Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1607 Lucky heroine 6

Chapter 1607 Lucky Heroine Six

The cowherd boy nodded quickly, "Okay!"

After a busy morning, the two of them picked two baskets of fruit and a lot of honey.

After reading so many things, Lin Lang exhorted and said: "Also, you don't talk very well. If you sell things, try not to haggle with those rich people. If they keep nagging you over there, try not to pay attention to them." !"

The cowherd boy nodded quickly, "Okay..."

It was getting late when I saw it. After cutting a bamboo basket of weeds, Lin Lang walked slowly towards the house. As soon as she arrived at the door, she smelled a mouth-watering fragrance.

"I'll go!" Lin Lang put down the bamboo basket and ran to the kitchen, "Mom, what are you doing? Why is it so fragrant!"

Mother turned her head, glanced outside the door and said cautiously: "Your uncle is back, your grandma specially cut a piece of meat for this, but..."

Lin Lang is naturally arrogant. What mother wants to say is nothing more than saying that this piece of meat does not belong to her. If it was in the past, the original owner might still eat a piece, but now, don't eat it secretly. I don't think I can even take a look at it. Mrs. Wang came out and shouted loudly: "Why did you come back so early today? Could it be that you came back after smelling the fragrance? It's hard to work, but it's hard to eat. Why did my family raise you? Lazy!"

Lin Lang touched her stomach and complained in a low voice: "Grandma, I'm hungry and my hands and feet have no strength. How can I have the strength to work? Why don't you let me have two bites of food first, and I promise to chop a few baskets of pigs for you in the afternoon Grass back!"

"It was reincarnated by a starving ghost!" Mrs. Wang said with a look of disgust: "This meat is for your uncle. He studied hard, so he has to make up for it. What contribution have you made to the family? Why give you meat?"

Lin Lang really wanted to jump in front of this old woman and bite her hard, but she had to bow her head under the eaves.

"Okay, if you don't let me eat it, don't let me eat it. I don't care about eating it. This lard oil is so big, be careful if you eat it and have diarrhea!" Lin Lang rolled her eyes and said very firmly.

Old Mrs. Wang spat a few times, "I don't think you can eat grapes and say grapes are sour. You have shallow eyes and noses. Hurry up to the mountain and cut pigweed for me!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and walked up the mountain with the bamboo basket. When she came back again, she could smell a sour smell in the air.

Mother stepped forward, her expression a little sticky, "You... Listen to Mother's persuasion, stay outside for a while, your grandma just ate pork and had diarrhea, and she blamed you for being a crow's mouth, if she sees you , I think I will trouble you, maybe I won’t even give you dinner!"

The second law of God's illegitimate daughter: get what you want, of course, the wish can't be so outrageous.

That's why Lin Lang said so firmly when she talked about diarrhea again, but she didn't expect that they would have diarrhea right after she finished speaking, they really deserved it.

Lin Lang pretended to be aggrieved, "It's not my fault. They ate pork and had diarrhea, and I didn't make them suffer from it. I'm still blamed for this matter. It's really inexplicable!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, mother left you two roasted sweet potatoes, you can make do with it first, come back later, at least wait until your grandma's anger subsides!" Mother said softly .

Lin Lang didn't refuse, and walked up the mountain again with the roasted sweet potatoes. Unexpectedly, the cowherd boy came back, carrying a lot of things in his hand, including an iron pan, a kitchen knife, and more importantly, rice and Salt.

Lin Lang took these things and said in disbelief, "Is the result really so valuable? Can you buy so many things?"

The cowherd boy nodded, shook his head again, and stammered: "Wild fruits are not worth much, but I happened to meet a family, a big family, who had a fresh picture, so I bought it and gave me a reward." A lot of money!"

Lin Lang nodded knowingly, "So that's how it is. You're considered lucky, but... this kind of thing can only happen once, and it's impossible to happen more times!"

The cowherd boy nodded, "Well, and...they also like the honey, and bought it with money!"

"Honey is indeed a good thing. If they don't buy it, someone else will buy it!" Lin Lang didn't take this matter to heart, and after tidying up the things the cowherd boy brought over, she said to him: "It is said that you also earn money." Now that you have paid some money, what are you going to do in the future?"

The cowherd boy shook his head blankly, "Continue to herd the cows!"

Lin Lang burst out laughing, "Your cow belongs to someone else, and you can only earn a little bit of flower fragrance if you graze cows for others. Since you don't have any money in your hand, go and learn something. It's better to read a few words if you don't know how to read a few words." Herding cattle for others for the rest of my life!"

"Learning?" The cowherd boy said blankly: "Are you going to study? That's not possible, it will cost a lot of money, and there is no money at home!"

Thinking of the cowherd boy's family background, Lin Lang couldn't help but sigh, "I almost forgot what your house looks like, but it's not a solution if you keep leaving it like this. Isn't there a school in the village? Go and learn a few words, It shouldn't cost a lot of money!"

"I..." The cowherd boy hesitated, "I don't know if he will accept me!"

"Then you should discuss it with your mother!" In Linlang's memory, the cowherd's mother was a very gentle person and a very far-sighted person. If the cowherd's mother hadn't been sick, their family must have It will be much better than it is now.

"Okay!" The cowherd boy nodded, "Go back and talk to mother!"

That's not all, I have to talk about why I have so much money, the cowherd boy explained the matter honestly, the cowherd boy's mother was a little puzzled, "You said that Linlang found so many things, and why did you deliberately Let you sell it, and the two of you will share the final sale price equally, right?

But that girl has a father and a mother in her family, why should you be asked to do this matter? "

"It should be... because of his grandma..." The cowherd boy said honestly.

When the mother of the cattle-herding baby heard this, she suddenly realized, "I almost forgot that the girl's grandma has always regarded that girl as a cash cow, and never treated Lin Lang well. Now that Lin Lang has grown up, it's normal for her to have a few plans But since you have agreed to help others, you must keep your mouth shut, but don't say things you shouldn't say!"

"Yeah!" The cowherd boy nodded honestly, "Then...about reading?"

My mother sighed, "When your father was alive, he wanted you to go to school, but after so many things happened, and you stuttered, I gave up this idea. Since you want to If you want to recognize it, then you should recognize it!"

The cowherd boy happily agreed, and followed his mother to the school in the village the next day. After clarifying with his master, he paid a very small fee, and read and read with the students that afternoon.

"Hey, cowherd boy, your family is almost too poor to eat. Why do you suddenly want to study? Who gave you the money?"

When the cowherd boy was going back, the aunt in the village suddenly stopped him and asked suspiciously.

The cowherd boy lowered his head, "Never mind, it's your business!"

"Hey, how do you talk? As your elder, let me care about what's wrong?" The aunt said angrily, "Look at your temper, you are as stubborn as a cow, your tone is extremely ugly, and you don't understand etiquette at all. , The books are all in vain!"

"Auntie, where does the money come from? It's something inside the family. What are you doing so clearly as an outsider? Could it be that you want to be a mother to someone else?" Lin Lang came out from the dark. , with a sneer on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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