Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1605 Lucky heroine 4

Chapter 1605 Lucky Heroine IV

Lin Lang said to the cowherd boy, "You won't be so stuttering all the time, will you?"

The cowherd boy shook his head, "It's not that...to strangers...to stuttering...to mother...not at all..."

Lin Lang was amused all of a sudden, "Then you shouldn't be considered sick, it should be regarded as a psychological effect. If you want to be able to communicate with others normally, you should try to say two words as much as possible every time you talk to others, and so on." Say three more words after you are familiar with it, and finally turn the last four words into a complete sentence... Slowly, maybe you won't stutter so much!"

The cowherd boy smiled shyly, "Okay!"

After Lin Lang had another conversation with the cowherd boy, she picked up a few handfuls of weeds and continued to look for things on the mountain. The jungle this season is the season for wild fruits to be harvested.

Linlang picked a lot of fresh fruits and found a lot of wild honey, and more importantly, Linlang found a dilapidated small stone house.

This made Lin Lang overjoyed. He cleaned the house briefly, and repaired the roof with the cowboy. , I carried the basket and walked home step by step.

"Hey, you came back so late!" The cousin said angrily, "Let's play wild outside!"

Lin Lang didn't want to talk to such an idiot, so she carried the basket and walked towards the house.

"I'm talking to you. Why are you ignoring me? You thought you were grandma's beloved baby. Don't think about it. Grandma didn't even boil eggs for you. Grandma's favorite now is his grandson. You are nothing now, don't show off in front of me, hurry up and help me with my work!" said the cousin with a sharp voice.

Lin Lang turned around and rolled her eyes at her several times, "So what, even if grandma doesn't like me, I'm not something you can command at will!"

"Well, you little bitch!" The cousin rolled up her sleeves.

Lin Lang threw the basket in her hand, "What's the matter? Do you want to fight? I'm not afraid of you!"

The cousin rolled her eyes and analyzed the pros and cons, "Forget it, I don't care about you. If you don't work now, grandma will see it sooner or later. By then...hehe...you don't want to eat melon seeds. Blame me for not reminding you!"

Lin Lang wasn't afraid at all. After putting down the basket, she ran to the kitchen and found her mother was lighting a fire by the stove, and Lin Lang was sitting by the side, helping with small things.

The mother said flatly: "Since your cousin asked you to work, you can help her with some work. We are all sisters from the same family, so there is no need to make such a fuss!"

"I'm afraid that if I work for her now, she will have a big appetite in the future, and maybe she will ask me to do other things for her!" Lin Lang shook her head, "That's why I don't work for her , let her know that I am not easy to provoke, then she will not be able to provoke me in the future!"

"It's not as embarrassing as you think!" Mother smiled, took out a boiled potato from the stove, and handed it to Lin Lang, "Let's eat something first! "

Lin Lang was not hypocritical, she ate up all the sweet potatoes, patted her stomach, and couldn't help sighing, "I'm so hungry, when will I be full!"

"When you lived with your grandma, didn't you often eat delicious food?" Mother asked casually.

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "It's true that you can often eat good things, but most of the good things go to my cousin's mouth. I only have a little bit, and it's not enough to fill my stomach at all!"

Mother lowered her eyes, "I think you are living well with your grandma, so I never let you come back, I didn't expect...but it's better to stay with your grandma than to stay with me. There is nothing for you, not even an egg for you..."

Lin Lang didn't know how she felt when she heard these words. In the original owner's memory, this mother never wanted to see her. She only wanted to see her only son, and even plotted against her for her son. After she passed away, Ming I know there is something tricky in it, but for the sake of money, this mother should act as if she doesn't know anything.

"Mom, I forgot what happened when I was a child, tell me about it!" Lin Lang couldn't help asking, because she really couldn't figure it out, why did the mother and daughter get farther and farther apart?
"You were very good when you were young, because you are the first child of me and your father, although you are a girl, but your father and I like you very much!

But when you were more than one year old, your grandma wanted you to hug her, and I had no choice but to put you in your grandma's place because I worked all day and couldn't take care of you!

After you grow up, I find that you don't recognize me at all, and you don't even kiss me... I'll let it go after thinking about it, after all, we are a family..."

Linlang has a lot of things on her mind, she is willing to trust this mother again, "Mother, you don't have to be afraid from now on, grandma doesn't like me, from now on I will stay by your side and be filial to you every day!"

The mother smiled, and just when she was about to speak, the old lady Wang pushed open the door, walked in, and took a few breaths with her nose, "Why do I smell food, are you behind my back? Steal what?"

Mother hurriedly lowered her head, "Mother-in-law, it's nothing..."

Because Mrs. Wang couldn't find any evidence, she could only give up and snorted coldly, "Nothing is the best!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang looked at Lin Lang and looked her up and down, "Apart from cutting weeds, did you find anything else on the mountain today?"

Lin Lang touched her stomach, "I also found a lot of wild fruits, which are very sweet, do you want to eat, grandma? If you want to eat, I will pick some for you tomorrow?"

The old lady Wang was so angry, "Who wants to eat your broken wild fruit? I asked you if you found any eggs or pheasants. Your third uncle will be back tomorrow, and there is nothing in the house to supplement his nutrition. You just happened to catch a pheasant and feed him well!"

Lin Lang scratched her head, and said with a confused face: "But grandma, I am not a hunter on the mountain, how can I catch pheasants? If our family has nothing to supplement the nutrition of the third uncle, we can go to the town to buy it. Anyway, the town Pork is pretty cheap…”

"You don't need money to buy pork!" Mrs. Wang scolded loudly: "It's the life of a young lady and a servant girl. I don't know the sufferings of the world, and how difficult it is to earn money. Isn't it easier for you to go to the mountains to find pheasants and come back? Save some time then." Qian, isn’t it good to tear floral cloth to make clothes for Chinese New Year?”

It is indeed good to make clothes, but is the finished clothes for yourself?Although I am the darling of Mrs. Wang, I really haven't worn a new piece of clothes. Basically, they are clothes that my third uncle doesn't want. Mrs. Wang modifies them and gives them to me.

Even so, Lin Lang's clothes are also one of the third best clothes in the whole family. After all, the first best clothes belong to the third uncle, and the second best clothes are Mrs. Wang, and he is the rest. Well, although Mrs. Wang loves them and loves her grandson, she will never leave the cloth to them, because Mrs. Wang wants her daughter-in-law to make clothes for their grandson, and she wants to deduct money from her daughter-in-law.

Although the clothes are better, they don't keep warm at all. Fortunately, the weather is warm now, but in winter it will be really exhausting.

When Lin Lang heard this, she wiped her tears and cried, "Grandma, you have been telling me to go to the mountains to look for pheasants, but I have searched all over the mountains, where did I find pheasants? Isn't it difficult for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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