Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1613 Lucky heroine 2

Chapter 1613 Lucky Heroine Twelve
Lin Lang lowered her head and said sullenly: "Excellent luck, sometimes it's not a good thing for other people!"

The cowherd boy laughed immediately, "You are so strange. If I were as lucky as you, I would be woken up with laughter in my dreams, but you would avoid it and don't know what to say!"

Lin Lang stood up, "Don't tell others about my luck!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad-mouthed eighth woman!" The cowherd boy stood up, "You haven't answered me yet, what were you thinking just now? You were so preoccupied?"

Lin Lang was too embarrassed to say it again, her face blushed when she was thinking about getting married, "What are you worrying about, kid? Just mind your own business!"

The cowherd boy lowered his head, and suddenly laughed softly, "Actually, if you don't tell me, I should be able to guess. It should be your marriage. Did your mother do something?"

Lin Lang narrowed her eyes and looked at the cowherd boy, "How do you know?"

"Basically the whole village knows about it!" The cowherd boy said very calmly: "Your mother wants to marry you to those big landlords, but I guess you don't want to, because you are not a greedy person!"

Lin Lang didn't want to discuss this issue with the little boy, "Don't worry so much!"

Seeing that Lin Lang was about to leave, the cowherd boy hurriedly asked, "Do you have someone you like? I... If you don't mind, I can come to your house to propose marriage!"

Lin Lang turned her head, narrowed her eyes slowly, and looked at the boy asking her for marriage. Whether it was because she liked her or because she liked her luck, she didn't dare to gamble, because the original owner in her previous life had made a mistake once. The way, she dare not go wrong again.

"Why do you ask me this?" Lin Lang tilted her head, "Although we two have a relationship? But I don't have feelings for you. What do you like about me? Is it my luck, or is it?"

The cowherd boy hurriedly said: "No, I married you because of gratitude. If it wasn't for you, my mother's health would not have recovered so quickly, and it would be impossible for me to go to school, so all of this is because of you!

Besides, marrying you is not bad, everyone in the village knows that you are a good girl, and any guy who marries you is lucky! "

Lin Lang took two steps back, then shook her head, "I don't have feelings for you!"

"You'd better think about it. Although your grandma is thinking about you, don't forget that you have a mother. Since ancient times, it has been the order of your parents and the words of a matchmaker. If your mother decides for you, your grandma Even if you want to refuse, I'm afraid there is no way!

If you were dating an ordinary family, your mother would not be afraid at all, but I am different. Now that I have the fame of being a child, if you marry me, your mother will never dare to add trouble behind your back! "

Lin Lang looked at the cowherd boy, "I didn't expect you to calculate step by step very clearly!"

"I can't help it, I have to do something for the woman I love, I know you probably won't believe me, after all..." The cowherd boy laughed at himself, "After all, you also have your worries, but please don't worry , I am definitely not here to be ungrateful, I married you because I really think you are a good girl, and I am grateful, so I feel that if I miss you, I will never have a girl I like in this life!"

Linlang lowered her head and analyzed the pros and cons. It is true that as the cowherd boy said, only the cowherd boy has the strength to protect herself within a few miles. If she marries an ordinary person, her mother will definitely try to find a way He ruined the marriage, and then married himself to a landlord Lao Cai.

But my mother would never dare to go head-to-head with a man of fame, so the cowherd baby would be my best choice. In fact, there are other people with fame, but will other people with fame fall in love with me?And will he offend rich people for himself?

Lin Lang returned home in a daze, but before she walked in the door, she heard the sound of a violent quarrel.

"Second brother, look at what your mother-in-law has done. She went to find a matchmaker behind my back. If he really wants to make your daughter a good person, that's fine, but look at what he said. Money, nothing else!"

"Mother, don't say that my daughter-in-law is actually very good at being rich. Apart from being older and likes to play, she has no other shortcomings. After we Lin Lang gets married, we will be young mistresses, and we will also have maids. Isn't it good after that?"

"What a fart, I think you are not doing it for your daughter at all, but for that pile of money. You really have no conscience. Let me tell you that Lin Lang was raised by me. I will never let her Marry someone like that!"

"Mother, Lin Lang, although you saw it, but he came out of my stomach. Since ancient times, it has been the words of matchmakers and the orders of parents. Anyway, I don't care. Whoever I ask her to marry, she has to marry." Who is it!" Mother said, pulling her neck.

"It's against the sky, it's really against the sky, why did I marry a daughter-in-law like you, I think I should have divorced you in the first place!" Mrs. Wang clutched her chest, "Second brother, why don't you marry me?" In a word, do you want your daughter-in-law or your mother!"

The second child lowered his head and remembered what his daughter-in-law had said, gritted his teeth, and knelt down, "Mother, just listen to my advice and marry Lin Lang to those people. Those people are not fire pits. Why don't you willing!

And they also said that as long as you two are willing to marry, they are willing to give a dowry gift of 100 taels. half of you!
I've made up my mind, I'll send our boy to study for the rest of the money, and after he reads it, he will be famous, and you will be the grandma of a high official!

Mother, think about whether the grandson is important or the grandson is important, you have to think about this family, with this 100 taels of silver, our family can buy dozens of acres of land, and we can also buy a cow..."

"You..." There was a trace of hesitation in Mrs. Wang's voice, then she shook her head, "No, we can't do such a heartless thing, and your daughter can't marry those people, I don't agree!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, anyway, as long as dad agrees!" The second child said sullenly: "I believe my dad will make the right choice for this family!"

Mrs. Wang gasped, "You... you really..."

Lin Lang sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him. Mrs. Wang whispered in his ear, "Grandma, don't be angry about this, I have good news for you!"

Mrs. Wang looked at her granddaughter and patted her hand, "Don't worry, granddaughter, grandma will never marry you to those people!"

Lin Lang smiled, "Grandma, I won't push myself into a pit of fire either!"

The second child raised his head, frowned and said angrily, "I am your father. Since ancient times, marriage has always been ordered by the parents and the words of the matchmaker. You have to marry whomever I ask you to marry!"

Lin Lang looked straight at the second child, "If you dare to betroth me to someone else, I will die in front of you immediately, even a ghost will not let you go, pestering your son every day, making him pay for my life !"

The second child's face changed, this son is his lifeblood, he raised his hand, "How dare you!"

Lin Lang raised her chin, "Why don't I dare, as a father, you can push your own daughter into the fire pit, why can't I let my own brother pay for my life? Anyway, I have nothing to worry about, instead of Being tortured to death by others, jumping into a fire pit is better than taking my own life, anyway, I am a person who can do anything!"

"You..." The second child jumped up and down angrily, "Why did I give birth to such an unfilial daughter like you!"

"You and my mother just gave birth to me, but never raised me. If you gave birth and didn't raise me, you are devoid of conscience. Now you want to take me out for money, but your conscience has been eaten by dogs!" Lin Lang He glanced at them coldly, "Anyway, here's the talk, if you are not afraid, go ahead and do it, at worst I will go in and out with red knives, and I will be a good man again after 18 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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