Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1619 Silly Big Sister 5

Chapter 1619 Silly Big Sister Five
Lin Lang said nonchalantly: "I know it's wrong for me to lie, but everything I do is for the good of this family!"

"What a fart. There is no shortage of food at home. Why do you go to the countryside to buy it? If someone finds out, you will be labeled as an illegal trader!" Xu Wanrong said angrily.

Lin Lang raised her head, "Mom, I know you blame me for making my own decisions, but I'm really right, many places have been hit by disasters, and food supplies in many cities are out of supply. I'll starve to death in time, it doesn't matter if I'm hungry, but you can't be hungry, you still have a baby in your belly!"

Xu Wanrong was angry at first, but when Lin Lang said that she bought food for herself, especially for the baby in her stomach, Xu Wanrong's anger disappeared immediately, and she sighed and said to Wang Dazhuang next to her, "Forget it!" If you buy food for your children, just buy food, anyway, this thing is not considered a waste, we have 4 people in our family, so we don’t need to buy food this year!”

Wang Dazhuang's face was also a little ugly, and he warned: "Big girl, you are not allowed to lie and deceive people again!"

"I promise it will be the last time!" Of course, the premise is that this is the last time if there are no special circumstances.

After the Chinese New Year, the supply in the city became more and more difficult. Seeing that something was wrong, Xu Wanrong hurriedly took out all the money at home, queued up all night with her distant cousin, and bought back everything that could be bought.

"My God, rice was still 1 cents and 2 cents a catty yesterday, but today it is 2 cents, and the supply is limited. What kind of world is this!" the neighbor aunt complained.

"Even if it's so expensive, we have to spend money to buy it, otherwise we won't be able to eat. If we can't afford rice, we can buy something else. Isn't cornmeal very cheap, and sweet potatoes, buy them for a few hundred catties and store them in the cellar Inside!" One of the elder sisters followed suit.

"Of course I understand the truth, but if we adults can eat coarse grains, can children eat it? Our child has a weak spleen and stomach, and he is the first child in our family. Naturally, I have to look more carefully... But let's not talk about rice now. Now, we can’t even afford white noodles, and now we’re eating mixed noodles, if this continues, I guess we’ll all starve to death!”

"We will starve to death, but the family across the street won't. I've heard that their girl doesn't know what's going on when the Chinese New Year is approaching. Not only that, she brought a large cart of food from other places. Xu Wanrong saw that something was wrong, The supply and marketing cooperatives need to buy a lot of things, all of which are stored in their cellar!"

"My darling, their family is too refined. If something like this happens, I don't know how to notify the neighbors!"


Xu Wanrong was sitting in the room knitting a sweater, and said angrily: "It's my fault that I didn't inform them. It's because they didn't pay attention. Seeing that the price of food is getting higher and higher, they don't know how to buy more. Let’s start, but now the price is getting higher and higher, I can’t afford it, and now I’m still blaming me, it’s really shameless!”

Lin Lang sat aside and obediently wrote her homework, "Mom, what do you think if those people rush in to grab our food?"

"Heh, it's a legal society now, if they dare to rob our family's food, we will call the police. Besides, your father has served as a soldier and killed devils, so it is more than enough to deal with them!" Xu Wanrong smiled lightly. , said with a face full of indifference.

Lin Lang nodded, "Mom, in fact, there are many fathers and comrades in the food I bought, and there are also many people who have difficulties in their families. Do you want to..."

Xu Wanrong stopped the movements in her hands, "When your father comes back, I will discuss it with your father!"

After Lin Lang finished her homework, she ran outside, found a few children, and used bamboo baskets to transport soil into the clip, put them all in wooden boxes, and then planted vegetables.

The people in the yard followed suit. After a while, the whole yard was filled with wooden boxes, and even the broken bowls in the corner were planted with vegetables. After a month, the yard was full of green. Even if everyone was short of food, But the days of these old vegetables are not so sad.

