Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1601 College Couple 8

Chapter 1601 College Couple Eight

A trace of anxiety flashed across Li Geng's face, "If you hate me, you hate me, but don't get involved with my mother because of this matter. My mother is not in good health. If anything happens because of your words, I will pursue your legal responsibility." responsible!"

A trace of fear flickered in the eyes of the girl in yellow, and she said angrily, "You... you are doing well, don't let me see you again, you scumbag!"

Lin Lang watched them quarreling, lost her appetite for a moment, took the man in the suit by the hand and walked outside, apologizing as she walked, "I'm really sorry for letting you watch such a big show!"

The man in the suit smiled gently, "It's okay, who didn't point to the past, and I also saw this. I really don't blame you. I mainly blame that man for hesitating. He not only hurt you, but also hurt that girl. , What a fool!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she was immediately amused, "You are a very interesting person, we can try to get along slowly!"

Wang Xue nodded happily, "Okay, then let's exchange a contact information!"

For such a positive and kind-hearted boy, Lin Lang has a good impression. Besides, in this world, she does not intend to die alone.

On the second day, Lin Lang finally finished her get off work, and when she was about to leave work, she found someone was waiting for her at the door and stopped.

"How do you know I'm here?" Lin Lang asked suspiciously, frowning.

"In this information-rich world, as long as you have the heart, you will definitely find the person you are looking for!" Li Geng said slowly: "Let's go to the coffee shop, I have something to say to you!"

Lin Lang nodded and went with him to the coffee shop across the road, the two of them were speechless.

"I broke up with that girl. I don't like her being with her. It's also because of my mother. I know it's unfair to her, but my heart tells me that I don't love her at all. I can't lie to myself... ..." Li Geng lowered his head, "I also thought about telling my mother about the two of us, but my mother's health is really bad, and I don't want her to be hit by this matter, which will affect her health...

Lin Lang, I really like you. In the past two years, I have countless thoughts about marrying you, but I'm sorry, I'm a cowardly man. I hope you can give me another chance. Let's have a good time together. Get along with each other, my mother is already old and won't live for a few years, as long as we wait..."

"Li Geng!" Lin Lang shook her head, "Everyone is an adult, so let me just talk about it, I won't wait for you, and I won't be with you!"

"Is it because of that man? Are you not with me because you are with him?" Li Geng asked sadly.

Lin Lang shook her head, "It's not that I'm not with you, it's because of your hesitant character that you can't give me an explanation. I won't gamble with my life!"

"I didn't gamble with your life, so let's do it, when I'm 40 years old... When I'm 40 years old, no matter whether my mother leaves or not, I will definitely marry you, okay!" Li Geng promised.

"I don't think so!" Lin Lang shook her head, "By that time, I have already passed the golden childbearing age, and... I won't wait that long, my parents are getting older, and I plan to get married in two years. The man I went on a blind date with yesterday is very nice, if we keep getting along like this, I will marry him!"

"You..." Li Geng said sadly: "Is there no hope for us like this? I can't figure it out. How did we become like this? We were still very much in love a year ago, and we agreed to wait for you After graduation we will travel to Sanya, I..."

Lin Lang didn't want to continue talking, she stood up, "Li Geng, people always look forward, I have already looked forward, don't be obsessed with it anymore, and if you really like a girl, please You give her an explanation, if you can't give her a future, please don't provoke her!"

After Lin Lang finished, she left here. When she got home, she realized that her phone remembered, and the pleasant voice came to her ears just after answering the call, "Are you home?"

"Already home!" Lin Lang smiled and said, "Do you have time this year?"

"Yes!" Wang Xue replied.

"Then when it's Chinese New Year, you go back with me to meet your parents!"


When Lin Lang opened his eyes again, the first thing that caught his eyes was the blue tiles, and then the yellow straw. Lin Lang thought he had misread the roof, either the tiles or the straw, how could there be two kinds of it? , It was only later that I realized that I was not mistaken, the first half was bricks and tiles, and the second half was straw.

The corners of Linlang's mouth twitched, and she sat up slowly, and found that she was covered with an old quilt and a blackened mattress, with a faint stench coming from it.

Lin Lang frowned, and looked at the environment inside the house. Overall, the layout of the house was not bad, not too poor, but definitely not too good either.

Lin Lang's head was a little dizzy, and she suppressed her nausea and lay down under the quilt again, closing her eyes and accepting the plot.

[I think, my life is a tragedy, of course, I have not experienced too tragic things, but I think my life is worse than those who are too miserable!
When I was young, my luck was very good. When everyone went to the mountains to pick wild vegetables, I could always find wild eggs, and sometimes I could catch a pheasant. When I grew up, my luck would be even better. To many good things!
However, good luck did not bring me luck. On the contrary, I was surrounded by people who wanted to plot against me. My grandparents treated me well because of my luck. As for my father and mother, hehe... ...One is Ma Baonan, and the other is a cowardly mouse. Of course, my mother is timid, not because she is weak, but because she didn't have a son!

It’s not bad to me, because my grandparents like me, but when he has a son, the son is everything to him. For my daughter, he comes and goes as soon as he asks, and he doesn’t care at all. Calculated against me, hoping to get something from me so that she can subsidize her son!

After I grew up, my luck became better and better. People in the whole village said that I was blessed. In the future, whoever marries me will be in trouble in my family. My grandparents also believed in such a thing. Rare goods can be lived in. Later, for money, Just marry me to a rich boy!
Their family is indeed rich, but their character is really not that good. They hang out in Huajie and Liuxiang since they were young, and when they grow up, there are a lot of concubines in the mansion!

His parents were very anxious, and when they heard that I had good luck, they spent a lot of money to marry me back. Indeed, I brought them a lot of good luck!

That dead man didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he hit the mark. Later, the princess fell in love with him. In order to marry the princess, he not only sent all those women away, but also murdered me!
What kind of great luck? For me, it is almost bad luck. As expected, there is a saying that is true. God has already marked the price for you in your fate. Such great luck, In the end, I died so inexplicably, and there is no one who truly loves me by my side. I am so sad!

If God can give me another chance, I hope to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can no longer be an ordinary person, without particularly good luck, marry a man who truly loves me, and have a litter of children! 】

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she really couldn't understand why the original owner made such a wish?After all, if he did it all over again, he could have done it himself before, so why did he have to ask the entrusting person to do it?

With such doubts in mind, Lin Lang went to 12580.

[This... is actually a bit troublesome. That girl is the legendary Daughter of Destiny, who will have good luck wherever she goes, so if he does it all over again, he will still have good luck and will still be counted by others!

There is one more thing, you travel into this girl's body and help this girl with tasks, basically you are this girl, and you will also replace her luck, but don't forget, what girls don't want is floating clouds, she What I want is an ordinary life, so come on! 】

(End of this chapter)

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