Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1597 College Couple 4

Chapter 1597 University Couple [-]

Lin Lang was also very firm, "Since we broke up, it's better not to get involved!"

There was a trace of sadness in Li Geng's eyes, "Are you so heartless?"

Lin Lang turned her head aside, "It's good for you and me!"

"Okay, okay!" Li Geng smiled bitterly, "Don't regret it in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Li Geng left here, Lin Lang didn't take it seriously, turned on his phone and started looking for a moving company.

Internships in the hospital are very busy, especially for those who are trained, they are completely regarded as free labor, and they are so busy every day that even taking a breath is a luxury.

The students were assigned to various departments, some were assigned to internal medicine, some were assigned to obstetrics and gynecology, and some were assigned to ophthalmology.

But Lin Lang was unlucky and was assigned to surgery.

When working in a hospital, there is often a saying called golden eye department, silver surgery department, dirty and tired obstetrics and gynecology department, noisy pediatrics department, desperate infectious department, mixed eating and drinking nutrition department, and the emergency department will never go to the emergency department!
The emergency department is noisy every day, and working here affects the mood very much. I am used to seeing life and death here, and people have become cold.

"Doctor, come and help, someone has a car accident here!" A man shouted loudly.

Linlang ran over quickly, looked at the man lying on the hospital bed, and swayed in front of his eyes, "Hello, can you see me? How much do I stretch out?"

Although the patient was a little dazed, his mind was very clear, and he quickly said the number. Lin Lang nodded and explained to the nurse, "Take him to take a photo of the city first, then take a chest X-ray, and finally check the number." If there is nothing serious about the blood, let the surgeon stitch it up!"

"Thank you so much, doctor!" Then you said gratefully: "You don't know how unlucky we are, walking on the highway, but suddenly a wild boar rushed over, scared me and stepped on the brakes immediately , because I was wearing a seat belt, it would be unlucky for them to be uninjured, and all of them would be bloodied... God bless..."

Lin Lang raised her head slightly, then squinted her eyes suddenly, and grabbed the man's hand, "Do you really feel nothing at all?"

The man shook his head, "No, I'm fine. Doctor, did you mistake the person? It's my relatives who are in trouble. I'm really fine!"

Lin Lang quickly shook her head and tied the basket again, and said to the emergency room over there: "Nurse, hurry up and bring the stretcher over, there's probably someone with internal bleeding here!"

"Impossible!" The man shook his head quickly, "Aren't you bluffing me? Or do you want to earn more money for the examination? The loss is due to the benevolence of the doctors. You are too black-hearted, and you will not let a normal person go. , let me go quickly, I still have to visit my relatives!"

Lin Lang raised her head and said soothingly, "Sir, don't worry, it doesn't cost much to have a chest X-ray, just spend money to buy peace of mind, okay?"

"I'm not sick, why should I check, I just don't go, let me go quickly, I thought you were a good doctor just now, but I didn't expect that the world is as black as crows, and you are also a black heart, you just know that we poor people spend money. Money!" The man said cursingly.

Lin Lang panted heavily, "Sir, can you be reasonable? I'm just an intern. Even if I give you a bill for you to check, I won't get a penny, because I'm still an intern. If you want to give money to the hospital, it is really for your own good that I let you go for a checkup!"

The man hesitated, "I said I'm fine..."

Lin Lang suppressed her anger, and said word by word: "How about this, you pay for the inspection first, and if nothing is found out, I will advance the money for you, and you can still get a free inspection, okay? ?”

When he heard that he could get a free examination, the man's eyes flickered, "Okay, I don't think you, a female doctor, look like a bad person, so I'll follow the nurse to the examination!"

It didn't take long for the man to be pushed into the emergency room by a wheelchair. When he entered, he said with a grateful face: "Thank you just now. If it wasn't for you, I would spend my life in it today. After the examination, the doctor said that although I didn't suffer any injuries on the outside, my internal organs were bleeding, and I guess I will go to see the King of Hades after a while, thank you very much, you are my savior..."

Lin Lang waved her hand, said nothing, and went to work on the next patient. After this day, Lin Lang was so tired that she wished she could lie on the bed and fall asleep immediately.

"Lin Lang!" A doctor came over, "You will leave later when you get off work, and the director asked you to go up, so I have something to ask you!"

Lin Lang nodded casually, and when it was time to get off work, Lin Lang pressed a few acupuncture points for herself to keep herself awake, and went to the director's office.

"Come on!" The director nodded to Lin Lang, "Sit down, I have something to ask you!"

Lin Lang sat down obediently, "Director, tell me!"

"I'm curious, how did you know that the man was bleeding internally?" the director asked curiously.

Lin Lang can't say that he took out the pulse by himself. After all, Mr. Yuan studied Western medicine and didn't learn Chinese medicine at all. She said honestly: "I see that there are a lot of bloodshot eyes under his eyes, plus He also had a car accident, so I wanted him to have a checkup in my heart, nothing happened, it would be better if there was something...he could be treated as soon as possible..."

The director nodded hastily, "I just watched the surveillance, and passed by so many doctors who came and went by him and knew a person, but I didn't find anything abnormal about him, but you found it amazing!

I took a look at your resume. Although the university is average, I heard that you are studying for a master's degree. Have you ever thought about which hospital you will work in in the future? "

Lin Lang honestly said her thoughts, "I won't hide it from the director. I want to return to my hometown after the internship is over. After all, my parents are there and they are getting old. I Want to go back there and take care of them!"

"Oh!" The director nodded, "It's a pity..."

Lin Lang also understands what the director means, but she really doesn't want to stay here. This is a big hospital in the first province, and the interpersonal relationship is complicated. Although she wants to help others complete their tasks, she doesn't want to live so brain-burningly.

After the director said a few more words, he let Lin Lang leave.

In the days that followed, Lin Lang was so busy that her feet never touched the ground, there were people who came for sutures, people who had bones stuck, and people who had fishbone stuck in their throats. They encountered messy things every day. Of course, there was something even more ridiculous, a A light bulb was actually stuffed in the man's mouth.

"Hahaha!" The colleagues laughed after seeing such a strange scene.

Lin Lang couldn't help laughing, "I'm really surprised, why did you put the light bulb in your mouth?"

The man faltered and couldn't say a word for a long time, Lin Lang patted his head, "Look, my head has forgotten, you can't talk now, that's all right, you go to take a CT first, let me see if you are what's the situation!"

After the list came out, Lin Lang looked at it and frowned, "It's not optimistic, you see your tongue is under the light bulb, if the light bulb is broken, under the influence of inertia, it may scratch your tongue !

It’s fine if it’s an ordinary Chinese businessman. If the tongue is cut off, it will be... troublesome. Our hospital has recently introduced a special material from abroad. Although it is very soft, the knife can’t cut it in. We can wrap a light bulb in your mouth with something like that before you smash it! "

The man's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly, and took out a pen and paper, on which was written: Doctor, everything will be done as you said, money is not a problem. !
Linlang immediately asked the nurse to prepare the materials, slowly wrapped the light bulb with that thing, and said to the man, "Chew the light bulb hard, don't be afraid, this thing is very tough, it will never scratch your tongue! "

When the man heard this, his eyes widened and he shook his head quickly.

Lin Lang saw the man's fear, and suddenly smiled at him. While the man was not paying attention, she slapped him on the head. With a bang, the light bulb shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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