Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1606 Lucky heroine 5

Chapter 1606 Lucky heroine five

Mrs. Wang was very angry, "Then when you went up the mountain, didn't you often come across some wild eggs and pheasants? Why haven't you encountered them in this period of time? Did you give the things you found to others? Is it? You white-eyed wolf!"

Lin Lang quickly shook her head, and said with an aggrieved face: "If grandma doesn't believe me, then go to the mountain with me tomorrow to see if I can find the pheasant and wild eggs!"

Today, I accompanied this granddaughter to the mountains, but after walking around for a long time, I didn't even see a chicken feather. Mrs. Wang really believed that this granddaughter had no luck at all. Thinking of this, a trace of disgust flashed across her face, " If you can’t find something and let you do some work, you can’t do it well, what’s the use of you, starting tomorrow, please give me less food, and save some food for the family!”

Lin Lang lowered her head, and couldn't help cursing in her heart, good old woman, since you abused minors, you are really cruel, but you have your Zhang Liang plan, and I have my wall ladder!
Mrs. Wang looked at them, and she couldn't help cursing: "A hen that doesn't lay eggs, a lazy girl who only knows how to eat but doesn't know how to work, our family has been unlucky for eight lifetimes. Only the two of you are raised!"

When mother heard this, she couldn't help crying softly. It was indeed her fault that she had only given birth to one child, Lin Lang, in so many years, which also made her feel a little lacking in confidence.

"Grandma, what is a hen that doesn't lay eggs?" Lin Lang tilted her head, "Didn't all our hens lay eggs?"

"You..." No matter how thick-skinned Mrs. Wang was, she was embarrassed to say that the non-laying hen was Lin Lang's mother, she gritted her teeth and shook her face away.

Mother saw that Mrs. Wang was gone, and whispered to Lin Lang: "There's no need to talk back to your grandma over a trivial matter. If you offend your grandma, you won't even be able to eat in the future!"

As a result, as soon as the mother finished speaking, Mrs. Wang fell to the ground. She rubbed her ankles, "What's the matter? There is no space on the ground, and there are no stones, so why did you fall down?"

Because you are not good to the heroine, so you will fall down.

Lin Lang showed a sweet smile, "I'm not afraid of grandma. Anyway, grandma is getting old and won't have a good life for a few years!"

Mother gasped, and quickly glanced outside, "Don't say that again, if your grandma hears it, she will beat you to death!"

"If she dares to hit me, I'll run away!" Anyway, my luck is so good that I can save myself from any problems, so I don't care.

My mother shook her head in disapproval, "What if you run outside like a child, what if you are caught by bad guys? If you sell it to a dirty place, your life will be ruined, so go down This time, don't have such an idea, girls should stay at home honestly, and wait until they are of the right age to marry out!"

Lin Lang reluctantly agreed, and dealt with it casually. When it was time for dinner, Lin Lang looked at the clear soup in her own bowl and glanced at other people's rice bowls. She couldn't help biting her silver teeth, what? mean?Why do you have the least food in your own bowl?
"Don't complain over there, who asked you to do the least work, and asked you to cut some hogweed, but what you cut back was not even enough for the chickens in the house!" Mrs. Wang said indifferently: "If you If you want to have a full meal, you can work for me or catch a pheasant back, and I promise to make you full!"

Catch a pheasant and come back, hehe, I would rather sell it in front of the pheasant, and I will definitely not be cheap for you.

Lin Lang casually picked up the food, "Grandma, you always tell me to catch the eyes, but the eyes are not so easy to catch. If they were so easy to catch, the people in the village would have already caught pheasants, so don't hug those who don't. It’s a realistic fantasy, let’s get rich honestly and rely on hard work!”

"You..." Mrs. Wang was so angry that she gave her second son a hard look, "Look at what your daughter said, I'm so mad!"

His father also had an ugly face, and said to Lin Lang, "Apologize to your grandma quickly!"

Lin Lang drank the porridge in the bowl in one breath, "Okay, grandma, I'm here to apologize to you, I shouldn't say that you have unrealistic fantasies, after all, pheasant is something you can't just think about. , It’s not something you can have through hard work, this kind of thing depends on luck!”

When it comes to luck, Mrs. Wang is heartbroken. How lucky was her granddaughter back then, she could pick up money on the road and go to the mountains to find a nest of wild eggs, but how did she become like this?

"Hurry up and go to work for me after eating!" Mrs. Wang was so angry that her heart ached.

Lin Lang let go and ran outside quickly, but he didn't go to work, but to play.

Feeling that the work at home was almost done, Lin Lang walked slowly towards home, pushed open the door, and went straight back to the house.

Mother poured a basin of hot water and said without raising her head, "I'm back, wash your hands and feet quickly!"

Lin Lang quietly washed her face and lay on the bed with her feet. Just as she was about to fall asleep, her father suddenly said, "What you did wrong today, your grandma is your elder no matter what you say, you shouldn't speak out against him as a junior! "

"People say that the elders are kind, and only those who are juniors can be sensible, but look at my grandma, she knows that it is impractical to go to the mountains to catch pheasants, but she insists on letting me go, what is that?
I kindly reminded her, but in the end she blamed me for my dirty mouth and asked me to apologize. I am really tired! "Lin Lang muttered.

Father's face changed, "But even if you think it's wrong, then you shouldn't bring it up on the spot, so that your grandma can't step down!"

Lin Lang really didn't want to listen to this mother's boy, so she dealt with it casually, "OK, OK, I will never argue with grandma again, I promise to listen to grandma, okay?"

Father was finally satisfied, "That's right, your grandma will like you only if you are obedient!"

Come on, old lady Wang will only like you if you are useful, and old lady Wang would like to throw you far away if you are not useful.

Before dawn on the second day, Lin Lang heard a knock on the door, and Mrs. Wang shouted loudly, "Why are you still sleeping at the second child's house? The third child will be back soon, hurry up and cook for me !

And that little bastard of yours, let her go to the mountain to cut weeds, and pick some wild fruits by the way, maybe the third child wants to eat some sweet wild fruits! "

Lin Lang couldn't help but sat up, and muttered, "That's enough. Let us go out to work before dawn, what a black heart!"

As soon as mother heard this, she glanced outside the door next time, "Stop talking, if your grandma hears this, she will beat you to death!"

Lin Lang nodded casually, touched her empty stomach, and couldn't help but sighed deeply, "I guess grandma won't give me breakfast... I'm so hungry..."

Mother touched Lin Lang's head, and said softly: "Then you come back early, mother will leave you a boiled sweet potato!"

Lin Lang nodded, and after getting dressed, she carried a small basket and a sickle and walked up the mountain.

He thought he was the first to arrive on the mountain, but he didn't expect that there were others earlier than him. After seeing Lin Lang, the cowherd boy showed a bright smile, "You are here, I have been waiting for a long time!
By the way, this is, your money! "

After learning how to punctuate sentences, the cowherd boy no longer stutters like before, and still holds a large string of copper coins in his hand.

Seeing so much money, Lin Lang said in surprise: "It's just a little thing that sells for so much money, you won't subsidize me, right? In fact, you don't need half of it, I'll do half of it!"

The cowherd boy shook his head, "No, I'll subsidize you, honey, it's very valuable!

There are also wild fruits. Many people like to eat them. They think they are very sweet! "

Lin Lang suddenly realized, "So that's the case. If this is the case, then let's pick more wild fruits later. Anyway, there are a lot of wild fruits on the mountain, and no one wants them. As for the money, I won't take care of it. Help me Buy more daily necessities, such as pots and pans, and if conditions permit, help me buy some food!"

(End of this chapter)

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