Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1598 College Couple 5

Chapter 1598 University Couple Five

"Ahhh, my tongue!" The man realized it later, touched his mouth, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm fine!"

Lin Lang threw the light bulb into the recycling bin, "It's really fine, you should be more careful next time, don't stuff the light bulb into your mouth again!"

The man was a little embarrassed, "I also know that this practice is particularly embarrassing, I just feel curious about what it looks like to stuff a light bulb into my mouth, but I didn't expect it to be a big disaster...Doctor, don't worry, I won't do it again next time." I won’t do that anymore, curiosity killed the cat!”

After Lin Lang sent people away, she started to work again, receiving two bone setting jobs and a few stitches.

After finally getting off work, Lin Lang went to the hospital cafeteria to eat, just sat down and didn't take a few bites of food, and found that there was another doctor sitting opposite her, and looked up, feeling that this person was a little familiar.

"You are so focused on your work that you don't even know your colleagues!" Wang Zhenzhen smiled, "I am also in the emergency department, and my name is Wang Zhenzhen!"

Lin Lang smiled at him, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy with work every day, and I don't have enough time to work here, so I don't remember the names of many colleagues!"

Wang Zhenzhen nodded, "I understand this. I have been working here for more than a year, and many colleagues don't remember it!"

Lin Lang ate with her head down, and really couldn't understand why this colleague was sitting opposite her, but he didn't move, and she didn't move either. After eating quietly, the colleague opposite couldn't sit still.

"I saw you stitching someone else's wound today!" Wang Zhenzhen rolled her eyes, "The stitching is very beautiful!"

"Hmm!" Linlang responded casually twice, can't it be pretty?In order to practice his own suturing skills, the original owner practiced in the operating room of the school every day. Sometimes he sewed fruit, sometimes he practiced with chicken wings, and sometimes he practiced with pig's trotters. After a long period of accumulation, his suture skills are naturally superb.

Seeing that Lin Lang didn't speak, Wang Zhenzhen gritted her teeth and continued, "I believe that after the wounds heal, there will be no scars left. Forget it, I don't want to go around with you anymore, so I'll cut to the chase. I have a cousin who is about to give birth. , I was going to have a caesarean section in our hospital, but you also know that the obstetricians and gynecologists in our hospital are basically very perfunctory. It would be nice if they could get the baby out for you. As for the stitches, hehe... I don’t want to say anything, But my cousin is also a beauty-loving person, I was wondering if I could ask you to sew up her wound, please..."

Lin Lang suddenly realized, "As long as the hospital's operating room agrees, I have no objection!"

Wang Zhenzhen smiled brightly, "Thank you so much, how about it, I will treat you to dinner after get off work today!"

Lin Lang honestly shook her head, "I also want to have dinner with you, but I'm so sorry, I just want to go home and sleep now!"

Wang Zhenzhen laughed loudly, "You are too honest, you don't know how to take a break, and no matter how many patients you deal with, you won't get a commission!"

"I know, but since you're here, you have to work hard!" Lin Lang smiled.

Wang Zhenzhen shook her head, "You are so honest. After you have worked like me for a year, you will be like me. In fact, I also work very hard, but I work too much, and no one will remember you. What a pony, I still take it for granted!"

Lin Lang didn't continue to talk about this topic, and Wang Zhenzhen didn't say any more, and the two of them went to the emergency room after eating.

After Wang Zhenzhen's cousin gave birth, Lin Lang sewed it up. It was indeed beautifully stitched, and she didn't speak. After she was discharged from the hospital, the wound was basically healed, leaving only a faint line. I believe that in two years, the scar will be healed. will disappear.

Because some of your colleagues begged Linlang to help their family members or friends sew them up after they knew that Linlang had such a skill.

"I'm really begging you, our child is still young, we can't leave scars on his face, if he doesn't want to go back for the rest of his life!" the colleague said pleadingly.

Lin Lang took out the surgical instruments, "I can only say that I did my best. You also know that everyone's body is different, and some people have scars, so no matter how good I sew, there may still be scars..."

Colleagues also knew that Linlang's suturing skills were the best in the whole hospital, so he nodded without forcing, "Just do your best!"

The child was crying all the time, and his body was covered with blood, Lin Lang couldn't see the wound clearly and dared not sew it up, fearing that if the child moved, the needle would hit the wrong place.

I wanted to take anesthesia, but because the injury was on my head, I was afraid that there would be sequelae after the anesthesia was given, and I didn't even dare to take diazepam, for fear of leaving some bad effects.

"Baby, don't cry anymore. Daddy won't hurt you. Just obediently let this auntie sew it up? After you sew it up, Daddy will take you to eat ice cream..." the colleague persuaded patiently.

"I don't want it, I want my mother, woohoo, it hurts so much, I want my mother!" The child kept crying and using his hands and feet.

Lin Lang really couldn't hear the noise, so she directly pressed one of the child's acupuncture points, and the child fell asleep after a while.

"This... this..." The colleague's eyes were about to pop out.

Lin Lang said lightly, "Don't worry, I pressed a sleepy acupuncture point, and it won't hurt children!"

"Drowsy acupoints? Why are they so similar to martial arts novels?" My colleague exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's so unreal, am I dreaming?"

Lin Lang helped clean up the wound, sewed it up, and said, "I applied some anesthetics on the child's wound. When the child wakes up, it won't hurt so much. You can buy some anti-inflammatory drugs for the child then. The wound...change the dressing on time every day, and come back to remove the stitches when the wound is almost healed!"

Only then did the colleague come back to his senses, looked at his well-behaved daughter, and quickly said to Lin Lang: "Thank you very much, but you just pressed the acupoints, it is really amazing, have you ever learned martial arts? Or is it the legendary Do you know that kind of acupuncture, Bai Zhantang’s sunflower acupuncture hand? I feel that this is what you use!”

Lin Lang touched his colleague's head, "I don't have a fever, how can I talk nonsense? In fact, it's easy to explain. There are some acupoints in Chinese medicine that can make people fall asleep peacefully, and can also make people laugh out loud. It can also paralyze people..."

The colleague broke out in a cold sweat, "I didn't expect you to have this kind of ability, but it's really scary, but thank you for what happened today, I'll treat you to dinner another day!"

Linlang nodded in her pajamas, and then went to work on the next patient. After finishing her work, she found that the director was watching her not far away.

"Director?" Lin Lang noticed that the director was beckoning to him and walked over, "What's the matter, Director?"

"I heard you know how to do sunflower acupuncture?" the director asked curiously.

Lin Lang also couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just acupuncture points in Chinese medicine, isn't it very common in hospitals?"

"It is indeed very common, but it is very rare to be as practical as yours. It is amazing that a child can fall asleep with just one touch. Have you ever studied Chinese medicine?" the director asked curiously.

"I haven't studied it before, but I am learning it during this time, because I feel that Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and there are many cases that Western medicine can't solve, but Chinese medicine can solve it, so I was very curious, so I found some related books, read them, and followed them. Take two hands!"

The director couldn't help but praised and said, "Then you are very smart, you can learn so well just by following the books. You should think about what I said to keep you in the hospital. After all, our hospital is in the whole province. It is also very famous, if you stay and work here, you will have a bright future!"

No matter how promising the future is, Lin Lang will not stay here, because there is no reason for her to stay here, but her hometown has her hometown, her own relatives, and her own ties.

"Thank you so much for the director's compliment. I think very clearly, I will go home and develop myself!" Lin Lang politely refused.

The director couldn't help but sighed deeply, "How about this? Recently, we have an opportunity to study in the upper hospital. I will give you this opportunity. You can stay in the hospital when the time comes, is that okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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