Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1602 Lucky Daughter 1

Chapter 1602 Lucky Daughter One
Lin Lang has never encountered such a wonderful mission heroine before, is she out of luck?You need to know that luck is something that some people can't even ask for. She doesn't need to ask, she can have it casually. This is a great thing, why doesn't this girl know how to cherish it?
Lin Lang shook her head, thinking about something, the door was suddenly opened, and an old lady with triangular eyes came in, and when she came in, seeing Lin Lang woke up, a golden light flashed, and she immediately showed a loving expression.

"Grandma's sweetheart, are you feeling better? This time you fall into the water, you will have a long memory. Don't go to the pond with your cousin again!"

Lin Lang lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, showing a sad expression, "Grandma, I just had a terrible dream..."

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she broke out in a cold sweat. You must know that her granddaughter is amazing. On the night he was born, Mrs. Wang dreamed that their house was shining with gold. Not only that, this granddaughter was born After that, their family had great luck, not only bought tens of acres of fertile land at a very low price, but also their third child was born a child!
Therefore, Mrs. Wang became more and more convinced that her newborn granddaughter was lucky, so she was very kind to this granddaughter. Later, when the granddaughter was crossing the bridge with him, she suddenly cried, and Mrs. Wang had no choice but to He could only stop by the side of the road to coax her, but after a while, when he saw him, Mrs. Huang was extremely frightened. If it wasn't for this granddaughter, she would probably fall into the river.

So Mrs. Wang likes this granddaughter very much, but this kind of liking is second only to her eldest grandson and his youngest son.

"What dream did you have?" Mrs. Wang asked cautiously.

Lin Lang sobbed and said, "That's an old man with a white beard. He stretched out his hand, as if he took something precious from me by mistake, and said... I will never be lucky again, because ...Because it fell into the river. It was originally my cousin, but I fell into the river because I blocked him. In order to save my life, my luck was gone. Oh...Grandma, I'm really scared..."

When the old lady heard this, her face changed again and again, "This...you silly boy, people say that dreams are reversed, if he takes something from you, he might give you something, don't think too much , Grandma cooked you your favorite poached eggs... Hurry up and eat it while it's hot..."

Linlang rolled her eyes, it seemed that Mrs. Wang still didn't want to believe it. Forget it, let's take this kind of thing slowly, but after Mrs. Wang believes that she has no luck, will she still treat herself so well?Probably not, after all, his granddaughters are all Xiaobaicai's life, and they can't even eat enough on weekdays.

Mrs. Wang put the bowl in Lin Lang's hand, and said lovingly, "Eat it quickly, or it will be cold!"

Lin Lang wasn't hypocritical either, after all, she could still eat it now, but she really wouldn't be able to eat it in the future, so she ate all the eggs in a daze, and even hiccupped.

"Grandma, these eggs are so delicious, I really want to eat eggs every day!" Lin Lang licked the corner of her mouth and said yearningly.

Mrs. Wang said shrewdly: "Oh, if our baby also wants to eat eggs, just pull the basket up the mountain to pick them up. If it doesn't work, you can pick up a pheasant and come back. At worst, get a hare. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten meat!”

"Okay!" Lin Lang nodded quickly, "I'll definitely bring back a pheasant for grandma!"

Mrs. Wang touched Linlang's head, "Oh, my baby is so good. Grandma will get you your favorite little basket. Go up the mountain quickly and come back early. Don't delay dinner at night!"

It's heartless for a seven-year-old girl to go up the mountain. Thanks to you, an adult, you can figure it out.

Lin Lang was appointed to carry the small basket, and as expected, she saw a nest of wild eggs as soon as she arrived at the foot of the mountain. The white flowers glowed white in the sun, but this was also strange, as little girls often came to pick wild vegetables in this area. Why didn't you see that nest of wild eggs?In the final analysis, this should be the heroine's luck, alas, it's great to be the heroine, no, it should be said that it's great to be the illegitimate daughter of God.

Lin Lang rolled his eyes, put the wild eggs in the basket anyway, and continued walking, and he found the person he wanted to see.

"Hey, do you want to eat wild eggs?" Lin Lang raised her chin at the cowherd boy.

This cowherd boy is the poorest family in the whole village. His father left early, and his mother worked hard to bring him up. However, because of year-round illness, their family never had another meal.

Some villagers were pitiful, so they asked this child to help with some things, sometimes giving him a sweet potato, sometimes giving him a taro, relying on the wild vegetables on the mountain, the cowherd boy and his mother survived, but the cowherd boy was special He's so skinny, he's obviously 8 years old, but he's not as good as his little girl last year.

The cowherd boy looked at Lin Lang with dark eyes, then glanced at the eggs in her basket, and nodded.

Lin Lang put the egg next to it, and said with admonishment: "Of course you have half of this egg and I have half. I will definitely not lose your benefits, of course, if you betray me, I will definitely not make it easier for you!"

The cowherd boy nodded quickly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay!"

Lin Lang clapped his hands, wandered around the mountain for a while, ate some wild fruits, then thought about eating them, wiped his face into a mess, and rolled on the ground twice, which was not enough, he put His clothes were cut a few times, and he carried the basket and walked slowly down the mountain.

"Wow wow wow!" Lin Lang cried loudly while carrying the basket, the tears were streaked, gray and white, blue and purple, all the messy things added together, the whole person became a flower doll.

"Oh, isn't this the granddaughter of the Wang family? How did it become like this?"

"Stop crying, did you go to the mountain? Didn't you find the eggs? Ordinarily, if you didn't find the eggs, there should be pheasants and hares. What about the things? Could it be that they were robbed by others?"


After a while, the old lady of the Wang family ran out. She didn't look at Linlang, but at the basket in his hand. When she found that there was nothing in it, she narrowed her eyes, "Where are the eggs you are looking for? Didn't you get tricked by others? Tell me who grandma is looking for her to come back!"

Lin Lang lowered her head and said with snot and tears, "Grandma, I didn't find the egg, and I fell on the mountain. Not only that, but I also tore my clothes. Grandma, I fell so badly." It hurts, I want to eat eggs, just the poached eggs you made today, I want to eat..."

Mrs. Wang was so angry that she guessed that her granddaughter was lucky, so she had no choice but to suppress her anger, "I used to find eggs, why didn't I find them today? Did you go to play elsewhere, so you didn't see them? No, I have to follow you up the mountain to have a look!"

Linlang pouted aggrievedly, "Grandma, I really didn't find the eggs. I'm hungry, sleepy and tired. I want to go back to sleep. I don't want to stay here. Wow... Grandma, you don't love me anymore , I want to go back to sleep, I don't want to go to the mountains, there is no fun in the mountains!"

Mrs. Wang was so angry that she just wanted to slap her, but she took a deep breath when she remembered what happened to her granddaughter. Forget it, I didn't find the egg today, maybe I will find it tomorrow, so don't be fussy like a child.

"Forget it, don't want to go if you don't want to go, go back with me!" Mrs. Wang said angrily, shaking her face.

Linlang wiped her tears and followed Mrs. Wang back, and said as she walked, "Grandma, what shall we have for dinner? I think the chickens at home are about the same size. Otherwise, I want to eat chicken today." Now, I will eat chicken thighs, and grandma will eat chicken wings, okay?"

"Fuck!" Old Mrs. Wang breathed out fragrantly, "I didn't find anything, and I still want to eat delicious food, why are you so shameless, children have no reservations at all, just give me a hungry meal today Bar!"

(End of this chapter)

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