Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1610 Lucky heroine 9

Chapter 1610 Lucky Heroine IX

Mr. Wang turned over, "Then have you ever thought about why others didn't pick up this silver, but you did?"

Mrs. Wang said as a matter of course, "Of course it's because those people are blind!"

Mr. Wang yawned, "I think it's because of your good luck!"

"Good luck?" Mrs. Wang didn't care much, "Supposedly our family is the luckiest, it should be Lin Lang, but it's a pity, it's only been a few years..."

"A few years is not enough. Some people have no good luck in their lives. Don't talk about it. The money is not too much. It will be autumn soon. Use that money to make a piece for our family. Clothes, our family hasn't worn new clothes for many years!" Mr. Wang said slowly.

Mrs. Wang was naturally unwilling, "I picked up the money, so naturally it belongs to me, and I plan to use the money to buy a better set of clothes for my third son, so that he will have face when he goes out to parties!

Besides, the third child is going to take the exam in spring, and all the expenses on the way are money, so we can save as much as we can! "

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, anyway, you picked up the money!" Mrs. Wang also turned over, "But it's a bit strange, you picked up this money when you were shopping with Lin Lang, you Could it be because Lin Lang's luck came back and brought you money?"

"This..." Mrs. Wang was a little skeptical, then shook her head, "Impossible, that girl hasn't been through the courtyard for several years, and she didn't find any wild eggs when she went to the mountains. You made a mistake, it was my luck to pick up the money, how could it be her luck!"

In the early morning of the second day, Lin Lang got up and washed his face. When he was about to feed the chickens, Mrs. Wang came out and said to Lin Lang, "Lin Lang, while the weather is good today, go dig some wild vegetables on the mountain. By the way, chop another frame of pigweed and come back!"

Lin Lang nodded, and walked up the mountain with a bamboo basket on her back. In fact, she has also found a lot of things on the mountain over the years, such as pheasants, rabbits, wild fruits and vegetables, and some honey. Anyway, she sold them for a lot of money. .

Lin Lang saved part of the money, and used the other part to buy things. The small house gradually became more and more stylish. At least one day she couldn't stay there any longer and ran to the mountains. Lin Lang could be completely self-sufficient.

As for the cowherd baby, after having money, his mother's health improved a bit. When her health was almost recovered, his mother rented out the fields in the house and found some show jobs in the cloth workshop in the town. , the family gradually became richer, and the cowherd boy also kept reading. I heard that the reading is not bad. If I keep reading, maybe I can be a scholar, and my stuttering will not change, and I will look smart. a lot of.

Sure enough, just after cutting down a basket of weeds, a rabbit bumped into the tree next to it. Seeing the fallen rabbit, Lin Lang sighed and picked the rabbit up, and put it in the basket.

"Caught another rabbit?" The cowherd boy looked at the rabbit in Lin Lang's hand, and couldn't help but said, "You are so lucky, unlike the cows I have been herding on the mountain for several years, let alone rabbits, I haven’t even seen a rabbit fur, I’m so angry!”

Lin Lang put the rabbit into the cowherd boy's hand, "Hey, you don't understand my worries at all, and what's more, I'll give you this rabbit, so don't sell it, just give your mother a boost." !"

"Then how can it be!" The cowherd boy quickly refused, "My family is not short of this meat, you can take it back, if my mother finds out that I gave it to others for nothing, she will definitely beat me to death!"

"But I can't take it back. If my grandma finds out about it, they will definitely..." Lin Lang didn't continue, but the cowherd boy soon understood.

"I understand what you're worried about. Let's do this. When the time comes, you can tell others that I gave you this hare!" The cowherd boy said understandingly.

Lin Lang nodded, "That's the only way to go, but it's okay, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, and I just made hare meat today!"

Sure enough, as soon as she got home, Mrs. Wang saw the eyes of the rabbit in your hands, "Linlang, is this the rabbit you caught? Has your luck returned?"

Lin Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Grandma, if my luck comes back, I should have caught a wild goat instead of a little rabbit, and I didn't catch this rabbit, but the cowherd boy said, he said He doesn't like eating rabbits, so he gave them to me!"

Grandma was a little discouraged, "So that's the case, but next time you can't take other people's things casually, especially since you are old, let alone take things from boys casually, it's not good to spread the word like this!"

Lin Lang nodded, "I see, but this rabbit's fur is pretty good, grandma can peel off the rabbit skin and make a glove for uncle in winter!"

Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up, "That's good, your uncle will be back tomorrow, and he just stewed the hare to make up your uncle's body!"

The mother stood in the corner with the dark light hitting his face, and he couldn't see his expression. After Mrs. Wang left, she pulled Lin Lang's clothes and said angrily, "No matter how kind your uncle treats you, That's just your uncle, but I'm your mother, and the child in my belly is your own brother, why don't you think about your own brother when you make gloves?"

Lin Lang burst out laughing, "Mom, so you are angry about this, but you don't want to wait for the gloves, it's already summer when my brother comes out, so I will use rabbit gloves for my brother in summer, Do you think this is appropriate?"

The mother's face changed, he didn't think of this at all, but thought that his son would not be able to take advantage of it, so he felt uncomfortable in his heart, "I... your brother can take it in winter..."

"Mom, the child is weak, and this rabbit has a lot of hair. What if my younger brother gets sick if he breathes into his stomach?" Lin Lang said disapprovingly, "I have also saved a sum of money over the years, and when my younger brother is born After that, I will go to the town to buy some cotton and make a padded jacket for my brother, do you think it is okay?"

Mother smiled with satisfaction, "You still have a conscience, but your grandma... is really too stingy, you brought back that rabbit, but he only thought about your uncle and didn't think about me, she was pregnant, Need something to eat to make up for it!"

Lin Lang persuasively said, "Mother, if you want to eat something good, I'll get it for you tomorrow, but rabbit meat is really unpalatable. I've heard people say that if a pregnant woman eats rabbit meat, a three-petal mouth will be born. child!"

Mother was shocked, "Oh, I forgot this if you didn't remind me. Fortunately, I didn't eat it. And after the rabbit meat is ready tomorrow, you have to remind me not to eat it!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Mother, in fact, grandma is very kind to you. You think you haven't been pregnant for so many years after giving birth to me, but did my grandma say anything about you? She didn't, and she didn't let my father rest I miss you!

And since you got pregnant, grandma has distributed all the housework to the uncle and cousin, and I will help you with the rest of the light work. Think about it, is there any daughter-in-law like you? Live so comfortably?
So to be a person, you must know how to be content, and daddy listens to grandma so much, if you let him know that you are dissatisfied with grandma, what will daddy think? "

Niangqin's complexion changed again and again, "Okay, I got it!"

Seeing that mother listened, Linlang continued: "Mother, don't worry, you will always be my good mother in my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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