gritted her teeth and followed, "I didn't say no, it's just that the clothes on the two of us are very expensive. If it gets dirty, the loss outweighs the gain!"

"I've prepared for this!" Lin Lang put on two overalls, and handed the other one to the little mother by the way, "Hurry up and put it on!"

Looking at the black and ugly clothes, the little mother took two steps back, "This clothes are too ugly, if acquaintances see me wearing such clothes, they will deliberately laugh at me to death!"

Lin Lang sneered, "Why are these clothes so ugly, there are still many girls who want to wear such clothes but can't wear them!
If I remember correctly, when my mother was not married, her family was extremely poor, and she could only wear patched clothes every year. You see, this dress has no patches, but it is much better than the clothes you had at your mother’s house. !
That is to say, in the past few years, I have been used to living a good life and wearing good clothes. When I suddenly saw this kung fu, I found it ugly, so I disliked it. Mom, you must not forget your roots! "

The little mother blushed with anger, "'s not like this..."

Lin Lang waved her hand casually, "I don't know what you want, I just know that you have been making excuses for not wanting to work, but you still said that women can hold up half the sky, and they can't even bear a little bit of suffering. , you should go home and be your young mistress!"

The little mother just felt ashamed and panicked, but she didn't dare to leave, afraid of what would happen to the two of them staying together, "I... I'm not lazy, I'm going to work, I'm going to work..."

Wearing black and dusty clothes, my little mother felt as if she had thorns all over her body, and she was always awkward, especially when she picked up the cloth, her body was dirty a lot.

"The fabric is too dirty, and the color is ugly. If you make it into clothes, will anyone buy it?" Mom complained.

Lin Lang nodded, "Of course someone will buy it. I've already made plans to make a few pieces of clothes into overalls and then into pants!"

Although the color of this kind of fabric is ugly, it is strong. Besides, their factory has just started, and Lin Lang doesn't plan to take the high-end route. She wants to take the low-end route first, and sell the old cloth at home.

After complaining for a few words, the little mother knew that the matter could not be undone, so she followed Lin Lang and announced that she had been busy for a whole day. The hair and body of the three of them were covered with a thick layer of dust. Go, I look like a gray-haired old man, but fortunately, the hard work of a few people was not in vain. If you don't approve it, the rules are finally completed, and you can sew clothes after all the people are in place.

Lin Lang arranged the clothes into three grades, small, medium and large, and made the clothes according to these three styles. After they were finished, they took the clothes to the cloth shop for sale.

Because the price is cheap and the fabrics are relatively affordable, a large group of people are attracted to buy them, and the piles of fabrics are quickly sold out.

After Gao's father learned about this, his beard turned up in joy, "My daughter is really capable. She sold all the fabrics accumulated in the factory and made a lot of money. It's really amazing. !"

Lin Lang was also a little embarrassed, "In fact, I didn't make much money. The main reason is that the cost is relatively low. The workers in the factory are all from my father, and the place to sell things is also provided by my father. After all, if Without my father's support, I guess I would still lose money!"

Master Gao smiled happily, "But no matter what, the cloth was sold and made a lot of money. You are also responsible for this. I have to say that you still have a talent for doing business. Since If that’s the case, you should specialize in business studies, and then you can inherit the family’s business!”

The little mother sat aside very unwillingly, "Master, I have been helping the young lady with a lot of work recently, and I am deeply moved in my heart. I think girls can last for a long time, so I want to do business with the young lady. How does the master feel about helping the family?"

Lin Lang lowered his head and let out a sneer in his heart. He understood what this little mother was up to. He just wanted to know how much money his factory made so that he could take all the property away.

"But..." Lin Lang raised her head and said hesitantly: "My little mother only went to school for a few days, and she can only read a few words. It really can't help me much. If you really want to go to work, it's You can consider helping to sew clothes, or... do some miscellaneous work or something... After all, it is a difficult job, and my little mother will not cause trouble when the time comes..."

Master Gao followed suit and nodded, "Lin Lang is right. After all, you don't know anything. If you really want to go, you might cause trouble. You might as well stay at home. Anyway, there is no shortage of you at home. Eat!"

Who wants to stay at home, stay at home all the time, maybe when the old man will give all the money to his daughter, so it is better to go with them, so that they can be supervised.

"My lord, I know that I can't help much, so I also help a little bit, do some chores, and I don't need salary, as long as I can help the family, it can also prove that I am not an idler!" Mom said softly.

When the master heard this, he just wanted to agree, but then he thought that this business was opened by his daughter, and looked at his daughter, "What do you think? Mom also said that parents ask for some big things, just ask Can help you, and without salary..."

Lin Lang smiled, "You can come if you want, but you can't do without a salary. After all, I'm not a black-hearted big boss, but because you can only do some chores, my mother, I don't give much money. Ugly words are up front, don't dislike the dirty and tiring work when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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