Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1614 Lucky heroine 3

Chapter 1614 Lucky heroine thirteen
When Mrs. Wang heard this, she quickly spit a few mouthfuls and patted Lin Lang, "What unlucky words are you talking about, you bastard? "

Lin Lang didn't look at the couple, she held Mrs. Wang's hand and walked towards the house, saying as she walked, "Grandma has already made up her mind about my marriage!"

Mrs. Wang frowned, "What's the idea? You won't agree to your parents' request, will you? But you must not do this!"

Lin Lang shook her head suddenly, "Of course not, I'm not a fool!
Grandma, do you still remember the cowherd boy? "

Mrs. Wang nodded, "I remember, when I was young, their family was the poorest in the whole village, but I didn't expect to get better and better over the years. I also heard that the kid was admitted to Tongsheng, and now he is also famous. people!"

"Yeah, he's famous now, and he and I grew up together, childhood sweethearts, we're the perfect match!" Lin Lang smiled.

Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up, "That baby is a good choice, you will be Mrs. Tongsheng when you marry, maybe you can become Mrs. Scholar!
But... His father left early, and he was brought up by his mother. I'm afraid... After you get married, you will be angry with his mother? "

Lin Lang shook her head, "I'm not afraid of this, he dared to make me angry, so I'll come to grandma and let grandma decide for me!"

"Okay, okay, since you have agreed, then you can ask him to come to propose marriage tomorrow, let's settle the matter quickly, so as not to cause any trouble!" Mrs. Wang said hastily.

That night, the second child tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, even waking up his mother. She opened her eyes and said in a daze, "What's wrong?"

The second child sighed deeply, "What do you think is wrong? It's not about your daughter. You said it's so big, why don't you understand anything? What's wrong with those people? It's not about letting him become a concubine, It’s nothing more than being older and more playful, but aren’t all men like this? As long as she gives birth to a child, everything will be fine, why don’t you want to, and there will be a lot of trouble!”

The mother was so angry that she said, "It's not because of your mother. If she hadn't taken the child away from me at the beginning, I guarantee that the girl will listen to me very much. Whoever I ask her to marry, the girl will definitely marry. , but now... I really don't want to say anything..."

The second child turned over again, "Think about it, do you have the heart to put down such a piece of fat and not eat it? But if you really marry your daughter to someone else, your daughter may die, and then we will lose money... "

"Actually, there is a very nice family, the age is right, and the family is quite rich. It is a real rich family. They just like to play a little bit. There are many concubines in the mansion, but what does that matter..." Mother The mother lowered her head, "It's really impossible, let's kill her first and play later. If he is going to die or live, we will knock her out. Anyway, as long as he gets married, it has nothing to do with our family!"

"This should not work..." The second child hesitated, "What if my mother disagrees?"

"Mother-in-law doesn't agree, as long as father-in-law agrees, mother-in-law will never disobey father-in-law!" Mother said very firmly: "When the time comes, even if Lin Lang wants to make trouble again, she will have to hold her nose and admit it." Already!"

"Okay, I will do as you say!" The second child nodded.

It turned out that they hadn't finished it yet, and someone came to propose marriage on the second day, and his mother agreed without hesitation, but the second child wanted to go back on his word, but he didn't expect that since he still has fame, he thought that this matter might cause trouble When he arrived at the county government office, the second child hesitated.

"What should I do?" the second child said anxiously.

The mother was also very anxious, "Why did you choose that family? Although they have fame, the family is extremely poor, and there is not even an acre of land. I guess the dowry gift is not much... No, I have to talk to my mother-in-law. , I can't let Lin Lang marry that family!"

"Okay!" The second child had a headache, "How do you use all the arguments? Now my mother is determined, and the main reason why she wants to marry Lin Lang to that family is because the family has fame and knows us. Don't dare to make trouble!"

"Then let's..." Mother cried, "What are we going to do with so much money? What about our son going to school? I still hope that my son will be the champion and give me an imperial order to come back!"

"Okay, don't be sad, anyway, Linlang's family is a scholar, let him teach your son to read then!" The second child waved his hand and said weakly.

Mother sighed, "That's the only way!"

After the marriage was settled, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and married after choosing an auspicious date. The cowherd boy's family was really poor, and even the drinks and meals for the guests were not on the table, but Lin Lang didn't care.

At this moment, Lin Lang's soul gradually floated out of her body. The original owner came back and smiled at Lin Lang, "I am very satisfied with my future husband-in-law, thank you!"

"Then live a good life!" Lin Lang said to the original owner, "Don't worry about the past!"

The original owner nodded, "Don't worry, but I will never let that pair of dogs go!"

"You can deal with your original husband and son-in-law, but you can't deal with that princess, unless the dynasty changes, but now that the country is prosperous and the people are safe, I'm afraid it's impossible..." Lin Lang said hesitantly.

The original owner smiled faintly, "Have you forgotten who I am? Mistress of Destiny! I have countless luck, as long as I have the heart, my wish will come true sooner or later!"

Lin Lang nodded, and then slowly disappeared.

The original owner was indeed the woman of destiny. After the heroine got married, the cowherd boy's family became better and better. He met noble people and made a lot of money. Even the cowherd boy won the first prize in the exam.

The princess really took a fancy to the cow-herding baby, but when he learned that the cow-herding baby was married and had three children, he retreated. The three children... and how old they are, he couldn't do it so embarrassingly. Besides, the cowherd baby grew up in the countryside, and her skin was a bit dark, which didn't fit her style of handsome boys, so the princess gave up and chose another Jinshi.

After the original owner became the wife of an official, he really did something to kill his original husband-in-law. Someone used a trick, which made the husband-in-law in the previous life owe a large amount of money. Even the ancestral house was sold.

The family was poor and white, the husband-in-law in the previous life knew nothing but eating, drinking and having fun, the family gradually became ruined, and his parents were pissed off by him, and later on, the husband-in-law in the previous life turned into a beggar, living a very special life miserable.

As for the princess, the original owner really has nothing to do with the princess, but he has time. After the emperor dies, the new emperor ascends the throne, and the cowherd boy relies on the nobleman, and suddenly becomes a third-rank official. As for the princess, she has no relationship with the current emperor. Too good, gradually fell out of favor, and then a scandal was involved, the princess was directly abolished and imprisoned in the family temple, and the rest of her life could only be spent in the cold family temple.

After the original owner avenged herself, she smiled happily, but after counting it carefully, I don't know how to evaluate him in this life. Good luck has indeed brought me a lot of convenience, but it also caused me to lose a lot of things.

But what makes her happiest is that her grandma really loves her. Even if she has no luck, grandma will still think about herself.

When he closed his eyes, he began to pray to God, hoping that he would be an ordinary person in his next life, without much luck, and only hoped that his life would be safe, smooth, and healthy.

(End of this chapter)

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