Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1615 Silly Big Sister 1

Chapter 1615 Silly Big Sister One
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, there were noisy sounds in her ears, first came the sound of footsteps walking around, followed by the sound of pots and pans colliding, and then the sound of sweeping the floor...

And then, the voice of talking...

"Aunt Wang, you got up so early, where is your daughter-in-law?"

"Don't mention it, my daughter-in-law was not feeling well the day before, so she went to the hospital for an investigation, and guess what, it turned out!
I'm not a mother-in-law in the old society. Since my daughter-in-law has one, let her take care of the baby and let me do the housework. Anyway, I'm still healthy! "

"Oh, Aunt Wang, you are really the best mother-in-law in the world. Whoever becomes your daughter-in-law will be blessed for eight lifetimes!"

"It's nothing, but why did you get up so early today, don't you guys usually get up to work?"

"Don't mention it, that girl went out to play in the water with a group of boys yesterday, but she developed a high fever at night, and she is probably still asleep!"

"That's terrible, but you have to be careful. I heard that there was a little girl on the East Street who developed a high fever and became deaf-mute!"

"Oh, that's really terrible, but our girl is not so unlucky. After taking the anti-fever medicine last night, her health is much better, and she is still lying on the bed now!"

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, the water in our house is boiling!"

"Oh, my coal is ready, I have to hurry up and cook, our family is still waiting to finish eating and go to work!"


After the loud noise ended, Lin Lang couldn't fall asleep at all, closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

"I am a saint, of course, I am not the kind of person who is good to others for no reason, I am only good to my own family, I give them my heart and soul, but when I am old, they have sons and daughters, and I But alone!
I feel very sad. I am the eldest in the family. When I was just born, the conditions in the family were not very good, so I had to help with the work since I was a child. Good things are bigger. After my father also had a formal job, I When I thought I would live a good life, my mother gave birth to children one after another. Because there was no one to take care of them, my mother asked me to drop out of school to take care of my younger siblings. I thought my academic performance was not very good, so I dropped out of school!

I brought up the second child, then the third child, and then the fourth child and the fifth child. I brought them up one by one, worrying about their marriage and having children, watching them get married one by one, and then go out into the society , but after they all left, I found that I was the only one left, and my parents had also left. I was guarding my own small yard, alone and helpless!
I was wrong, I dedicated everything to them, but I only forgot myself. If I do it all over again, I hope I can also enjoy the life surrounded by being alone. I don’t want to abandon my life for my younger brothers and sisters anymore. I also want to live for myself once! "

After Lin Lang received the plot, she touched her forehead. Sure enough, she was still burning. She was about to get out of bed to help her mother with work, but Lin Lang suddenly stopped and continued to lie on the bed. Since she made up her mind to live with herself Let’s start with selfishness first. Anyway, I’m a child, so it’s okay to be selfish and playful.

After lying down for a long time, there was a knock on the door, "You're still sleeping, get up quickly, the food is getting cold!"

Lin Lang slowly got dressed, kicked on her little shoes, opened the door, and walked to the kitchen.

"Are you feeling better? Why don't you take the medicine again today?" Xu Wanrong asked thoughtfully.

"I'm much better!" Lin Lang said slowly, drinking porridge and eating steamed buns.

Xu Wanrong nodded, "Since I think it's almost done, let's clean the bowl after dinner!"

Lin Lang raised her head, her eyes were filled with tears, "Mom, why are you so cruel? I'm just recovering from a serious illness, and you just let me work. I'm not as cruel as you!"

"You..." Xu Wanrong's face was a little ugly, "I'm not training you? Besides, I'm pregnant and I don't feel well, so I really can't do too much work!"

"The child you're pregnant with isn't mine. Why should I work for you? Anyway, I don't care. I won't work. I want to go out to play!" Lin Lang shook the bowl and ran away quickly.

After watching the dead girl run away, Xu Wanrong was furious, "Well you damn girl!"

Wang Dazhuang came out, "Okay, don't talk about the child, since she doesn't want to work, then don't let her do it!

Anyway, washing dishes is not a heavy job, so it's fine if you do it! "

Xu Wanrong said angrily, "I'm your wife, and I'm still pregnant with your baby, why don't you feel sorry for me at all, anyway, I don't wash this bowl, you wash it for me!"

"Isn't this nonsense!" Wang Dazhuang shook his head, "What kind of dishes do I wash as a grown man? It's so embarrassing to spread the word. Besides, do you think you didn't work as usual when you were pregnant with a big girl in the countryside? Why? It won’t work when you’re in the city, you can’t make the officials’ wives angry, this kind of feudal thinking is outrageous!”

Xu Wanrong was very angry, "Well, you old man, if I ask you to help with some work, you just push back and forth, you are so heartless!"

Wang Dazhuang waved his hand and returned to his study.

Xu Wanrong said that she asked Wang Dazhuang to work for her, but she also knew in her heart that Wang Dazhuang would never help her, so the appointed officer rolled up his sleeves and said while washing, "This dead girl, why did you have a bad day?" Sick, are you getting more and more lazy? Sigh... my child, you have to come out quickly, and help your mother to work together when you grow up..."

After Linlang ran to the alley, she sat at the entrance of the alley, admiring the scenery of this era. After a while, a few dolls ran over.

"Silly girl, I heard that you had a fever last night, did you feel better?"

One of the disadvantages of living in the courtyard is that any movement can quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys.

Lin Lang said in confusion, "My head still hurts!"

"Then why don't you lie down at home? What are you doing out there? Your father is the director of the factory. If you are sick, your father should buy you a lot of delicious food. Do you have white rabbit toffee?" asked curiously with a snot in his nose.

Lin Lang shook her head. Although his father is a factory manager, his father likes to use his salary for some trivial things, such as buying books, buying some ancient books, and sometimes buying brushes and the like. , and more importantly, his dad likes to smoke and drink. As far as this item is concerned, it is not something that ordinary people can

So even though he was the only child in their family, their life was still a bit tight. Fortunately, his father had some comrades-in-arms who would give his father a share of whatever good things they had, so their family was doing well.

Linlang saw that it was getting late, so she walked slowly towards the house. As soon as she walked in, Xu Wanrong stood at the door and said, "Are you finally willing to come back?"

Lin Lang kicked the small stone beside her feet, "I have a headache and don't want to talk!"

Xu Wanrong choked in her heart, then waved her hands, "Forget it, since you're uncomfortable, go back to your room and lie down!"

Of course, Lin Lang was not pretentious. She turned around and went back to her little room. She lay on the bed and fell asleep snoringly. When she woke up again, it was already night.

"You damn girl, you still sleep at night, so you don't have to sleep at night!" Xu Wanrong said with a look of disgust.

Lin Lang casually picked up the food, her eyes were still a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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