Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1616 Silly Big Sister 2

Chapter 1616 Silly Big Sister II
Wang Dazhuang waved his hand, "Okay, don't talk about it, my baby is in good health, and I should take a break. By the way, don't we still have eggs at home? Boil two eggs for my baby tomorrow, and give her a good nourishment!" "

Xu Wanrong is not a stepmother, and this is her first child, so naturally she feels distressed, "Okay, I know!"

Lin Lang raised her head and said to Wang Dazhuang: "Dad, I am also 5 years old this year, and I will soon be 6 years old. Children as old as me can go to school. Why can't I go to school?"

"This..." Wang Dazhuang was stunned there, yes, he is an intellectual, and he is also an advanced element, so why did he forget to let his girl go to school.

Xu Wanrong also realized that, in fact, he didn't have patriarchal thoughts, and he never let his daughter go to school. The first reason was that they lived in the countryside where the transportation was not convenient, and there was no school, so it was naturally impossible for a girl to go to school. Going to school, now that she is pregnant with another child, her energy is low, so she naturally forgets that her daughter should go to school.

"That's right, our girls are so old, it's time to go to school!" Wang Dazhuang patted Lin Lang's head, "Well, I'll buy you paper and pen tomorrow, and then send you to school!"

Lin Lang smiled, and began to calculate in her heart, it is now 1952, and when the chaos completely breaks out, it will take at least 12 years!
Now I only need to study for 5 years in elementary school, two years in junior high school, and two years in high school, so it is enough for me to graduate from university.

Xu Wanrong nodded Lin Lang's head with chopsticks, "Although you can go to school, you can't forget to help with the housework!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Don't worry, but you can't treat me like a servant!"

Xu Wanrong suddenly laughed angrily, "You are my own daughter, and it's too late for me to feel sorry for you. How could I treat you like a servant? What are you thinking? Is someone else watching you? What are you saying in your ears? The people in our yard really have such long mouths... Don't worry, even if I have a baby again, I think they will treat everyone equally!"

It turned out that Xu Wanrong thought that it was something someone said in Lin Lang's ear that made Lin Lang think that she didn't want her anymore, so her attitude changed so much, she didn't want to work, and became disobedient.

Lin Lang nodded obediently, "Okay, listen to mom!"

On the second day, Lin Lang carried her brand new schoolbag and went to school with a pen and paper.

I didn't learn anything on the first day, but a bunch of kids were playing there. Lin Lang felt bored and slept on the table all the time, and was caught by the teacher later.

"Why are you sleeping on the table? Didn't you sleep last night?" The teacher wanted to hit Lin Lang, but then he thought that Lin Lang's father was the factory director, and he had some relatives who worked in Lin Lang's father's factory, so he still She didn't dare to offend Linlang, and spoke softly.

Lin Lang rubbed her eyes. To be honest, I really didn't sleep well last night. In order to show yourself, you cleaned the room thoroughly, so you went to bed late. It's fine if you're an adult, but you're a child. , needs enough sleep, so after school, Lin Lang started fishing.

Lin Lang blinked, "Teacher, I helped the house with the housework yesterday, so I went to bed late!"

When the teacher heard this, the dark color changed unpredictably, and at last he let out a long oh, touched Lin Lang's head, and sighed softly, "You are also a hard-fated child, but no matter how hard life is, you But never give up studying, because knowledge can change your destiny, and only by studying hard can you have a better life!"

Uh... There is nothing wrong with what the teacher said, but why did you say these things to yourself?What is the point?What did the teacher think of?
After school, Linlang bounced back home with her schoolbag on her back. As soon as she opened the door, Xu Wanrong pointed to a pile of dirty clothes on the ground and said, "Wash the clothes!"

Linlang shook her head, she can't be spoiled by Xu Wanrong, even though she is pregnant with you, it doesn't mean she can't do laundry, and it's not a heavy job.

"No, the teacher assigned me homework today. I have to finish the homework, otherwise I will be the last one. I don't want to lose face!" Lin Lang took her small backpack and walked to the study.

Seeing the situation, Xu Wanrong sighed, then shook her head, "Forget it, I'll wash the clothes since you're studying, but you've finished your homework, so you can help me cook together!"

It's a trivial matter, Lin Lang nodded and agreed, and after he finished his homework and dawdled for a while, he went to the kitchen to help light the fire and cook.

"How was your school day today?" Xu Wanrong asked with concern. After all, parents love to ask their children this question. They just want to know if the child has been bullied and what they have learned today.

Lin Lang replied honestly: "I fell asleep during class today!"

"What?" Xu Wanrong almost lost the tongs in her hand, "Since you are sleeping at school, your father and I sent you to school to learn knowledge, not to sleep, if you can't learn Come back as soon as possible, don't waste my money and your dad's money!"

Lin Lang was not to be outdone, "It's not because of my mother. If my mother hadn't made me work all the time last night, I wouldn't have slept until very late, and I wouldn't have slept in school!"

Xu Wanrong smiled angrily, "I'm still blaming me after all this, okay, I won't let you work at night from now on, but you have to promise me that you will study hard at school in the future , bring me back with a certificate during the Chinese New Year!"

Lin Lang thought it would be easy to get the certificate, so she nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry, I will definitely bring back a big red flower during the Chinese New Year!"

During dinner at night, Wang Dazhuang asked the same question again, how was your day at school today?Have you ever been bullied by your classmates?What did you learn today?Are you good today?

Lin Lang is not a fool, she will definitely not tell Wang Dazhuang honestly, so she only chooses good words, saying that she is very good today, and she has always listened to the teacher, and she understands what the teacher said.

Xu Wanrong sat at the side, watching her daughter say those words, she almost laughed.

Wang Dashan was overjoyed, "You have to study hard and strive to be the successor of the party!"

After finally finishing the meal, Lin Lang naturally washed up and went to bed. As for the rest of the finishing work, I handed over all the finishing work to Xu Wanrong. Fortunately, the work was not heavy, so she quickly finished everything.

When he returned to the room, he found Wang Dazhuang lying leisurely under the blanket with a book in his hand.

Xu Wanrong sat on the bed and muttered: "I know how to read all day long, and I haven't seen you read a flower!"

Wang Dazhuang said with a face of disapproval: "Women have long hair and short knowledge, and you don't want to think about it. If reading is useless, why can I be the factory manager, while my other comrades can only be workers? My position is still low? Just because they have no knowledge, they can't be reused!"

Xu Wanrong smiled, "It seems that our baby should study hard, but there is something I need to discuss with you, my stomach is getting bigger, and Lin Lang is going to school again, and there is no one at home to help me, you have to Think of a way for me, when I have a baby, if I can't do my confinement well, it will be a lifelong problem!"

Wang Dazhuang frowned, "Then when I didn't come back, how did you sit in confinement when you gave birth to a big girl? Isn't it pretty good? I don't think there is anything wrong now. Why did you enter Are there so many problems in the city?"

Xu Wanrong pinched Wang Dazhuang fiercely, "You are ashamed to mention this. After I gave birth to a big girl, fortunately, my relatives and friends around me helped me. Later, my mother took care of me for a while, but not now, I Mother is getting old, and there are many things at home, it is impossible for her to come here to take care of me!
As for the neighbors around... They are all so talkative, they can talk nonsense in our big girl's ears last time, I am afraid that if we really ask the neighbors to take care of them, our big girl will learn some nonsense again... "

(End of this chapter)

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