Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1612 Lucky heroine 1

Chapter 1612 Lucky Heroine Eleven
"But why did you disagree so much when grandma wanted to raise my younger brother? You agreed only when grandma said that she would drive you away. You simply treated him differently!" Lin Lang smiled and shook his head, "Don't say anything. , some things are clear in your heart, and I know it in my heart, so it’s really boring to say it!”

"You..." Mother clutched her chest, "Are you just digging my heart like this?"

"Okay, don't act in front of my granddaughter!" Mrs. Wang came out, holding a child in her hand, "I know what kind of person you are, I don't like you Daughter, I like it, I just hope that after a hundred years, you will not regret it!"

The mother lowered her head and said pitifully, "I...it's not like this..."

Mrs. Wang waved her sleeves, "Don't act in front of me, I don't like you, hurry up and finish the work, don't feed me after today's work!"

"Mother, how can I finish all this work? Besides, if I don't eat, my son will have no milk to drink. You can do me a favor and let Lin Lang share it with me!" Mother lowered her head, " Besides, it's good to let her little girl do the work, she's going to get married in a few years, so she needs to exercise more, otherwise when she gets married to her in-law's house, she won't be able to do any work, and they'll have to laugh at us! "

"What are you worrying about? Just get your own affairs in order. Linlang's affairs are up to me. Since you haven't raised her, don't worry about her in the future!" Mrs. Wang shook her face and pulled Linlang's hand. Hands went to the house.

Sitting on the kang, Mrs. Wang said angrily: "Your mother has lived a long life, thinking that after giving birth to a son, there will be lawlessness. Oh, my mother will not accept his tricks!"

Lin Lang lowered her head and said nothing.

In the next few days, my mother became more honest, knowing that if she didn't work, she would not be able to see her son. Although she also complained to her husband, although he was distressed, he didn't dare to resist his parents at all. .

Time passed day by day, and Lin Lang grew up day by day, becoming a big girl.

Because it was a journey of destiny, Lin Lang was very beautiful, and her reputation in the village was also very good. She was helpful, kind-hearted, lively and lovely.

"Lin Lang, a lot of matchmakers have come to ask for advice recently, tell me what you like, so grandma can help you decide!
Save time and keep procrastinating, Hao Erlang was picked away by others! "Grandma Wang said in a low voice.

Lin Lang thought for a while, "Grandma, I won't hide it from you. My request is very simple. Maybe it's not rich and powerful, but you must treat me well!"

"Oh, you silly girl!" Mrs. Wang smiled, "I know your mother is unreliable, so I have been saving your dowry all these years, and I haven't saved much, but at least it won't be too ugly!"

Lin Lang smiled, "Thank you grandma, I will be filial to you after I get married!"

Mrs. Wang sighed, "I don't need you to be filial to me, you just need to live yourself well, and after you get married, don't get too close to your mother, since you have a son Afterwards, your mother's heart is all about her son, I'm afraid that if you get too close to her, she will oppress you for her son!"

Lin Lang naturally understood this truth. As her mother got older and bigger, her mother doted on his younger brother more. When she saw that she had something delicious or interesting, she would let her give it to her younger brother. In fact, it doesn't matter, but partiality also partiality It's too much.

Lin Lang really understood that she might not be reliable as her father and mother, and the only one she could be reliable was herself.

"Lin Lang, tell me, did your grandma tell you about your marriage?" Mother pulled Lin Lang aside and asked hastily.

Lin Lang nodded, but was puzzled, "How do you know?"

The mother's face was a little unnatural, "You are so old, it's time to talk about people, but you can't let your grandma decide this matter, you are my own daughter, who you want to marry is naturally up to me!

I have been contacted by a few matchmakers recently. They are all rich and well-to-do families. You can choose a few. I, as a mother, will not harm you. After you get married, I will guarantee that you will be popular ! "

Lin Lang showed an ugly look, "Food and drink? What are you talking about? They don't want me to be a concubine or some seventies or eighties, or some people who are promiscuous?"

The mother showed a guilty look, "What's wrong with this man's age? He knows how to hurt others, and what's the matter with being promiscuous? Nowadays, anyone with a little money will have a concubine. This is not a problem, anyway, you It’s being a regular wife, not someone else’s concubine, what are you doing with so much effort!”

"Are you still my mother?" Lin Lang shook her head in disappointment, "You told me to that family because you took other people's money, right? Do you still have a conscience? It doesn't matter if you haven't raised me, You still want to suck blood from me, you..."

Mother patted Lin Lang fiercely, "I know I never raised you, but all I did was for your own good. Although the families mentioned have defects, they are rich. If you get married, you can be a young mistress, and there are maids to take care of this, okay? Could it be that you want to marry some old-fashioned old hat or someone who eats in the fields? Will you spend your whole life facing the yellow land and the sky?
Did your grandma say something in your ear, you must not listen to that old man, I am your mother, I will not harm you! "

"You're hurting me right now!" Lin Lang backed off, "Don't worry about my affairs, my grandma will help me!"

The mother clutched her chest and began to pant violently, "I kindly wanted to help you, but you didn't know what to do. When you get married and suffer, you will understand my hard work as a mother!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, just shook her face and left, returned to grandma's room, still angrily said, "You guessed it right, my mother wants to marry me to a rich family!"

It's not a good word to be a big family in the country. Mrs. Wang's face changed, and she slapped the table, "Is your mother crazy? Selling your daughter for glory?"

Lin Lang had a headache, "Forget it, don't worry about it like him, after I get married, I won't come back to see him except for necessary holidays!"

Mrs. Wang patted the granddaughter's hand and said comfortingly, "Don't take it to heart!"

Lin Lang forced a smile, but felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, so she stood up, ready to go outside to get some air.

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Lang was taken aback by the sudden voice, turned around and found that it was someone she knew, and patted her chest, "Why are you walking so silently?"

"It's because you were too preoccupied with things, so you didn't notice me coming!" The cowherd boy asked curiously, "What are you thinking? Are you so preoccupied?"

"I'm thinking about my own affairs!" Lin Lang sighed, "It's too difficult!"

The cowherd boy smiled, "If you have any difficulties, the whole village will say that you are the luckiest!"

Lin Lang was taken aback, and quickly looked around, "Don't say such things next time!"

"Why?" The cowherd boy asked suspiciously: "Your luck is really good. As long as you go up the mountain, you will get something. Unlike some people, even if your leg is broken, you can't find anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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