Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1599 College Couple 6

Chapter 1599 College Couple Six

Lin Lang wanted to refuse. After all, her parents were in her hometown, and she didn't want to be too far away from them.

"Director, I..." Lin Lang said hesitantly, "I still want to go home!"

The director scratched his head, "I know you want to go home to take care of your parents, but have you ever thought that the place where you live is a small city, and the medical conditions and educational environment are not as good as ours!
More importantly, your development in your hometown is not as good as here. Although your salary is low now, as long as you survive, your salary will definitely be considerable!
As for your parents, you can take them to big cities when they are old and enjoy excellent medical conditions! "

Lin Lang was really moved, and a trace of hesitation flashed across her face.

The director continued: "If you go back to your small town, then you will marry and have children in that small town in the future. You can bear your child to stay in such a small city for the rest of your life, but if you move to a big city , your child is a child of a big city, can enjoy excellent educational conditions, and others will not discriminate against your child as a foreigner!"

Lin Lang's heart skipped a beat. The original owner didn't want to marry him because her boyfriend disliked him as a foreigner and didn't have a local household registration. But she didn't expect the local household registration to be so simple.

"Okay, thank you Director!" Lin Lang raised her head and agreed.

"Okay, okay!" The director patted Lin Lang on the shoulder, "I can see your hard work these days. I have already applied with the higher authorities. The hospital will pay you some salary every month. Although it is not high, it is still considered The hospital's heart, after your internship is officially over, the hospital will sign an employment contract with you!

As long as you have worked in the hospital for three years, the hospital will help you solve the household registration problem. If housing is difficult, the hospital can also provide you with staff dormitories! "

Not only that, the hospital will also give them a meal card, and a certain amount of money will be paid into the meal card every month. With the meal card, they can go to the cafeteria to eat, and they can also go to the hospital supermarket to buy things.

That is to say, he works in a hospital, the housing problem is solved, the household registration problem is solved, and even the problem of eating is solved, which is indeed much more cost-effective than working at home.

After work, Lin Lang called home, "Mom, I've made up my mind, I'm going to stay in the big city!"

The original owner's mother didn't mind, "It's good to stay in the big city, the big city is developing well, and your dad and I are still young, so you don't need to take care of it, you can just work with peace of mind!"

Lin Lang became more confident, and worked harder in the next work. At the same time, she didn't hide her knowledge of Chinese medicine, such as those crying children. Pressing an acupoint lightly, she can fall asleep and give them The medical staff has less trouble, and the patient's family will not scold the medical staff because of the child's pain.

A year passed in a flash. After Lin Lang's internship period, she was directly hired by the hospital and became a regular. However, Lin Lang did not go to the emergency department, but was transferred to the surgery department. First of all, although the surgery department is still busy, at least it will not be so busy until dark There is still time to rest, and more importantly, the salary is also much higher.

"Doctor, please help me quickly, our child accidentally fell down and broke his arm!" A family member of the patient ran over holding the child and said anxiously.

Lin Lang held up the injured hand and touched the bone. There was no fracture, but a dislocation. With a light push and a light close, the hand bone caught it like this.

"Oh my God!" The patient's family members stared wide-eyed and said in disbelief, "No wonder it is said on the Internet that Western medicine makes you die clearly, and Chinese medicine makes you live unclearly. Chinese medicine is so powerful! "

Lin Lang raised her head and smiled softly, "Chinese medicine is as powerful as Chinese medicine, and Western medicine is also as powerful as Western medicine. Take your hand for example. Although it is connected, I am afraid it will still be damaged. You can take a picture later and bring it here let me see!"

The family members of the patient nodded quickly and took the child to pay the fee, and went to take the film. After a while, they came back with the finished film. Lin Lang examined it carefully. Fortunately, there was no fracture or fracture, just a slight sprain.

"Just rest for a while, try to eat as little hair as possible during this time, and I'll prescribe you some calcium tablets and anti-inflammatory medicine!" Linlang said while writing the prescription.

After the patient's family left, the doctor next to him said: "You are too bold. We dare not set the patient's bone without seeing the film. We are afraid that something will happen, but you don't even have the film. Let’s do it right away, if something happens, do you think you can afford it? Do you think the patient’s family will spare you?”

Lin Lang didn't think about it that much. She also treated many diseases in ancient times. There was no such thing as filming in that place, and she just started it. If the connection is completed, everything will be fine.

However, patients in ancient times could understand the doctor, like breaking a leg, in the eyes of ancient people, it was a big deal, and they felt that they would be limping, and the patient would be grateful if the connection was not good. Plan for the worst, so there are very few medical troubles happening.

"I didn't think too much about it, I just thought I could do it, so I got started, but I will remember what you said, and I will be more careful next time!" Lin Lang said gratefully.

"Don't say that, maybe it's because you came late, and you haven't seen many difficult patients. Wait a few more years, and you will be as cautious as I am!" The colleague warned again.

Lin Lang nodded, expressing that he had remembered it. When Lin Lang was about to leave after get off work, his colleague asked, "Lin Lang, do you have a boyfriend?"

Lin Lang paused for a moment, with a sad expression on her face, "Yes, but we broke up for more than a year!"

"Oh, it's been more than a year since we broke up, so I should come out. I have a colleague's son who is also a good-looking talent. He is a real returnee, but he is a bit old. He is 32 years old, but he knows how to hurt people when he is old. What are you doing?" Time to find time for both parties to take a look..."

Lin Lang showed a bit of a dumbfounding expression, "Eldest sister, I just want to focus on work now, and I don't have any plans to fall in love or anything like that!"

"Why don't you plan to do this? You are 23 this year, and you will be 30 in a few years. Women who are 30 are worthless!" The colleague continued: "Besides, our hospital is busy with work, why don't you hurry up and get married while you are young?" , By the way, give birth to the child, is it possible that you are planning to have another child when you are older? Let me tell you, having a child at an older age is not good for your own health, and it is not good for the child's health!
Besides, it's been a year and a half since we broke up, and it's time to come out, there's no need to dwell on the past! "

The corner of Linlang's mouth twitched, "Sister, I won't hide it from you, my ex-boyfriend broke up with me because I don't have a local account, and he thinks I'm from a foreign country, and being with him is just to show his local account!
I want to work hard, and after the three-year period expires, the hospital will help me settle the local household registration, and I will take out a loan to buy a house, and when the time comes to get married, I will have more confidence! "

My colleague's face changed when he heard this, "Actually, I'm also from other places, so I really don't understand why locals have such a sense of superiority and why they discriminate against foreigners!

But I can understand your feelings, but what does this have to do with your relationship? You should meet with him first, and talk to him if you feel good. When you get married, you have a registered permanent residence, and you have money to buy a house. How about that? Not everyone is happy! "

(End of this chapter)

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