Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1609 Lucky heroine 8

Chapter 1609 Lucky Heroine Eight

Mrs. Wang clutched her chest, "Second, look at what your wife said!"

The father tugged at his daughter-in-law's sleeve, "Okay, don't talk about it, I really didn't find that girl, but I can't say what happened to her!"

Mrs. Wang then started to cry, "You said that I don't feel bad as a grandma, but in fact I love her the most. After all, I watched her grow up, and she suddenly disappeared like this, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

Old man Wang was smoking dry tobacco, "Okay, don't cry and cry, instead of wasting time here, it's better to find more people to look up the mountain to see if the child has gone the wrong way or fell down. Which pit is in it!"

The whole family looked at me and I looked at you, they all stood up and walked up the mountain, but they didn't even find a single figure until noon, and there was a trace of despair on everyone's face.

"Found it!" the uncle suddenly shouted.

Old Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up, and she ran over in a hurry. As expected, she saw Lin Lang who was intact. She ran over, hugged Lin Lang in her arms, and slapped her ass again, "You son of a bitch! , where did you go? Let us worry for a long time!"

Lin Lang felt the burning pain in her buttocks, of course she would not say anything about herself, because she was afraid that Mrs. Wang would beat her, so she hid in the jungle hut. She rolled her eyes and took out a bamboo cage from her own. The pheasant that I caught a long time ago blinked, "I saw a pheasant, so I followed it, lost my way without noticing the time, finally waited until dawn, and slowly turned out!"

Looking at the pheasant, Mrs. Wang didn't know what to say, she was full of thoughts, and finally wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Okay, you girl has a heart, but no matter how good the pheasant is, you have to pay attention to your own safety." , don’t run into the depths of the jungle again next time!”

Lin Lang nodded obediently. On the way back, Mrs. Wang kept holding Lin Lang's hand. When she got home, Mrs. Wang even beat Lin Lang with two wild eggs.

Looking at the pheasant eggs in the bowl, Lin Lang lowered her head, "Grandma, after catching pheasants, can I eat poached eggs every day?"

Mrs. Wang touched Lin Lang's head, "If you want to eat, grandma can make it for you every day, pheasant is fine..."

I go, what the hell happened?Changed the stingy old lady's attitude so much?

Lin Lang tilted her head and looked at the old lady in front of her. She began to think in her heart whether the old lady had been impaled by someone else, but after looking at it, no, she was a normal person, but why were the words so terrifying?
Mrs. Wang naturally noticed that the granddaughter was looking at her all the time, and she also understood why the granddaughter looked at her and nodded her forehead, "Okay, don't think about it anymore, just eat what you have!"

Okay, just like what Mrs. Wang said, just eat something. Lin Lang grabbed the poached egg and started eating. Although the porridge was cooked on the mountain, how can there be eggs in white rice porridge?
After eating, Lin Lang had another good night's sleep. When she woke up, she found that her life had become the same as the original owner's again. Although she could work, at least Mrs. Wang would not treat herself as before. I was so cold that I beat and scolded, and I didn't let myself go to work anymore, and my tone of voice became gentler, and I even gave myself some small troubles from time to time.

No matter how she thought about it, Lin Lang couldn't understand why the old lady's attitude became so big, and more importantly, she went back to the old lady's room to sleep with the old lady.

But he also had some headaches, because the elderly were prone to snoring, which made her unable to sleep all night.

"What's the matter with your eyes? Did you become a thief last night?" Although the old lady's words were harsh, she had a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart.

Lin Lang rubbed her eyes, and replied honestly, "Why don't you ask grandma, the snoring in the middle of the night makes me unable to sleep!"

If it was the old lady from before, she would have slapped it long ago. She thought about it, "It's also us old people who like to snore when we sleep, especially your grandpa, who snores the loudest, but over the years I have also snored. Get used to it, if you are not used to sleeping with me, there is also a utility room in the house, I will clean it up for you tomorrow, you and your cousin can move there together!"

In this way, Lin Lang and his cousin had a separate room. To be honest, the relationship between Lin Lang and his cousin was not good. The main reason was that the two received different treatment. The cousin was jealous that Lin Lang could eat delicious food, but the two often When getting along, blood and family relationship can't be changed. Although the cousin can't see Lin Lang, but gradually, her words will not be so harsh, and she won't be hard on Lin Lang.

Lin Lang is not a stingy person either, if she gets any sweet fruit or something delicious, she will share it with this cousin, so the relationship between the two sisters has improved.

Although Lin Lang forced herself not to know about her good fortune, she couldn't hide such things as luck, especially when she went to the town market with Mrs. Wang today, seeing the white silver on the ground, Lin Lang Gritting his teeth, he stepped on it directly. He wanted to take the money and give it to Mrs. Wang, but he was afraid that Mrs. Wang would doubt his good luck. When he came back, he rolled his eyes and kicked the money to Mrs. Wang's feet. .

"Hey, hello!" Mrs. Wang was stunned, and when she quickly raised her foot and saw the silver on the ground, her eyes lit up, she quickly picked it up, and put it into her arms.

"Grandma!" Lin Lang pretended to be confused, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Wang looked left and right, grabbed her grandson's hand and walked forward, "What are you asking, it's getting late, let's go back quickly!"

After returning home, Mrs. Wang locked herself in the room, bit the piece of silver hard with her teeth, and then showed a smirk, "Today is really lucky!"

Of course, there is more than one good thing. After my mother came back, she kept smiling and touched her belly from time to time, "Lin Lang, how about I add a younger brother to you?"

Lin Lang was naturally very happy, "Okay, when I get married, my in-laws bully me, my brother can help me vent my anger!"

Niangqin smiled even more happily, "Then you wait another 8 months!"

It seems that she should be pregnant at this age, but it's okay, several of her sister-in-laws have sons, and women of the same age as him basically have both sons and daughters, but only the mother has no sons, so in these few days Among the daughters-in-law, the mother is the one who lacks confidence and does the most work, so she is afraid that others will say that she is a hen that does not lay eggs.

In the evening, Mrs. Wang was beaming with joy, but she would not tell the story of the money she picked up in a foolish manner.

The mother thought it was because of her pregnancy, so the mother-in-law was very happy and very relieved, thinking that her daughter had said good things in front of her mother-in-law, so the mother-in-law was looking forward to her unborn child very much, and she became more and more kind to Lin Lang .

In the evening, Mrs. Wang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and told Mr. Wang about the money she picked up today, "You don't know, such a big ingot of silver just appeared under my feet, if it wasn't for My eyes are sharp, so I picked up the money quickly, and it might be cheaper for others, but, thinking about such a big silver, no one saw it, hahaha, but I picked it up, and I feel happy when I think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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