Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1618 Silly Big Sister 4

Chapter 1618 Silly Big Sister Four
When Xu Wanrong yelled like this in the yard, the neighbors in the yard put their tails between their tails and behaved like men, and they didn't dare to mutter anything behind their backs.

Xu Wanrong's belly gradually got bigger, but the situation outside became more and more severe. I heard that many places were hit by disasters. Lin Lang knew that there was a basement in her house, so she took care of it and went to the house when she had nothing to do. Ask Xu Wanrong for money, and then go out to buy food.

Xu Wanrong also knew that her daughter went out to buy food, but she didn't understand why her daughter bought so much food back?Obviously there is enough food at home.

"Mom, give me the money quickly!" Lin Lang said in a more serious tone, "I really didn't lie to you, many places have been hit by disasters, I heard that we will reduce supplies for a while, Dad and I can save money." Eat some, but you can't eat less when you are pregnant!"

Xu Wanrong frowned, "But I haven't heard your father say anything about it, so where did you know about it?"

That is of course known from history textbooks, not only at this time, but also in six or a few years, there will be another catastrophe.

"Mom, several of my classmates are from my hometown. They said that the place was hit by disasters. Think about the disasters in the countryside. Can our cities survive? Don't look at our monthly quota, but we The things we have are all supplied by the countryside, if there are no things in the countryside, how can we have things in our cities?" Lin Lang tried to understand and said to Xu Wanrong.

But Xu Wanrong didn't believe what a 7-year-old girl said at all, "Okay, don't worry about this, I will tell your dad today!

And even if there is a disaster, so what, your father's salary is high, and it's okay to support the few of us! "

Ouch, no matter how high the salary is, what if there is no food and no matter how much money there is?Money can't buy anything, you can only sit there and starve to death.

Lin Lang immediately lost her temper, "Anyway, I don't care, you give me the money quickly, I'm not going out to buy some messy things, I'm buying food, even if we don't eat it this year, we can save it for next year, anyway, food It won’t be left there to be ruined in vain!”

"You..." Xu Wanrong turned her head aside, "There is enough food at home, I won't buy it!"

"Okay, I don't want to buy food, but I should buy the big radishes and Chinese cabbage I need for the winter, and I have eaten up all the eggs at home, so I should go buy them, as well as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar... You have a baby, you must Can't go out to buy things. My dad is not a person who doesn't worry about everything. As for my aunt, do you dare to let him go out to buy things? Why don't you let me do the shopping? Hurry up and give me the money, and I promise to take care of things for you It's all right!" Lin Lang said hastily.

Xu Wanrong laughed immediately, "What can you, a 7-year-old doll, do? You'd better take care of yourself, the final exams are over, why didn't you come back with a certificate?"

Speaking of awards, I get angry. At this time, the awards are not linked to grades, but really linked to morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and art. Linlang is a lazy person. Usually you don't like to work, and your mind is so weak. He is mature, so he doesn't like to play with those children, so Lin Lang's grades are very high, but he doesn't have his share in the three good students, and he doesn't have his share in the awards.

"Then you haven't seen my report card?" Lin Lang asked back, "What about two double hundred, isn't that enough?"

"That's enough, if you don't get the certificate back, everything is for nothing!" Xu Wanrong waved her hand, "Don't worry about shopping, hurry up and do your homework!"

"Oh, I didn't get the certificate, it's because I got up late, the teacher gave all the certificates to others, so naturally I don't have my share!" Lin Lang said cheekily, "Give me the money, I just heard someone say The supply bureau is supplying eggs, I have to go there quickly, or there will be no more!"

As soon as Xu Wanrong heard that there were eggs, Xu Wanrong's eyes lit up, and then reluctantly took out 5 yuan and handed it to Linlang, "Okay, then go and buy some eggs, remember to choose Big one, choose it!"

Lin Lang responded casually, ran to her room, took out her lucky money, carried a small pocket on her back, and ran to his father's factory.

