Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1604 Lucky heroine 3

Chapter 1604 Lucky Heroine III

The cowherd boy quickly shook his head, "No...I don't want...eggs for you..."

Lin Lang looked at the eggs, then at the herd boy, and took one, "I'll only eat one, and I'll give you the rest!"

The cowherd boy blushed and put the eggs in his pocket, "Thank you..."

Lin Lang smiled and ran all over the mountains with her bamboo cage. After a while, she came across a nest of fresh fungi, a nest of wild eggs, and a pheasant entangled in weeds.

Lin Lang didn't refuse anyone who came, and took all these things, and then handed them over to the cowherd boy, "It's still the old rule, half of the things are sold to you, and half to me!"

The cowherd boy nodded, "Don't worry, I will do my best!"

The main reason for Linlang and the Cowboy to cooperate is because the Cowboy has been on the mountain all the time. With these things suddenly, others will not find it strange, let alone feel abrupt, thinking that maybe the Cowboy found it on the mountain. maybe.

Recalling Mrs. Wang's explanation, Lin Lang casually pulled a few weeds, and then returned home slowly at noon. As soon as she got home, she found that Mrs. Wang had been watching her.

"Why do you kill so much pigweed?" Mrs. Wang asked angrily.

Lin Lang lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "Grandma, the pig farm on the mountain is really hard to cut, it hurts my hand when I pull it, and it's just such a little pigweed, I worked so hard to get it down, grandma, don't dislike it , I didn't eat in the morning, I'm really hungry, and I don't have much strength, after I finish eating in the afternoon, I'll go to the mountain to harvest weeds for you, okay?"

"I haven't finished my work yet, and you still want to feed me. What are you dreaming of? Hurry up and hunt weeds on the mountain, or you won't have dinner tonight!" Mrs. Wang said angrily.

Lin Lang had tears in her eyes, "Grandma...you are so scary, you were not like this before, you liked me before, you never let me work, and you also gave me all kinds of delicious grandma, you It's changed, you've become like I almost don't know you anymore, you're a bad grandma, not my own grandma..."

"Well, you little bastard, I have worked so hard to provide you with food and drink, and I asked you to buy some wild boar vegetables, but you are not willing. Why did I raise such a white-eyed wolf like you? Hurry up and go to work for me. Otherwise, I'll sell you!" Mrs. Wang scolded loudly.

Lin Lang stepped forward and gave Mrs. Wang a hard push, "Grandma is the worst, I don't like grandma anymore, here is the worst villain in the world!"

Mrs. Wang was unprepared, and sat down on the ground. Not only did she eat ashes, but she also twisted her waist, which made her grin her teeth in pain.

"Well, you bitch..." Mrs. Wang was cursing over there, but Lin Lang had already run away. He went to the mountain after running, where he ate wild fruits and watched the sunset. Burn two eggs to eat.

After a while, the cowherd boy came back, still holding dozens of copper coins in his hand. After seeing Lin Lang, his eyes lit up and he ran over, "This is... it's yours..."

Lin Lang didn't accept the money, but said to him: "Do me a favor, use the money to buy me a pot that can boil water, and help me buy flint and steel!"

The cowherd boy nodded quickly, "Okay...I'll buy it for you tomorrow..."

Lin Lang smiled, and after spending a whole day on the mountain with the cowherd boy, Lin Lang saw that it was getting late, so she pulled a few more weeds, and then walked slowly towards home.

"Well, you little bastard, you don't know you're coming back until it's time for dinner, but it's too late, don't feed me tonight, give me a good meal!" Old Mrs. Wang grabbed the basket and said angrily. Said.

Lin Lang didn't think it mattered. If he didn't eat, he didn't eat. Anyway, he ate quite full on the mountain, with meat and vegetables. When the jar comes back tomorrow, she can eat boiled eggs.

At night, Mrs. Wang tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Later, the car couldn't take it anymore, so she sat up and said to the old man, "I can see clearly that our granddaughter doesn't have much luck at all. She's just like an ordinary person now." of!"

Old man Wang opened his eyes and said in a daze, "If you don't have it, you don't have it!"

Mrs. Wang was dissatisfied, "It's easy for you to say, and you don't even think about it. When he was lucky, he could pick up money casually on the road, and sometimes he could pick up wild eggs on the mountain. Some meat, now there is nothing left, what will our family do in the future? I still hope that little girl will bring more benefits, so that our son can be admitted to a scholar, and then I will become a scholar's mother, maybe She can still become the champion's mother..."

Old man Wang didn't take this to heart at all, and turned over, "Luck is something that doesn't come from time to time, and it's useless to force it. Besides, that girl has brought a lot of benefits to our family." , think about it, if you crossed that bridge back then, would you still be living in this world? Also, our family is so poor that we have made a lot of money by relying on that girl all these years, why bother to be that bad person Well, he's getting old anyway, let him do some work, and marry him when he's about the same age, that's it, there's no need to be so stiff, in case one day his luck improves, you do evil to her Do you think he will still like you?"

Mrs. Wang's face was also a little ugly, "I didn't do this for our family. If that dead girl still has such good luck, I will definitely treat her well, and she will confess her like a lucky baby." !"

Mrs. Wang waved her hand, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it in the middle of the night, I'm almost sleepy, go to bed early, there is still a lot of work to do tomorrow!"

In the early morning of the second day, after Lin Lang finished a bowl of porridge that could be seen in people's eyes, she was carrying her small basket and was about to go up the mountain when Mrs. Wang suddenly appeared.

"You can. Grandma treated you so badly yesterday. It wasn't intentional. Grandma has a bad temper these days. Don't take it to heart. By the way, are you going to the mountains? Grandma will accompany you today, by the way Help you pick some wild fruits, do you think it's okay?" Mrs. Wang said kindly.

When Lin Lang heard such words, she almost laughed. Accompany me to the mountain, you probably want to see if I have good luck, but okay, I can see things like good luck, but you can't , Anyway, when the time comes, pretend that you don’t see anything, you don’t know anything, even if you see through the sky, you won’t be able to find anything.

Sure enough, the grandparents and grandchildren walked around the mountain for a day, and the old lady Wang twisted her feet, but she couldn't find anything. She was discouraged and looked at Lin Lang with more and more unkind eyes, "I really saw a ghost, before. You can find a nest of wild eggs just by turning around at the bottom of the mountain. I’m going to walk all over the mountain today, why haven’t I seen any wild eggs? What kind of luck? What kind of road did you take!”

Lin Lang lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "Grandma, didn't I tell you last time? An old man with a white beard took away my luck. From now on, I will never be lucky again." , all this is because I saved my cousin!

Grandma, you won't like me because I am lucky. I don't believe that grandma will never be such a snobbish person! "

Hey, your grandma is really that kind of person, Mrs. Wang sighed, "Forget it, I won't go shopping with you anymore, you can do whatever you like, I'll do it first if I have something to do today." I’m going back, you fill the car with weeds and then go back, or you don’t want to eat dinner!”

After Lin Lang waited for Mrs. Wang to leave, she took a small basket and leisurely went to find the cowherd boy.

"I bought you the jar you asked for... and the flint and steel... By the way... I have some money left, and I'll give it to you!" The cowherd boy handed over the money to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang looked at the few copper coins, sighed, and put the money in the jar, "Save more money, and save yourself more escape opportunities!"

The cowherd boy stammered: "Also...yes...I just...seem to see your grandma...you...be careful..."

(End of this chapter)

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