Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1600 College Couple 7

Chapter 1600 College Couple Seven

Lin Lang wanted to refuse, but the elder sister kept tugging on her sleeve, so Lin Lang could only agree with a bitter face.

On the weekend, Lin Lang wore a ponytail, a T-shirt, short jeans, canvas bottoms, no makeup, and went to the blind date with a canvas bag on her back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Lin Lang nodded to the man in the suit in front of him.

The man in the suit raised his head, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "You... hello, my name is... Wang Xue..."

Lin Lang smiled at him, "Then I'll get straight to the point. Actually, I didn't want to go on a blind date, but my eldest sister kept asking me to come over, and I couldn't refuse, so I came here!
I have just graduated two years ago, and now I am studying for graduate school. I want to put all my energy into work, so I am not interested in getting married or falling in love. I hope you can understand! "

A trace of sadness flashed across the face of the man in the suit, "But the two of us can try it, I think you're a pretty good girl..."

Lin Lang had no choice but to take out her ultimate weapon, "You are a good person, but I'm really sorry, I really... don't want to fall in love..."

"Then...then I'm dating for the purpose of getting married?" The man in the suit drooped his tail, looking a little pitiful, "I thought you were a very special girl when I first saw you, I really Thought we could give it a try!
I graduated from a famous foreign university, and I practiced for several years. After I got my master’s degree, I started to work outside. The salary is very considerable, and I have bought a house and a car. , I can also buy a set, I am responsible for the decoration, write your name! "

Lin Lang blushed, "I haven't thought of this... I... I'm just... a little hesitant..."

"I heard from that elder sister that you broke up with your ex-boyfriend mainly because he disliked you as a foreigner. Don't worry, I never think that the local hukou is superior to others, and my parents are also very open-minded! "

The man in the suit kept talking over there, and Lin Lang felt that this man was a good man, but he wasn't suitable for her.

"Lin Lang!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Lin Lang slowly turned around to find that it was Li Geng, and beside him was a girl in a yellow dress, who looked extraordinarily pretty.

It took Lin Lang a while to realize, and she nodded at him, "It's you, are you coming to eat?"

Li Geng nodded, and looked at the man in the suit with hostile eyes, "Are you with your boyfriend?"

Lin Lang lowered her eyes and didn't deny it, but she didn't admit it either. Time passed quietly, and Wang Xue stood up otherwise, "Hi, are you Lin Lang's friend? Would you like to sit down and eat together?"

The girl in yellow shook her head, "No, I'll accompany my boyfriend..."

Li Geng: "Okay!"

Then he sat next to Lin Lang and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

Everyone could tell that the two of them had something to do, but Wang Xue didn't see anything unusual. He sat there politely and called the waiter to order.

The face of the girl in yellow is not so good-looking, and the gloomy face can drip water, "Li Geng, I am your girlfriend, why don't you ask for my opinion, if you want to do this again, I will You have to tell your aunt!"

Li Geng raised his head and said viciously, "I like to eat, if you don't eat, get out!"

The girl's face changed and she wanted to leave, but she gritted her teeth and sat aside again, "I won't leave!"

Lin Lang took a sip of water, and then said, "I'm doing well, and the hospital also attaches great importance to me!"

"Oh!" Li Geng nodded, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only keep silent.

Wang Xue sat at the side and arranged the meals attentively, and said: "Lin Lang, you can think about those suggestions I just made, I really like you, you can think about me, after all, you are single now, and I am also single , and there is no loss in interacting with each other!"

"Okay!" Lin Lang suddenly agreed, "I also think you are very good, we can interact with each other, and we will separate if we feel inappropriate!"

When Li Geng heard the conversation between the two of them, he almost crushed the glass in his hand, "Congratulations to you all, you can have a boyfriend and girlfriend after a meal!"

Wang Xue smiled embarrassingly, "Actually, the two of us came on a blind date today, and we didn't have much fantasy at first. We just wanted to take a look at it casually, but I didn't expect to meet my true destiny. I think I'm so lucky to meet such a good girl as Lin Lang, and I can carve naturally, and more importantly, Lin Lang is also very capable!"

When Huang Yu heard their conversation, she said in a strange way: "It's really quite capable, especially when it comes to men, so it's even more capable!"

Wang Xue's complexion changed, "Girl, I think you are so young, how can your mouth be as poisonous as a 80-[-]-year-old old woman!"

"Who do you call an old woman!" the girl said angrily.

Wang Xue replied unceremoniously: "I'm talking about you. I've been studying abroad and I just came back recently. I'm afraid I don't know much about Chinese girls, but I still know a lot about Chinese old ladies. Every afternoon in our community, a group of old ladies sit there and say bad things about others. I think you look like those old ladies just now. What’s wrong? Is what I said not appropriate enough? I think I What you say is nice enough, unlike some people, who look like a human being, but they don't have a nice word!"

"You...you..." The girl in yellow was about to cry out of anger, pushed Li Geng, and said angrily, "Are you deaf? Haven't you heard how others describe your girlfriend? How long are you?" Dim sum, hurry up and scold me back!"

Li Geng was the most upset, and said impatiently: "You are the one who said something unpleasant first, and others just answered you!"

"You..." The girl in yellow really cried, "People's boyfriends can protect their girlfriends, but why am I so miserable? Finding a boyfriend is like a lump of wood, and I don't know how to protect my girlfriend." Look at me, I might as well not find a boyfriend!"

"It's not that I forced you to associate with me, if you don't want to be with me, break up now!" Li Geng said bluntly
The girl in yellow said angrily: "Li Geng, what is your attitude? I didn't beg you to go on a blind date, you went on a blind date with me yourself, and it was your mother who said that we are very suitable. I'm his daughter-in-law, so let the two of us date. If you didn't want to, why didn't you refuse in front of your mother? Now I see your ex-girlfriend and pretend to be affectionate over there. You are really good enough Already!"

Li Geng's face was extremely ugly, "My mother worked so hard to bring me up, I can't disobey her, so I can only associate with you!"

"Good mother Baolan, you are really shameless because it is your fault but it is on me!" The girl in yellow said angrily: "I don't want you to be like this either. I have someone else's boyfriend in my heart. From now on, the two of us break up, and from now on, don't come to me either!
Also, I will definitely talk to your mother about what happened today! "

(End of this chapter)

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