"Oh, isn't this the eldest girl from Director Wang's family? Why did you come here?" The office staff in the factory naturally recognized you and asked with concern.

Lin Lang stopped in her tracks, showing a sweet smile, "I was playing outside just now, and I found out that eggs were being supplied, and I thought that the eggs at home were about to run out, so I was going to buy some, but I didn't bring any money, so I came to ask me Dad wants some!"

"Do you have any eggs at the Supply Bureau?" The clerk's eyes lit up, "I haven't had any eggs for two or three months, I'll go buy some after I get off work, by the way, your dad is in the office, you just go to him directly !"

Lin Lang nodded gratefully, ran to the office, and repeated to Wang Dazhuang what she had just said to the clerk.

Without any doubt, Wang Dazhuang took out 5 yuan and handed it to Lin Lang.

Linlang's eyes were round like purple grapes, with bright lights on them, "Dad, are you confused at work? Five yuan is not enough, at least 5 yuan is needed!"

"20 yuan? Are eggs so expensive now?" Although Wang Dazhuang was suspicious, he took the child and handed over the money.

"Of course, you don't even think about it. When was the last time the supply bureau supplied eggs? It was hard to supply eggs once. Rare things are more expensive, so the price naturally went up. My mother is pregnant. The chicken I can't eat it anymore, I should eat more eggs, and there are confinement... This kind of egg is indispensable, I am growing up, and this is also indispensable..." Lin Lang broke one by one!

When Wang Dazhuang heard it, he thought it was right, and took out another 10 yuan, "That's all right, you can buy more!"

Including the money on her body, it was almost 50 yuan. Linlang took the money, rode a bicycle with two bars, and went straight out of the city.

After Wang Dazhuang came back, he didn't find Lin Lang, so he asked Xu Wanrong, "Has this big girl returned from buying eggs?"

Xu Wanrong nodded, "Yeah, I also find it strange, why haven't you come back so late? By the way, how do you know that the big girl went to buy eggs?"

"She went to the factory to ask me for money!" After Wang Dazhuang finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, "How do you know that the big girl went to buy eggs?"

"Because the big girl asked me for money and said to buy eggs!" The two said in unison.

Suddenly both of them fell silent, and Wang Dazhuang just stayed there, "Why did the girl do this? Why did she lie?"

Xu Wanrong quickly figured it out, "I see, the big girl originally wanted to ask me for money to buy food, saying that many places were hit by disasters, but I didn't give it because I thought our family's food Enough to eat, don't need to buy so much..."

Wang Dazhuang scratched his head, "Okay, don't talk about this, let's go find the big girl!"

"Don't look for me, I'm back!" Lin Lang walked in quickly with a dark face, grinning, showing her white teeth, "Mom, I bought a lot of radishes and cabbage, and some coarse grains. Let's all move to the cellar at once!"

"You..." Xu Wanrong was so angry that she didn't know what to say, "You have learned to lie!"

Linlang didn't refute, and pointed to the ox cart outside the door and said, "If you want to teach me a lesson later, the ox cart is still waiting outside, let's move our things back quickly, let others go back quickly, don't delay them! "

Although Wang Dazhuang was angry, he knew that now was not the time to be angry. When he went out, he saw a big ox cart parked in front of his house, behind which was full of vegetables, including radishes, cabbage, and potatoes, and the rest was some coarse grains Yes, such as corn, soybeans, and dried sweet potatoes.

Wang Dazhuang was a man with very agile hands and feet, and with the help of Xu Wanrong, they quickly moved everything into the cellar.

Lin Lang looked at the full amount of food and nodded, "50 yuan is really worth it, you can buy so many things!"

It’s okay not to mention this, but when Xu Wanrong mentions this, she will be angry, "You still have the nerve to say this, you spend so much money to buy so many things, why are you... so bold, and you have learned to lie, you are going to heaven ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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