Chapter 1592
Those people laughed loudly, "We are not afraid, after all, when we people meet you, your face-saving father must be thinking about his own reputation, and he will never get dirty, want to shave your head and become a sister-in-law !"

Lin Lang watched those people gradually approaching, squinting her eyes, "I'll say it one last time, get out of here!"

"Haha, if we don't leave, what can you do to us!" Those people laughed.

The little mother was also worried, "Lin Lang, what should we do? Help, help..."

Lin Lang pushed the little mother away, opened the car door, took out the weapon she had hidden in her bag, and fired.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the little mother cried out in shock when she heard the voice.

One of the men fell to the ground, and the blood stains soon soaked the ground. Those men seemed to be frightened, they ran into something terrible, and fled here one after another.

Zhang Yuntai was also terrified. When he saw the things in Lin Lang's hand, he didn't come back to his senses after a while, and then he clutched his chest, " you you...just now What's inside is... what is..."

Lin Lang smiled, and put the things back into the bag, "It's just for self-defense, is there such a fuss? Drag this man to the side of the road and throw it away, let's continue on our way!"

Zhang Yuntai looked at the man lying on the ground who didn't know his life or death, "'s not good, it's a life after all, we...we'd better send him to the hospital!"

Lin Lang snorted coldly, and kicked the man on the ground, "It's just a scum of society, why save him and throw him far away, it's his credit to survive, it's his fate if he can't survive !"

Zhang Yuntai was about to cry, although he was a bit petty and had his own calculations, but he was still a human being, and he had never seen such a brutal scene before, so he cringed when he spoke, "Miss murder is against the law, we... We shouldn't be doing this..."

Lin Lang picked out her ears, "You are really enough, thanks to the fact that you are still a big man, it's so scary to be scared like this just because of this little thing!

As for this man, he died as a scum of society and could make some contributions to the country, so you just leave him alone and just throw him on the side of the road! "

Zhang Yuntai shook his head. He was afraid that after this man left, those people would threaten him because of this matter, "Miss, although this man is a bad person, if he is really allowed to die here, wouldn't it be given to you?" Trouble, if someone with a heart finds out, wouldn’t someone else use this matter to threaten the lady and the master? So let’s send this person to the hospital. When the time comes, the man will be dead or alive. It's Miss Guan's business!"

Lin Lang nodded impatiently, "You are such a trouble, all right, throw him in the trunk!"

Just like this, a group of people went to the hospital, and after paying a sum of medical expenses, they didn't care anymore, but Zhang Yuntai was frightened, and his hands were trembling while driving.

The little mother was also frightened, her face was pale, and she kept shivering, "Miss, why do you have those things in your hand, does the master know? It's so dangerous!"

Lin Lang said casually: "Of course my father knows about this matter, and my father found this thing for me. The main reason is to let me defend myself. After all, the society outside is so dangerous. Do I have a bodyguard around me? Yes, so I found this thing for me to protect myself, I didn't expect it to come in handy today, it's pretty good!"

The little mother sobbed and said, "What's the matter, this thing is so dangerous, you must never use it again in the future, if this matter gets out, your reputation will be lost, Missy, maybe I won't be able to marry in the future!"

"Forget it if you don't get married, at worst, I'll recruit someone in!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

Hearing this, the little mother remembered the business, and said hesitantly: "This... Miss is your mother anyway, there is something I want to ask about your future husband-in-law, what are your plans?" ?"

Lin Lang lowered her head, "It's nothing, I'm going to take it easy, anyway, now is the new society, it's normal for a woman in her thirties not to get married, at worst, she won't get married for the rest of her life!"

"Miss, what can a woman do if she doesn't marry? You are still young and can take care of yourself, but when you get old, you will have no relatives, friends, or lover around you. Who will take care of you? Who will take care of you?" How about a hot meal for you?" My mother continued, "If you don't mind, I can help you find your future husband. After all, I have socialized with those rich wives... But I I'm not sure, I don't know what you like, so I didn't dare to mention it, let alone ask..."

"It's fine if you haven't asked. Just pretend that this matter doesn't belong to me. I make up my own mind, so don't worry about it!" Lin Lang choked back.

The little mother lowered her head, "I'm just worried about you. You don't need to worry about it now, but when you get older, it's really worthless..."

"It's enough to have money!" Lin Lang smiled meaningfully at the little mother, "Money can represent everything, look at my father is so old, why don't he marry you anyway? It means that money is everything, Money can buy a wife, it can buy love, it can buy everything!"

My little mother is most jealous of others saying that she bought it. As expected, she almost turned her face when she heard this, "Money is indeed very important. If my family had no money back then, I would not have been able to marry your father, but a man How can it be compared with a woman? No matter how old a man is, he can marry a girl in his teens, but a woman is old. If she marries a young woman, others will think that woman has no shame, and even say she is prostitute. ~Swing down~ cheap!"

"This society is actually too big!" Lin Lang smiled lightly, "But I don't care!"

The little mother was silent all the time, and went back after buying clothes in silence, and she didn't come out after returning to the room.

After the master came back at night, he learned that the little mother hadn't come out all day, so he went to her room to take care, "What's the matter? You haven't come out all day?"

When the little mother heard the words, she cried aggrievedly, "Master, I feel wronged, I feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

Master Gao looked at his little wife and started to cry, and said distressedly: "What's wrong?"

The little mother didn't hide it anymore, and said while crying: "Master, although in the eyes of outsiders, I am married to you, but in the eyes of my own family, I am the daughter-in-law you bought, and I am not respected by others at all. I... I also know that the master really spent a lot of money to marry me, but I know that the master really loves me, and I don't care about it, but now I hear others say that, my heart is cut like a knife pain……"

Master Gao patted my little mother's hand, "I said it was because of something. It turned out that it was because of this. Don't cry. Don't take other people's words to heart. Those people are outsiders, and outsiders have no opinion of you at all." So important!"

"But the eldest lady is not an outsider at all!" The little mother raised her head, "Since I got married, I feel that I am inferior to others, so I never have any disputes with the eldest lady, but the eldest lady is really too much, directly poking me scars!
I was just thinking about how the master treats me like this when he is alive. If the master waits for a hundred years, will the eldest lady drive me out? I am really afraid of the master. I have no children now, which means I have no one to rely on. After that, I will have nothing, maybe I will live on the street as a beggar! "

Master Gao's face changed when he heard this, "Did Lin Lang say it? Why is she so ignorant to say such a thing, that's all right, don't take it to heart, I will scold her well later, don't cry! "

"Master, I know that Missy is your daughter, and I also know that you should be partial to her, have to think about me too. I have been with you for so many years, and I have worked hard without credit!" Mom started crying, "You have to think about my future, you can't really let me beg for food!"

(End of this chapter)

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