Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1594 College Couple 1

Chapter 1594 University Couple One
Lin Lang followed suit and sat up, "The sun is about to dry your butt, don't sleep anymore, I'll get up later, you don't have to worry about me!"

The girl smiled, "It's good that I didn't disturb you, by the way, do you want to go to the cafeteria to eat together later?"

Lin Lang hasn't accepted the plot yet, she is unfamiliar with everything, and honestly shook her head, "I'm not hungry!"

The girl lowered her head, "Remember to eat something even if you're not hungry, forget it... I won't bother you anymore, you already have a boyfriend, if you're really hungry, they can send you a phone call." The meal is over, I won't tell you anymore, I have to go to school later!"

After the people left, Lin Lang lay on the bed again, closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

[I'm a senior this year, but I should be graduating soon after being beaten to death by others, but I don't understand, I'm studying medicine, and I want to study 7 years of undergraduate and postgraduate studies!
Of course, all of this is not what I am worried about. I have been worried about me and my boyfriend for the past few days. He is a local, and there are very few people here. My boyfriend didn't mention the marriage to me. I was really anxious. I wanted to stay here, but I didn't have the motivation to stay here. I wanted to leave here. My boyfriend didn't hesitate to break up. It's been so annoying these days!
Hope you can sort this out for me, please! 】

It's just a simple breakup, just ask your boyfriend, why are you so coy, and use task entrustment?

[It’s not a breakup. In fact, my boyfriend is very kind to me, responsive to every request, brings me meals every day, and picks me up every day, but he is very kind and considerate to me, but he doesn’t mention marriage. Senior year is a hurdle. Although I will continue to go to school in senior year, the school has already assigned us a hospital for internship. When I read it, I will be almost 26 years old!

The girl is only so old for so many years, and her boyfriend doesn't mention marriage. I really have no idea in my heart. I talk about breaking up but I can't tell why. I always hesitate over there, always thinking too much! 】

Lin Lang opened her eyes and was thinking, when the phone rang.

"Dear cutie, you're still lying on the bed and sleeping late, get up quickly, I bought you your favorite steamed bun!" A gentle voice came in.

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment, "Okay, I'll get up later!"

Lin Lang quickly dressed and folded the quilt neatly. After tidying up, she hadn't walked out of the dormitory for a long time, when she saw a sunny boy standing under a tree, waving happily at herself.

"Hey, this is your favorite steamed bun, and soy milk!" Li Geng smiled brightly. Although he was only wearing simple sportswear, he looked extremely sunny and handsome. This was also the reason why Lin Lang didn't want to break up. After all The boyfriend is considerate, good-looking, and from a good family background. It would be a pity if we broke up, but girls feel uncomfortable when they are always up and down like this.

Lin Lang took the things over, a little sullen, lowered her head, looked at her toes and said, "Let's find a place, I have something to tell you!"

Li Geng was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong? It made me feel so confused, my dear, give me a hint, is there something wrong with me?" Did you offend me? I apologize to you!"

Such a gentle boyfriend, such a considerate boyfriend, Lin Lang finally understood why Mr. Yuan didn't want to break up, but with such a good boyfriend, just dating without getting married, everything is empty talk.

Lin Lang raised her head and looked at the boy in front of her carefully, "I'm a senior!"

"Yeah!" Li Geng nodded, "I know, but my dear, even if you are a senior, you still have to continue studying in this school!"

Lin Lang said: "People say that the most feared thing in the campus group is the senior year and senior year. Although I will continue to study in school, I have already graduated. I should think about the future!"

Li Geng's heart suddenly mentioned, "Why are you talking about this... It's still early for us, and I like you so much, we will definitely not break up, don't think too much..."

Lin Lang put her head aside, "The school has already arranged a hospital for us to practice. I guess I will go to work in a while. During this time, I have been thinking whether I should stay or go back to my hometown..."

"Why do you want to go back? Isn't it good to stay here? The development prospects here are good, and I'm here!" Li Geng said aggrievedly.

Lin Lang nodded, "It's because you are here that I feel hesitant. You are very kind to me, but have you ever thought about our future? We have been dating for two years. Have you mentioned it to your parents? My business? Have you ever made any plans for our future?"

Li Geng hesitated for a moment, and then said hesitantly: "Of course I have made plans for our future. I have been working for a year, and now I have started saving money... When I have saved enough money...it will be time... …At once……"

"Just what?" Lin Lang shook her head in disappointment, "You always avoid the important things here, and I can continue to waste it for you now, but when I get older, I really can't use it up anymore. A woman's youth is just like that. A few years, if you can't give me the future, let's break up as soon as possible!"

"Don't break up, please!" Li Geng prayed, "I really like you, I really love you if I want to be with you, please don't leave me!"

Lin Lang shook her head in disappointment at the boy in front of her, "Your love is so cheap, I can't see any airs. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Let's break up sooner, and the harm will be less!"

"Lin Lang, I really like you and want to marry you as my wife, but my mother said that I won't let me find someone from other places, I..." Li Geng said hesitantly: "I can't trample on my mother." , In fact, I also thought about it, we will date for a few more years, I will work hard outside, and after I earn money, I will tell my mother about you..."

"How many years? How many years is that?" Lin Lang shook her head, and handed over the steamed buns and soy milk in her hand, "You can give this to others, we've already talked about it, we're good Let's get together, don't come to me in the future!"

Seeing that the person was about to leave, Li Geng said anxiously: "My dear, don't ignore me, I like you very much. Make it a regular in advance, okay?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "If the two of us get married, I can indeed stay in this city for you, but the two of us have lost our relationship, and it's not easy for my parents to raise me, so I plan to leave after the internship is over. Go back to your hometown and work!"

"What about me, you're just fussing about a little thing over there, have you ever thought about my feelings?" Li Geng said angrily, "Are you going to break up with me just because you won't marry me? Society, what’s the matter if we don’t get married? As long as we have both sides, the marriage certificate is just a decoration!”

Lin Lang shook her head, "You are very open, but I don't. I think the marriage certificate is very important. If you can't afford it, someone will give it to me in the future, so let it go!"

Li Geng became anxious, "Just because of such a trivial matter, you want to break up with me. Do you want to break up with me because you have a better choice when you want to be 17? Who is it who cheated on me? I want to find him trouble!"

"Okay, stop yelling here!" Lin Lang shook her head, "I'm not in the habit of stepping on two boats, I broke up with you because of the marriage, since we can't reach an agreement, it's better to make a plan early! "

"I... I said that it's not that I don't want to marry you, but just give me a few more years. When I have capital and confidence, I will talk to my mother about marriage. I believe he will see it for my sake. I will never embarrass you, my dear, you should be considerate and considerate of me. My father left early, and my mother worked so hard to pull me up. It was not easy for her. Disobey her..." Li Geng said in a rambling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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