Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1611 Lucky heroine

Chapter 1611 Lucky heroine ten

Lin Lang thought her mother would restrain herself a little after hearing it, but she didn't at all. She did sit with her tail between her legs when she was pregnant, but after the baby was born, she started to get arrogant.

"Second brother, what are you doing all day long? You don't feed pigs or chickens. You want to go to heaven!" Mrs. Wang said angrily.

The mother lowered her head and replied casually: "Mother, I want to help with the work, but our child needs someone to take care of it. If I go to work, what will happen to the child? This child is me and my husband. I finally hoped for it, if something happened, it would kill the two of us, so mother, you should take care of it a little more, besides, Lin Lang can do some work, let her do it, anyway, she You are all big girls, and you should learn how to work!"

Mrs. Wang rolled up her sleeves, "It's great to have a son, my mother has given birth to three, and my third son is still a child!
Hurry up and work for me, or I will let the second family divorce you, marry another big girl, and give birth to dozens of sons! "

The mother is confident, the family is so poor, which big girl is willing to marry a man with sons and daughters, and the old lady is so stingy, she will definitely not marry a son for the head of the family, and throw face Said: "Mom, I'm not saying that I don't work, Linlang, I am my own daughter, you can let him do it!"

Mrs. Wang stepped forward and pinched her mother fiercely, "Why are you so cruel? Lin Lang went to the mountain to cut weeds early in the morning, and she hasn't come back yet. Would you let her do those jobs again? Let her be exhausted, I have never seen such a cruel mother like you!"

"I won't go, our children still need someone to take care of them!" Mother pulled her neck, "Besides, my mother-in-law is too eccentric, Lin Lang only needs to go up the mountain to cut some weeds and she will be fine, but I have to do so much work, unfair!"

"You mother is still fussing over your own daughter. You are so shameless!" Mrs. Wang wished she could slap her daughter-in-law a few times, "You don't have to worry about your son, at worst, bring him to my room. Take care for you, if it doesn't work, you can go back to your mother's house, we can't have such a precious daughter-in-law like you!"

"I..." Mother cried with a kiss, "No way, my son can't live without me!"

"I give you two choices, either you take care of your son yourself, but you have to do the housework, or you put your son with me, I will take care of it for you, and you do the housework!" Mrs. Wang narrowed her eyes, "Don't play tricks in front of me. I have eaten more salt than you have eaten. Your little ability is nothing in my eyes!"

The mother returned to her room aggrieved, and put her son into the hands of Mrs. Wang, "Mother, I really didn't stop working on purpose. My son has been with me since he was born. I have never left me, but I suddenly went to a stranger, I was afraid that he would cry and make trouble!

Otherwise, when the child is a little older, I promise to make up all the owed guys. Can you say it again, isn't there so many people in our family?Why do you have to let me go to work?Aren't sister-in-law and third siblings also idle? "

"Because they have finished their work!" Mrs. Wang warned: "Besides, I have brought so many children, and I don't believe that this child can't be taken care of well, so don't worry about it. Work done!"

My mother is unwilling to feed the chickens. The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel that I am not taken seriously. When you come back from old age, you will just turn your face at her. If you are more diligent in this rule, you will finish the housework earlier. I don't have to work anymore, so I can spend more time taking care of my son.

After Lin Lang came back, she had an inexplicable face. She was not someone who put a hot face on a cold butt. She didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, turned around and went to Mrs. Wang's room, and found her brother lying on the kang up, giggling.

"Why is my brother at grandma's place?" Linlang asked curiously.

Mrs. Wang sneered, "It's not your good mother who used her own son to show off in front of me. What's there to be angry about? Who hasn't given birth to a son!

Also, you stay away from your mother these days, she dragged you out in order not to work, is this something a mother does?

I understand how hard it is for him to give birth to a child, so I assigned him very little housework, and her two sisters-in-law didn't say anything, but she jumped out, really shameless! "

Lin Lang really couldn't understand why a gentle wife became so fussy after giving birth to a son?Like a street shrew.

Mrs. Wang glanced at the granddaughter, and naturally saw his sadness, patted his hand, and said comfortingly: "Okay, what's so uncomfortable, you haven't been raised by her anyway. No kiss, there's no need to make yourself uncomfortable for such a trivial matter!"

"No..." Lin Lang lowered her head, "I just feel that my mother has changed a lot..."

"She hasn't changed at all. She is like this in her bones. She never gave birth to a son before, so she felt that she lacked confidence, so she naturally put her tail between her legs. Now that she has a son, she thinks she is a hero in this family, but she doesn't think about it. I have given birth to three sons, and I have several grandchildren, would you be surprised by this grandson?" Mrs. Wang said sarcastically, "I don't want to show off my power in front of me, and I don't want to be good enough!"

Lin Lang said in her heart what it was like, and sitting there, she always felt that her mission had fallen into a dead end again.

"Okay, don't be sad, grandma will make you a bowl of brown sugar water to drink!" Mrs. Wang showed a loving expression, picked up the bowl, and quickly handed over a bowl of brown sugar water, "If you are young, if you let If you want to do any work, you just refuse, if she asks you, you run to my house, she still dare not come to my house to ask for someone!"

Lin Lang forced a smile, and talked to Mrs. Wang again, and when she was about to go to the toilet, she was blocked by her mother.

"Are you blind? I didn't see my conscience working there, and I didn't know how to help the leader. Why are you so cruel!" The mother said viciously: "My pig shit hasn't been shoveled yet, so go and help I'll shovel it!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Grandma has something to do with me, I don't have time to go!"

"Bah!" My mother spit on the ground, "What can your grandma do to you? Don't you want to work? You deliberately lied to me here. Why are you so cruel? You need to do some work." Your life, hurry up, or I will beat you!"

Lin Lang wasn't afraid at all, "If you dare to hit me, I'll let my grandma decide for me!"

"I'm your mother!" Mother said emphatically.

"But you never raised me!" Lin Lang took two steps back, "I just can't figure it out, how did you change so much after you had a son, am I not your biological daughter? Why are you so partial? But forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, I didn't grow up under your knees, so naturally I don't have much affection, and I won't feel sad..."

"You..." Mother's face changed again and again, "I... I didn't want to raise you on purpose, it was your grandma who thought you were blessed and took you away from me when you were just weaned. I wanted to take you back at the beginning, but I had no choice but to be filial, and I had so much work to do, so I couldn't take care of you..."

(End of this chapter)

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