Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1603 Lucky heroine 2

Chapter 1603 Lucky heroine II

As soon as Linlang heard that she couldn't eat at night, she threw the basket in her hand, sat on the ground, and began to roll back and forth, crying and shouting, "Grandma is the worst, I want chicken legs, I want poached eggs, grandma!"

PS: The second most powerful artifact of the heroine of fortune, those who don't like it will always encounter all kinds of bad luck.

"You..." As soon as Mrs. Wang finished speaking, she felt that her tongue seemed to be twisted, she quickly covered her mouth, and the saliva flowed out unconsciously.

"Turtle...bitter..." Mrs. Wang said grinning.

Linlang snotted and burst into tears, "I want to eat poached eggs, if grandma doesn't give me one, then grandma will be the worst!"

Mrs. Wang sighed, thinking that this granddaughter was very lucky, so what if she didn't find the egg today, maybe she didn't find it today, just go up the mountain tomorrow.

"Okay, don't cry, get up quickly, grandma will cook your favorite poached eggs for you!" Mrs. Wang said distressedly.

Linlang stood up immediately, "Grandma, you are the best, remember to add some sugar to the poached eggs, I don't want brown sugar, I want white sugar, brown sugar doesn't look good, it will affect my appetite!"

"It's pretty good to eat something, what else to choose!" As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Wang fell a big somersault, and immediately got a big bump on her head.

"Oh hello, it hurts to death!" Old Mrs. Wang held her head and couldn't help moaning.

Lin Lang sniffled and stood aside, "Grandma, are you okay? Hurry up and cook poached eggs for me!"

Mrs. Wang glared at the granddaughter, "I just know how to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, starve to death, let me cook it for you today, but tomorrow you must make me a pheasant, otherwise you will die." Stop eating!"

Lin Lang pouted and said nothing, only looked at Mrs. Wang with big watery eyes.

Mrs. Wang felt sorry for the eggs and said they were boiled poached eggs, but in fact they boiled egg soup with no salt or oil in it, so the clear soup was waterless, and one egg made three bowls of soup, a small bowl of Linlang, The remaining two bowls entered the stomachs of Mrs. Wang and her eldest grandson.

Lin Lang couldn't help curling her lips while drinking the egg soup. Although the eggs tasted good, they seemed a bit bland because they didn't put anything in them. Alas, I really miss his eggs. Will you do things for yourself?

But forget it, if she doesn't help herself, there are still people who will help her. She is the heroine and nothing will happen to her. God is on her side, so don't worry.

The cowherd boy took those eggs, and at first he really wanted to swallow them all for himself, but he remembered what his mother once said, no matter how poor a person is, he can't do something devoid of conscience.

So the cowboy divided these eggs into two parts, and sold one part in the market, but there were only a few eggs, and he didn't sell them for much money. He cooked the rest and kept a few Give it to him and his mother, and put all the rest in the basket with the money, and plan to give it to him when he sees Lin Lang tomorrow.

The cowherd baby's mother was also very surprised, why this son could come up with so many eggs, the son originally wanted to report the truth, but recalling Lin Lang's previous confession, he lowered his head and said hesitantly: "This...is on the mountain I picked it up..."

But it wasn't him who picked it up, but Lin Lang who picked it up, and he was just a coincidence.

The mother of the cowherd boy believed in what her son said. You see, every time Mrs. Wang’s granddaughter went up the mountain, she either picked up eggs or pheasants, so it was nothing if her son picked up wild eggs.

After Mrs. Wang finished making egg soup for Lin Lang, recalling what happened just now, the more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became, and she went directly to the old man.

"Old man, let me tell you something. After the big girl recovered from her illness, an old god took away the good fortune from him. I didn't believe it at first, but when he just went up the mountain, I didn't even bring back a single egg hair, so I'm a little convinced..." Mrs. Wang frowned tightly, "Do you think there is such a coincidence in this market?"