As for Wang Dazhuang, after hearing what Xu Wanrong said at night, he thought about it all night. Before dawn the next day, he took out a large pile of food from the cellar and distributed it to his comrades.

The family went to so much food all at once, so I was a little nervous, but fortunately, he still has the rations allocated every month, and there are people in his hometown who often send some things to subsidize. Barely.

But some people’s life is not so easy. Although there is food supply, the supply is not enough to fit between the teeth, but every family has a few poor relatives. I have porridge, and sometimes I can’t even afford porridge, so I just drink wild vegetable soup. Everyone’s complexion is sallow and their hands and feet are swollen.

Xu Wanrong is not a hard-hearted person, so she gritted her teeth and often asked the family to cook more rice and distribute it to the children in the yard. The neighbors in the yard were very grateful if they knew what Xu Wanrong did. Said some weird words.

As spring and autumn came, Xu Wanrong gave birth to a girl. My distant cousin took care of Xu Wanrong after confinement, and when the child was 6 months old, she went back to the countryside.

Xu Wanrong took care of the child while doing housework for the family. Fortunately, Lin Lang sometimes helped her mother walk when she grew up, but this girl didn't know what was going on. Once she was asked to do more work, she would appear ruthless I don't want to, and sometimes I will play my temper, throw the work in my hand and run out to play with other children.

Although Xu Wanrong was angry, she also knew that it was a child's nature. In addition, there was not much work at home, so Xu Wanrong didn't care. When the second child was older and could help, Xu Wanrong became pregnant again. up.

This time Xu Wanrong still wanted to ask her cousin from afar to help her, but her daughter-in-law gave birth to a grandson, and she was taking care of her grandson at home, so she didn't have time to help her confinement.

Xu Wanrong gritted her teeth and could only persevere. Fortunately, his man, Wang Dazhuang, was considerate and knew the difficulties at home. He rarely bought cigarettes and alcohol, even books.

Linlang and the second girl have been helping with the housework. Sometimes the second girl is lazy and unwilling to do it, so Lin Lang drags her over to watch her do it, but it doesn't make her develop a lazy temperament.

Another year passed, the second girl went to kindergarten, and Lin Lang was promoted to junior high school this year because of her good studies.

"Mom!" Lin Lang called out to the door after returning home, rolled up her sleeves, and washed the dishes in the sink.

Xu Wanrong walked out holding her waist, "You still have a little conscience, help me make dinner by the way!"

Looking at Xu Wanrong's swollen belly, Lin Lang knew that now was not the time to throw a temper tantrum, and nodded, "I see, you should go to bed and rest!"

Xu Wanrong felt that after being pregnant with this child, she was very tired, and she just wanted to sleep all day long. Recalling the state of the previous two days, Xu Wanrong felt that this was a boy, although her man was very concerned about the fact that she had given birth to two girls. There is no complaint, but Xu Wanrong has a guilty conscience. In this era, if a woman cannot give birth to a boy, it is wrong.

The second child came back from school, and sat obediently by the kitchen to help Linlang choose dishes, and when Linlang was cooking, he also helped to light the fire together.

Lin Lang saw that she was almost busy, so she asked her younger sister to do her homework, and hurriedly cooked vegetables by herself. When it was getting late and Wang Dalong returned home, the food was already ready.

Xu Wanrong ate the food made by her daughter, and nodded in satisfaction, "I didn't expect that the food you cook is much more delicious than my mother's. It's really better than blue!"

"Don't put a high hat on me!" Lin Lang didn't like this at all, "I'm in junior high school now, and the study tasks are very tight. It's already very difficult to find time to cook for you every day, so you also Just don't blame everything on me!"

Xu Wanrong smiled, "Aren't you the boss of the family, it would be good for you to do more work!"

"The second child is not young anymore, you can also let him learn to do some work, besides, my father is a big man who only stays in the factory on weekdays, and doesn't need to do any heavy work. He can also do some work at home when he comes back. , I can’t cook, but I can do my laundry, it’s not a big deal to sweep the floor!” Lin Lang said to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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