Chapter 1591
The little mother paused for a moment, and then pretended to be puzzled and asked: "What's the matter?"

Lin Lang said without raising her head: "He is idle, so I asked him to move the cloth!"

The little mother's face was a little ugly, "I remember he is the driver, why do you ask him to move the cloth, this kind of thing can be done by the workers, why bother other people, okay, you stop quickly, so that you don't have to move the cloth out You are sweating profusely, and when you sit in your car, you will smell an unpleasant smell!"

Zhang Yuntai stopped, but did not leave his son. He glanced at Lin Lang, "Miss..."

Lin Lang didn't raise her head, and continued to look at her design drawing, "Then do as my mother said!"

Zhang Yuntai went down unwillingly. After spending so much time and effort, he didn't even get a word. I really... really don't know when I will get this young lady.

After waiting for the people to leave, the little mother hesitated before saying: "I originally wanted to bring you food, but I wanted to meet the master, so I asked him to bring you food!"

Lin Lang nodded casually, "I see, if it's all right, go and do your work, mom, I still have my work to do here!"

Mom really didn't want to leave, but seeing that Lin Lang didn't want to pay attention to her, she could only turn around and leave.

As soon as she walked outside, she found that Zhang Yuntai was waiting for her at the door. She raised her head and said in a hurry: "Why are you waiting for me here? What should I do if someone sees it and hears it from the master? Hurry up!" leave!"

Zhang Yuntai showed a trace of dissatisfaction, "I mainly have a headache, that woman is like a rock, water can't get in and fire can't burn through, I really don't know when and when I can take this woman down, you have to help me!"

Hearing Zhang Yuntai's complaints, the little mother said aggrievedly: "Why didn't I help you? I created so many opportunities for you. It's because you didn't grasp it well. Can you blame me? I've said it all. If it doesn't work, The two of us secretly rolled our pens and left here, looking for a place where no one knows us to start over, you are unwilling to die, saying that such a large family property cannot be transferred to others... But it has been so long, and there is no progress... ..."

Zhang Yuntai also realized that what he said was a bit too much, and quickly comforted him: "I didn't mean to blame you on purpose, I was just a little anxious, and I was afraid that if this continues, when the young lady is full-fledged, there will be nothing to do with the two of us." Already!"

The little mother lowered her head, "But what can I do? Although I say that I am the wife of the master, I don't have any power in my hand, and no one listens to me...I...I don't have any power in this family. would not be respected..."

Zhang Yuntai's eyes gradually darkened, "If it really doesn't work, you can have a baby..."

The little mother shook her head with a bitter face, "Do you think I don't want to? But the old man died a few years ago, let alone having a child, even that kind of thing is gone!"

Zhang Yuntai hugged his head, "It's really impossible, when you cover me and cook the raw rice, I don't believe they won't admit it!"

The little mother nodded, "Okay, but this is the last solution. We must not do it unless it is absolutely necessary... I mean, if this cannot be done, then the two of us may be kicked out of high school." Home!"

The little mother returned to her post with a heavy heart, recalling what Zhang Yuntai said, she thought about it, then turned and went to the master's office.

"Why did you come here at this point?" Master Gao asked puzzledly as he put down the document.

The little mother lowered her head, "I... I just heard something in the factory..."

"What's the matter?" Master Gao asked.

The little mother pretended to be hesitant, and then said: "They all said that the eldest lady is very capable, and they don't know who will be blessed in the future and will marry the eldest lady... Actually, it is also a good thing, after all, the eldest lady Capable, it shows that the master is good at teaching, but the eldest lady is a girl after all, and she will marry in the future, even if she does not marry, she will also recruit a son-in-law, it is really not good to always show her face like this..."

"I remember I talked about these topics with you before. What's wrong with the girl? Our family's Lin Lang is thin and has received a new type of education, and she can hold up half the sky. So what if she goes out to work!" Master Gao said with a face full of indifference.

The little mother took a step forward, "It's not like this, master. Although Jane is in the new society now, many people still retain the ideas of the old society, especially some old people. Even if young men and women like each other, they still have to pass through the old people at home. I agree, think about it, if someone married a daughter-in-law like Miss, what do you think the elders in the family would think?
Even if the young lady does not marry someone else, she will always be rejected. It is impossible to be single for a lifetime. If the young lady is so capable, what will her future husband think?
In fact, I think the master is still young, and he can still work for a few more years. Anyway, the young lady is not young, and she can marry. Choose a suitable person as soon as possible. If the child is a boy, the master will hold it under his knees and raise it carefully. , it’s a girl who can take the opportunity to ask for another one, anyway, young lady can have more births..."

The master pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Where is this? Our girl is only 16 years old, and she is just at the age of school. Don't think too much about marrying or not. Don't think about it. I know!"

The little mother was furious, but she could only force herself to smile, "I...I know this...just...just thinking that Missy has provided me with such a good working environment, and I have to repay Missy!"

Master Gao nodded in relief, "It's good that you have this kind of heart. Regarding Lin Lang's matter, I think he has his own plans, so let's not worry about it!"

The little mother left the office indignantly, looked at Zhang Yuntai who was not far away, and said: "I just told the master about this, but the master didn't listen at all, and said that everything should be decided by Lin Lang, but that dead girl What kind of master can we be, if we continue to delay like this, we will have nothing, instead of this, we might as well carry out the next plan, if we are really exposed, we will choose to run away!"

Zhang Yuntai's eyes lit up, "Choose an opportunity to ask the eldest lady out, and the rest... just watch me..."

The little mother nodded, and said to Lin Lang at the dining table that night: "Miss, I think you have been very busy with work these days, and you forgot to go shopping. Although work is important, dressing is also very important. Ah, let's think of a suitable opportunity and go out and buy some clothes together!"

Lin Lang raised her head, "It's not the Chinese New Year, nor is it a holiday, what clothes should I buy? I've been busy with work recently, so I don't have time at all!"

"It's not a Chinese New Year or a holiday, but after a while, it will be the master's 40th birthday. At that time, some relatives and friends will come. The lady can't wear the old clothes from before!" the little mother said softly.

Lin Lang suddenly realized, "Look at my head, I've been so busy these days, I almost forgot about it, that's fine, I will listen to my little mother for everything!"

Early in the morning of the second day, the two got into the car, but it didn't take long before the car blew out.

"Miss, you and your wife are waiting in the car until I get out of the car to take a look!" Zhang Yuntai opened the car door, before he stepped forward to look, a few people suddenly ran out of the grass.

"Hey, it looks like I caught a fat fish!" The group of people said jokingly.

"What should I do?" Mom pretended to be panicked.

Lin Lang sat on her brows, closed the car door quickly, and said to the outside: "He is a good man, I think he is just asking for money, not asking for life, so let me ask our family to send you a sum of money." Money, how about letting us go?"

One of the leaders came over, "We do want money, but we also want a beauty like you!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, "Someone sold my father too. If you want money, yes, I can get someone to send it to you. If you touch me, I can guarantee that no matter where you go to the ends of the earth , I will let my father find you all and kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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