Old man Wang was weaving baskets, and when he heard this, he took a puff of the dry tobacco beside him, "Let's wait a little longer, that girl has been lucky since she was a child, it's impossible to say that she will be gone if she doesn't, let's see again!

Also, don't be too obvious, don't hurt this child's heart! "

Mrs. Wang nodded casually, but she didn't take what Mr. Wang said to heart at all. When she was sleeping that night, seeing Lin Lang's dirty body, Mrs. Wang didn't want her to go to the kang at all, so she waved her hand. , and said like chasing someone: "Okay, don't sleep with me today, you have never slept with your mother when you grow up, you go to her to sleep with her today!"

Lin Lang could only go to the second room, but when his mother heard this, she reluctantly said: "Mother, it's true, I used to like this girl in our family, I wish I could hold her in my hand, I wish I could be with her every day. How long did it take for him to sleep, and he drove this child back..."

The father said disapprovingly: "Okay, don't talk about it, mother has her intentions in doing this, you see that the child is so dirty, hurry up and get a bucket of hot water to wash her!"

After washing, Lin Lang lay on the clean quilt and yawned, and slowly fell asleep. As a result, before dawn, she heard movement nearby.

"What's the matter?" Lin Lang asked in a daze.

Mother shook her head, "I'll get up and cook, you can sleep a little longer!"

Lin Lang fell asleep again when she heard this, and when she woke up again, it was dawn, she got dressed, got off the kang slowly, and went directly to the lobby, where she found Mrs. Wang was embroidering shoe soles.

"Grandma, where's the meal? Am I hungry?" Lin Lang asked while touching her stomach.

Mrs. Wang is angry about what happened yesterday, and she doesn't want to see her granddaughter at all, and her tone is a bit harsh, "I only wake up when the sun is drying my ass, how can you be so lazy, want to eat, and go to your spring and autumn dream Bar!"

Lin Lang sniffled, and said aggrievedly: "But grandma, I'm really hungry. I want to eat eggs. The eggs boiled yesterday were not good. There was no egg in them. You can cook me two more today." , make separate poached eggs!"

Mrs. Wang was so angry that she stood up and threw the soles of her shoes, "You debt collector, it's fine if you don't do a little work for the family. You just want to eat all day. How can I have such a lazy granddaughter like you?" ah!"

Linlang wiped her tears and said, "Grandma, didn't you like me the most before? You even said that I was your precious granddaughter. I just wanted to eat an egg, but I didn't want to eat chicken. Do I need to react so much? Grandma is the best!" Bad, I don't like grandma anymore!"

"You don't like it, and I don't like you. It happens that the pigs in the house are going to eat grass, so hurry up and cut some weeds on the mountain and come back!" Mrs. Wang continued to pick up the soles of her shoes, out of sight and out of mind. He started to embroider stitch by stitch, but one didn't pay attention, and the long needle stuck into his hand, and he screamed in pain.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Lin Lang almost laughed, she told you to fight against this girl, now you will get your retribution.

Lin Lang didn't care whether she had breakfast or not, and was about to leave with her small basket in hand when her mother came out of the kitchen and waved to him.

Lin Lang stepped forward suspiciously, and asked in a cowardly voice, "What's the matter, mother?"

Mother handed Lin Lang a sweet potato, and said softly, "Let's eat a sweet potato on the west mountain!"

Lin Lang didn't refuse either. After all, it's okay not to have breakfast in the morning. She took sweet potatoes and a small bamboo basket and walked slowly up the mountain.

As soon as he arrived on the mountain, the cowherd boy appeared, with a few eggs and a few copper coins in his hand.

"This... this... is... yours..." Because he didn't eat well since he was a child, the cowherd boy also stuttered.

Lin Lang didn't refuse, and put away the copper plate, but didn't take the egg, "You are quite trustworthy, but I won't eat the egg, you can keep it!"

(End of this chapter)

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