Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1595 College Couple 2

Chapter 1595 University Couple II

Lin Lang shook her head quickly, "You don't want to disobey your mother? I can understand this, but I can't put my whole life in your hands!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang turned around and left. Li Geng hurriedly chased after her, and stopped in front of Lin Lang, "Honey, why did you break up after talking? Aren't we the most loving, give me some time!" "

Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him and said, "Then let's calm down for a month. During this month, everyone should think about it!"

Li Geng scratched his head, sighed and left.

After Lin Lang returned to the dormitory, she found that most of her roommates had already returned. Wang Li raised her head to look at Lin Lang, and asked suspiciously: "I just met your partner, didn't he say to bring you meals? Your meal Woolen cloth?"

Sitting in front of the table, Lin Lang said casually, "I told him we broke up, so I'm ashamed to eat the rice in his hand!"

"Why did you just say we broke up..." Gao Yuanyuan asked in disbelief.

Lin Lang lowered her head, "I'm going to go out for an internship soon. It can be said that I have entered the society. I told him about our future, but...he asked me to wait!"

"My God!" Gao Yuanyuan covered her mouth, "This is a scumbag, a girl's youth is only a few years, how do you understand it!"

"You can't say that..." Wang Li stammered, "Maybe he wants to give you a better life, so he asked you to wait for a few more years, think about it, your boyfriend is very good, he just graduated from university. I entered a foreign company, and I heard that the salary is pretty good now, and your boyfriend is a local and has a house..."

Lin Lang glanced at Wang Li, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind!"

Gao Yuanyuan quickly comforted, "Okay, okay, don't be sad because of such a trivial matter, in fact, according to me, a girl's youth is only a few years, if you really don't want to marry me, don't delay my time." youth!"

Wang Li couldn't help but said again: "Are you really planning to break up? Li Gengren is handsome, his family is pretty good, and he is very good. If we really break up, don't you think it's a pity?"

"That kind of person can be a boyfriend, but a husband..." Lin Lang smiled, "People have to learn to grow up!"

"You won't break up with him because you have a better choice for an internship in the hospital!" Wang Li said angrily.

Gao Yuanyuan glared at him fiercely, "Wang Li, how can you say that? We have been friends with Linlang University for several years, don't we know what kind of person she is?

Also, don't think we are blind and don't know what you are thinking, you are actually jealous of Lin Lang, you have always wanted to find a local boyfriend, it is a pity to stay here, he is not a fool, how could he marry you This kind of powerless, powerless, and incompetent girl! "

Wang Li patted the table and stood up instantly, "What are you talking about!"

"You were the one who spoke harshly first!" Gao Yuanyuan choked back.

"Okay, we are all roommates in the same dormitory, so don't make a fuss over such a trivial matter!" Another roommate came in, "We will be separated in a few years, maybe after entering society, we will miss you the most. The most important thing is the days in the dormitory, so leave some good memories for yourself and stop quarreling, okay?"

Wang Li said angrily: "I didn't think about arguing with her, it's just that she speaks too badly. I really want to find a boyfriend, but I didn't think about posting it!"

Gao Yuanyuan snorted coldly, "I'm afraid you are still kept in the dark, your boyfriend has been on a blind date with other girls behind his back, and now he hasn't broken up with you because he hasn't found a better one. If there is a better choice, he will definitely break up with you!"

A trace of disbelief flashed across Wang Li's face, "I don't believe it!"

"I don't need to lie to you about this, everyone has already seen it, and everyone hasn't told you, just want to see your jokes!" Gao Yuanyuan sneered, "Actually, you can do it yourself, why do you have to find someone? What about a local boyfriend? Don’t let others look down on you, and let others laugh at you, saying that you are snobbish, is the local household registration so important? Aren’t they all Chinese?”

Wang Li covered her face and began to cry, "Haven't you thought about my hardships? My family is poor, and it was hard for me to get into college. The whole family counts on me to support me!"
Is it wrong for me to find a local boyfriend?The local educational resources are good, and it is one of the best big cities. It will be better to stay here and develop better, and the future will be better. I want to live a better life. Is this wrong?I didn't steal from others, and I didn't rob others...I..."

"Okay, don't cry!" Another roommate hurriedly comforted: "Your boyfriend is really nothing, break up with him quickly, in fact, the household registration is not important at all, this big city is too big, there is no You can’t tolerate foreigners, you might as well go home and develop, although the wages in your hometown are a little lower, but it’s free!”

"I don't want to spend my whole life in a small city like this!" Wang Li said sadly: "I want to be beautiful and capable, and I'm not willing to live my life like this mediocre!"

Gao Yuanyuan sneered, "Okay, don't try to persuade her anymore, she is determined to marry a local, so let's stop trying to persuade her!"

The dormitory became quiet again, Lin Lang took out her book and began to review her homework, the phone rang after a while.

"Lin Lang!" Li Geng hesitated on the other end of the phone, "Just now... I thought a lot, I really don't want to break up with you, let's stay together and work hard for the future..."

"Li Geng, isn't what you said all nonsense? You just said that you don't want to break up with me and work hard for the future, but do you have a specific plan? When are you going to marry me? When will you tell your family about me? ?" Linlang walked to the balcony, "Your words are all empty promises, they are of no use to me!"

"I..." Li Geng said hoarsely: "I really like you, don't break up, okay, I promise I will give you all the money I earn, and I will listen to you in the future, I will definitely love you You, as for marriage... Actually, the marriage certificate is just a decoration, as long as there are two parties in your heart, then everything is not a problem!"

"You are wrong. The marriage certificate is not white. It is a legal couple recognized by the state. That is to say, after you get seriously ill, I am the only one who can sign the hospital's medical certificate!" Lin Lang shook her head, "If you If you can’t give it to me, please let it go!”

"I..." Li Geng said hesitantly: "I didn't say I won't give it to you, I just said two years later, anyway, you still have to study for another three years, and then I will work hard and accumulate capital for us, I'll propose to you, okay?"

"Li Geng, did you mean it when you said this?" Lin Lang asked back: "From our relationship to now, you have never mentioned my matter to your family. Why is that? It's because of me. Can't get it out, or do you just don't want to have too much friendship with me? Because you are very good to me, so I am very confident that you will continue to walk with me, but now I hesitate, I am really scared, scared I have been following you, my youth is gone like this, I love you very much, but I don't want to delay myself like this... Forgive my selfishness, what I want is a boy who loves me wholeheartedly, he will be desperate for me Go forward and he will tell the whole world that I am his wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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