Chapter 1593
Father Gao patted Mommy's hand, "Don't think too much, Lin Lang is an honest child, and will treat you well after I leave!"

The little mother cried sadly, "I'm just a little scared..."

But at the same time, my mother also understood that this old man doesn't think about herself at all. Instead of doing this, she might as well make plans for herself.

In the early morning of the second day, my mother went to Zhang Yuntai's room while others were not paying attention, "Let's run away!"

Zhang Yuntai nodded with a gloomy expression, "I wanted to marry you at first, but you saw that he didn't blink his eyes when he killed people yesterday. If I really marry such a tigress, I will make her angry later. Then my little life is not guaranteed!"

Mom nodded, "Then what should we do next?"

Zhang Yuntai's eyes darkened, "Find a way to get a sum of money, the two of us get out of here as soon as possible!"

The little mother said: "I know the password of the old man's safe. When the time comes, I will take the contents while they are not paying attention, and let's get out of here!"

Zhang Yuntai exhorted and said: "Okay, just do as you said, I will buy a train ticket tomorrow!"

The little mother found a suitable opportunity, and when the old man and Lin Lang were away, she opened the safe and looked at the gold and fingers inside. He gritted his teeth and took everything away, not only that, She also ran to the eldest lady's room and took away all the jewelry in his room.

When Master Gao and Lin Lang came back, they didn't notice any abnormality, but when Lin Lang returned to the room, she found that her things were in a mess, frowning, she hurriedly called the housekeeper, "Did anyone enter my room today? How to do it?" What a mess?"

The housekeeper said hesitantly, "Yes... Madam came in..."

Linlang's eyelids twitched, and she opened her jewelry box, and sure enough, everything inside was gone, "Where's Mommy?"

"Madam went out in the morning and hasn't come back yet!" The housekeeper replied honestly.

Lin Lang quickly ran downstairs and said to Mr. Gao who was having dinner, "My little mother ran away and took all my jewelry away!"

Mr. Gao didn't believe it at first, but he felt that his daughter would not lie to him. Suddenly, he thought of something, and hurried to his room. When he saw the wide open safe, he almost didn't come up.

Lin Lang quickly supported Master Gao, "Dad, don't be angry, your body is the most important thing, money is something outside of you, we can earn it back!"

Master Gao quickly waved his hand, "That's most of the property in the family, I just didn't expect that woman to be so cruel... the relationship of several years... just..."

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Then do you want to call the police?"

Master Gao thought for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, it's not easy for her to stay with me, a bad old man, all these years, so she can just keep the money, and from now on, just pretend that there is no such person in the family. !"

Lin Lang nodded, but she still called the butler and asked what happened.

The housekeeper said honestly: "After seeing you leaving today, madam, she first went to the master's study, then went to the eldest lady's room, and then took a box. I asked madam what she was doing, but madam He didn't answer me, just said to go out to do some errands, and then followed the driver he found recently into the car and left!"

As soon as Master Gao heard this, he quickly understood what happened, and his face turned gray again, "Okay, okay, it's really good!"

Mr. Gao thought that my mother couldn't live with him anymore, so he calculated himself. He didn't expect to elope with other men. He couldn't bear it anymore. After all, no man can tolerate his head turning green of.

"Go to that woman's hometown and tell her family what she did!" Master Gao narrowed his eyes, "I said that everyone in their hometown knows that she is a slut, and I want her to never come back. Her own hometown, make her homeless forever!"

Lin Lang arranged for the housekeeper to do so, and at the same time patted Master Gao on the back, "Okay, it's just some trivial matters, let's go as soon as you leave!"

Master Gao lowered his head, "I...he told me about retirement last night. He was afraid that no one would take care of him after a hundred years. I told him not to worry about saying that you are a good boy. The wild man ran away, it seems that it was premeditated!"

It's more than a premeditated plan. She started to calculate a long time ago. Lin Lang lowered her head and said, "Actually, there is something I haven't told my father. When I was shopping with my mother the day before, the car broke down halfway. A group of bad guys rushed over and wanted to take me lightly, but I shot them to death later..."

Master Gao's eyes widened in an instant, "They also want to plot against you, damn it, you must call the police, I want those bitches to die!"

"Dad!" Linlang shook her head disapprovingly, "There's no need to make a fuss over this matter, if it gets out, it will embarrass our whole family, and our factory is just starting up, so we can't stand it! "

Master Gao sighed, and patted Lin Lang's hand, "Fortunately, you were clever and escaped..."

Here, after escaping, Xiaoma and Zhang Yuntai got on the train and went to the west. There were few people there. They found a remote place to settle down, but because they were foreigners, they were often excluded by the locals. Money, but no connections and power to be slaughtered like fat by others.

Here, Linlang established a factory and quickly got on the right track. Their clothes are beautiful in style and affordable, and are welcomed by many middle- and lower-class people. Not only that, Linlang has also established a high-end brand, and has also begun to involve in some cosmetics industries. !

The money earned is spent, especially when the country is in crisis. As a Chinese, Lin Lang cannot just ignore it. She donates all the money she earns to the country to support the country's construction, and so on. After liberation, Lin Lang took Master Gao to go overseas.

Although she is overseas, her heart is in China. During the most difficult years in the country, Linlang worked hard to do business, sent all the money she earned back to the country, and helped many scientists return to China.

Lin Lang already had a lot of money when he was old. He used the money to set up many funds and helped many children.

Their women's family is doing well, but compared to the little mother who ran away, their life is not so good. Xiaoman, who is used to the life of the rich, really can't stand the life of poverty, plus Zhang Yuntai's dishonesty , behind his back, hooked up with my little mother outside, picked up the only money left at home, and ran away with a businessman.

But I didn't expect that the businessman didn't like her at all. After defrauding my mother of all the money, he turned around and sold it to that kind of dirty place. After the society was liberated, she also contracted dirty diseases. Went there in a few years.

As for Zhang Yuntai, when he was young, he was indeed handsome and capable, but he was not at ease. He always thought of hooking up with this hook-up with that delusion to reach the sky in one step, but how could a girl from a rich family like a man who can do nothing like him? A few years later, he was also old and handsome, and then he could only be reduced to a beggar, and he froze to death on the side of the road a year before liberation.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was awakened by the sound of freedom. She opened her eyes and found that the room was dark and following the sound. She forgot the past and found a figure crawling down.

"Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry!" The girl paused, and then said softly, "I will keep my voice down next time. Go back to sleep!"

Just like that, Mingming fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in a dormitory. The room was empty and there was no one there.

Lin Lang sat up, but before she could react, the door of the dormitory was suddenly opened. It was a girl in pajamas with a toothbrush in her mouth. Seeing Lin Lang, she smiled at her.

"Wake up, I have class this morning, I'll go out later, I won't disturb your sleep!" The girl smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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