Chapter 1590
The little mother quickly agreed, and graciously added food to Lin Lang, "Don't worry, I will do it honestly!"

Linlang glanced at her little mother and continued, "Also, my factory is dirty and old, so don't wear your nice clothes, choose something simple, and try to be able to work!"

The little mother looked at the cheongsam on her body, gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay, I will definitely change into simple clothes when I go to work tomorrow!"

In the early morning of the second day, my little mother sat in the car and waited early. She glanced at the window and found no one, and said to Zhang Yuntai in the front row: "You have been following the eldest lady these days, how is it going?" ?”

Zhang Yuntai had a headache, "Don't mention it, she was in the car because he didn't say anything to me, even if I wanted to speak, but I was afraid of offending her and causing her displeasure, so I didn't know what to do all day, The headache is killing me!"

When the little mother heard this, she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad. She was happy because her man hadn't been taken away yet, but sad that things hadn't made any progress, which made her anxious to death.

"Is there no progress at all? I don't believe it's been over a month. Didn't you say anything?" Mom frowned.

Zhang Yuntai shook his head, "I didn't say a word. Originally, I wanted to help him with work, but he said that it goes without saying that the factory is full of female workers. It's not good for a big man to influence me. Let me stay in the car, of course. Yes, sometimes he would ask me to do some chores in the factory, but he would never see me at all!"

"Why are you so useless!" Mom couldn't help complaining and said, "Forget it, but you don't have to be afraid. From now on I will sit in this car and try my best to create opportunities for the two of you." , but you must act according to my wink!"

"Huh!" Lin Lang walked over carrying the small bag, "Why did my mom come so early today?"

The little mother hurriedly lowered her head, "Thinking like this, I will leave a good impression on you on the first day of work."

Lin Lang smiled and sat in the car, "Next time, Mom can come out with me, there is no need to sit in the car, the car is stuffy and hot, and there is no ventilation!"

Seeing the opportunity, Zhang Yuntai hurriedly said, "Miss, are you going to get motion sickness? Do you need me to open the window?"

Lin Lang waved her hand, "I'm fine!"

The little mother smiled a few words, "This driver is quite winking. By the way, what do you think of his work attitude these days? Don't just be lenient to him just because he is my relative!"

Lin Lang pondered for a while, "Since my little mother has said so, then I'll cut to the chase. This driver is really good, but he's just a little...a bit restless, not as good as those old drivers who know what to say and what to say. It should be said, besides... I think he is a little lively, the driver, the driver, is actually driving, but he thinks about doing something all day long, I don’t think it’s okay to do this, he has to put his own work Do it well!"

Zhang Yuntai's face pulled down. I don't want to do other work, and I want to stay in the car honestly, but I don't want to create opportunities with you and leave a good impression on you, so I want to do those jobs Yes, in the end, the good impression was not kept, and I complained all over, it was really not worth it.

The little mother smiled awkwardly, "Oh, my cousin is from the countryside, so he doesn't understand many rules, so just teach him slowly if you have nothing to do!"

Lin Lang sat on the car seat, watching the passing scenery outside the window, without saying a word, while the little mother sat aside scratching her head, only thinking about creating opportunities for the two of them as soon as possible.

"I have to say that he still drives very steadily, unlike my old driver's car at home, all of them are terribly fast!" My mother continued.

Lin Lang acted as if she hadn't heard it, she didn't answer or make a sound, and my little mother was like a deflated ball, she didn't say a word.

After arriving at the factory, Lin Lang said to her little mother, "Actually, I don't have much work here, so you can help check the clothes made by those workers. As long as there are no mistakes in sewing, the style is basically fine!"

The little mother thought it was not a big deal, so she nodded, "I know!"

After finally working until noon, my mother went to the office, saw Lin Lang was discussing the style of clothes with the designer, and knocked on the door, "It's almost noon, do you want to have a meal or something?"

Lin Lang raised her head, "I even forgot about this little mom, go and eat by yourself, I'll go later, I still have something to do here!"

The little mother said softly: "We can talk about it later, but it's important to eat. If you don't eat, your stomach will be too hungry, and your body will not be able to bear it!"

Lin Lang said indifferently: "It's okay. If it's really not possible, little mom, go and buy me a meal and bring it back. I'm really in a hurry here, and I really can't leave!"

Mom just wanted to speak, but suddenly thought of something, smiled, "That's fine!"

Although the little mother agreed, she didn't go to cook, but went to the master's side, "Master, I think this is very good. Our family is in the factory, so it's convenient to meet up!"

The master nodded, "It's very convenient. How are you doing today?"

The little mother nodded, "Missy is very kind, she didn't arrange anything for me, they were all simple tasks, so it was very easy!"

"That's good!" Master Gao breathed a sigh of relief, "Actually, I'm most afraid of conflicts between the two of you, but I didn't expect you two to get along pretty well, so I can rest assured!"

The little mother said softly: "Actually, the eldest lady is a very good person, she just has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, oops... Speaking of the eldest lady, I almost forgot an important thing. The eldest lady asked me to bring her a meal." , but I finally saw the master, and I don't want to leave the master. Otherwise, I will ask the driver to buy a meal for the eldest lady to take back. I want to spend more time with the master. After all, I have been married for several years, except for breakfast and dinner. Eat with the master, rarely eat with the master at noon!"

The master happily agreed, "Okay, let the driver cook!"

There was a flash of pride in the eyes of the little mother, and after Zhang Yuntai came, the little mother pretended to exhort and said: "After you go, you must say sorry to the eldest lady for me, and you said that I finally saw the master. , I want to have a good talk with her, but I don't have time to bring food to the eldest lady, and I hope he will forgive me!
Also, if the eldest lady has been busy with work and doesn't eat, you must persuade the eldest lady to eat. You said that the body is the capital of work. If the health is not good, you can't do anything! "

Zhang Yuntai nodded quickly, and he was also glad that his little mother came with him, otherwise he would be closely linked with Changfei to get the Year of the Monkey, "Ma'am, I already know!"

After Zhang Yuntai finished eating in the cafeteria, he went to Lin Lang's office with excitement, "Miss Madam asked me to bring you food, and told me to let Miss eat while it's hot!"

Lin Lang raised her head and frowned at the same time, "Why did you bring the food? Where's my little mother?"

"Oh, madam and master are together!" Zhang Yuntai replied honestly, "Miss, hurry up and eat, otherwise the food will not taste good when it is cold, and it will easily hurt your stomach!"

Lin Lang nodded, picked up the lunch box and ate slowly, "By the way, have you eaten yet?"

Zhang Yuntai scratched his head, pretending to be honest and honest and said: "This... I ate it, I ate it with those people in the cafeteria, thank you miss for caring about me..."

Lin Lang raised her head and said as a matter of course: "Since we have eaten, go to the manager and bring the cloth from the factory. Don't just eat and not work all day, it's useless at all!"

Zhang Yuntai's expression changed, although he was angry, he could only lick his face and say, "Okay, I'll make a note of it!"

After the people left, Lin Lang casually took two mouthfuls of rice, threw the lunch box aside, and continued to work.

Here, the young mother had lunch with Mr. Gao and took a walk, and then left the master's office slowly. She thought that after returning, Zhang Yuntai would have a better relationship with the eldest lady, but she didn't expect that Zhang Yuntai was full of hair. Profusely carrying the cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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