Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1620 Silly Big Sister 6

Chapter 1620 Silly Big Sister Six
Xu Wanrong knocked on the bowl with chopsticks, "How can it be, your father is a big man, and a big man does housework at home, so if it spreads out, you can't laugh your ass off!

I don't know, I thought it was your mother who was lazy and deliberately ordered your father to work! "

Lin Lang glanced at Wang Dazhuang who was eating next to him, "Dad, you are a man who has been trained to escape from advanced thinking. Tell me, why can't a man do housework?"

Wang Dazhuang laughed, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, you two, isn't it just doing housework? It's okay for me to help sweep the floor and wash the dishes!"

Xu Wanrong curled her lips. Although her husband said so, she would not let him work, because a man's work is equivalent to a woman's inability to do it. Women are lazy, and she doesn't want such a reputation.

After eating, Wang Dazhuang originally wanted to wash the dishes, but Xu Wanrong gave him a look, and the second child obediently went to wash the dishes.

Lin Lang didn't care about this. After eating, she wiped her mouth and went to do her homework with her schoolbag.

In the spring of the second year, Xu Wanrong gave birth to her third child, a boy. Xu Wanrong was so happy that she couldn't even close her mouth during confinement.

Linlang naturally knew the importance of confinement for a woman, so she helped wash diapers and served Xu Wanrong. After a month of work, Linlang's second child directly lost two catties, but Xu Wanrong gained five catties.

Can you not be fat?Every day, I eat big fish and meat, drink milk from time to time, add two eggs for supper, my dear, and fortunately Wang Dazhuang can make money, otherwise I can't stand Xu Wanrong's tossing.

Wang Dazhuang was also very happy, because he had a son, but he did not ignore the two daughters because of the son. Lin Lang was an adult, so she didn't have too many guesses about such a disparity in treatment, but the second child was different. She obviously I really feel that because of having a son, mom and dad's attention is not on her.

The second child really wanted to cry that night, "Sister, Mom and Dad don't like me anymore after they have a son!"

Lin Lang turned over and muttered with a small body: "My child, you were born at the wrong time. You should have been born in the 80s, so you are the only child in the family!"

"Ah? What is the only child, why can't I understand?" the second child asked suspiciously.

Only then did Lin Lang realize that she had slipped her tongue, and quickly said, "I mean we don't have that young lady's life. It's normal for parents to like boys. You see, the neighbor next to us gave birth to a boy because of his daughter-in-law." Girl, what kind of treatment did you receive? After their family had a son, that girl became a nanny. Our family is already very good. Mom and Dad let us go to school, read to us, and cooked delicious food for us every day. ... What's more important is to make clothes for us during the holidays, so what are you dissatisfied with?"

"I..." The second child lowered his head, "I'm just uncomfortable, obviously my parents loved me the most before!"

"It used to be that you were young so your parents loved you, but now that you are not the youngest one, your parents will naturally focus on the youngest one, because children need someone to take care of them, but older children don't!

When the younger brother grows up and the parents have another child, they will ignore the younger brother and prefer another child!

Just like before you, mom and dad love me very much, because I am the first child in the family and the only child, so mom and dad will give me whatever I want, but since I have you , my mother started to let me work, what I want, my parents will not give me anything... So you have nothing to complain, just get used to it! "

After listening to the second child, he was silent for a long time, and finally said suddenly: "When I have children in the future, I must treat them equally!"

Heh, this is impossible. Five fingers are divided into different lengths. If you have two children, you have to favor one child. It is impossible to say that a bowl of water is flat.

Lin Lang talked with the second child for a while, and then the two children fell asleep. In the following life, the second child seemed to be used to being treated differently. He didn't say anything, and immersed himself in his studies, and gradually became a bully in elementary school.

As spring and autumn came, Xu Wanrong was pregnant again. Even Lin Lang admired Xu Wanrong's fertility. Later, she thought that people in this era are very fertile. A family has four or five children, and there are more than a dozen. I don't think it's strange anymore.

Lin Lang was promoted to high school, and it was the best high school. After Wang Dazhuang learned about this, he couldn't close his mouth with joy.

"Tell me, what do you want!" Wang Dazhuang said boldly.

"I want a bicycle!" There are only two bicycles at home, one for Wang Dazhuang and one for Xu Wanrong. Of course, sometimes the two of them can also ride, but it is not convenient after all.

"Here...there are two bicycles at home, if I get another one..." The current bicycles are not like modern bicycles. If you buy one, you can buy a bicycle in this era, which is equivalent to a car. It is expensive. Very.

"My high school is quite far away, and I have to live on campus. If I don't ride a bicycle, what will I do when I get back from school? Besides, my high school studies are very tight, so I can't spend all my time on the road!" Lin Lang patiently explained.

Xu Wanrong nodded, "It's not that the child wants a bicycle to do bad things. If he wants to buy one, buy him one. Anyway, bicycles are not bad. When the eldest brother stops riding, you can let the second brother ride it. After riding, you can let the third child ride..."

To be honest, the quality of bicycles in this era is really good, and there is no problem passing them on to future generations, so Wang Dazhuang nodded and bought a bicycle for his daughter the next day.

After the people in the yard knew these things, they were all sour, saying that they were really capable, and they bought bicycles whenever they wanted.

While eating dinner, Wang Dazhuang suddenly said: "Girl, after you graduate from high school, you can come to work in our factory. There is still a vacant office in the factory. Dad will reserve it for you then!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Dad, I want to go to college!"

"Take a university entrance exam?" Wang Dazhuang took a puff of cigarette, "Why do you suddenly think of taking a university entrance examination? This university is so difficult..."

"It's okay. I have good grades in my studies, so I'm sure I'll be admitted to university!" Lin Lang continued, "I've made up my mind. I'm going to study medicine when the time comes, so let's forget about the things in your factory!"

Xu Wanrong's eyes lit up, "It's good to be a doctor, the salary is high, the benefits are high, and more importantly, it's decent to talk about it!"

Lin Lang smiled, "That's why my dad just said that the job in the factory should not be reserved for me, but for someone who needs it more!"

Wang Dazhuang nodded, "That's fine, my girl has her own ideas, and our parents also support it. Have you ever thought about where you want to go to university in the future?"

"But locally, we have the best school in the capital, and it's close to home!" Lin Lang said as a matter of course.

"Okay, then you should study hard and try to get into a good university!" Wang Dazhuang said encouragingly.

At night, the second child opened his eyes and said, "Sister, you are really amazing, I want to learn from you!"

Lin Lang smiled slowly, "You are also great, I heard from your school teacher that your grades are also very good, and you can go to college in the future!"

"I don't know, many of my classmates quit halfway through the school, and I don't know what will happen to me in the future, otherwise I would drop out of school early and work in my class. Anyway, my dad's factory is also a good place !” said the second child in a whisper.

"Little girl Pianzi, you are only ten years old this year. Even if you want to work, you have to wait at least four to five or six years. How can there be a job that will wait for you for five or six years? Even if you are the factory director's daughter, you should study hard. , if you really can't pass the college entrance examination, it's not too late to find your father!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

The second child yawned, "Okay, okay, I get it, it's getting late, go to bed early, I have to go to morning self-study tomorrow!"

Lin Lang also yawned, turned over, covered the quilt, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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