Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1621 Silly Big Sister 7

Chapter 1621 Silly Big Sister VII
As spring and autumn came, Xu Wanrong gave birth to another child, but this time, the child was a girl. After careful calculation, including Lin Lang in the family, there were a total of 4 children.

Ordinary people would definitely not have another child, but Xu Wanrong was pregnant again, and said plausibly: "Our family has only one son, your brother, if something happens, we can't rely on your brother, we must Another one, at least a boy, so that the two brothers can help each other, and if the three of you sisters are wronged, he, the younger brother, can also help you avenge your brother!"

The second child murmured, "I thought that mother would naturally ignore our older child after she had a younger child, but if you think about it, after the fourth child was born, the third child was still favored and loved, and he didn't look like he fell out of favor at all...Look Come on, my mother is not partial to the young but to the male, she is also a woman, why is she so partial to the male, it is not fair at all!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry about such a trivial matter!" Lin Lang buried her head in her homework, and then said: "I remember you will be in the second year of junior high school soon, so hurry up and review your homework, and try to get into a good school in the senior high school entrance examination! "

"I see!" The second child said reluctantly, and then continued: "Sister, you said that our grades are so good, but why is my brother's grades so poor?

And it doesn't matter if his grades are poor, he is not even as good as the fourth child in kindergarten, and now he can't even add and subtract within 10, what a shame! "

Lin Lang knocked on the table, "He puts his mind on playing all day long, so he doesn't put his mind on getting on the right path. Naturally, his grades are not good. Don't imitate her, finish your homework quickly, and review the next lesson." !"

When Lin Lang was admitted to university, Xu Wanrong's fifth child was already learning to walk. Although he applied for a local school, Lin Lang did not choose to live at home.

"Really, you are all in the same city anyway, why can't you live at home? At least you can save some money at home..." Xu Wanrong muttered.

"Not only can I save you some money, but I can also help you with some housework, right?" Lin Lang asked a few words back, and then said with a smile: "I'm your daughter, I know what you think better than anyone else." I understand, but you can't rely on me alone. I have a tight learning task, so I don't have time to help you with work. It's really not possible. Can't you let the third or fourth child do the work for you? The teacher is a boy. It's so good, how big is it, do some work and exercise!"

"I really wanted my fourth child to help me with the work, but when I asked him to do the work, she said in a shrill voice that I was Zhou Baopi, who squeezed her every day and made the neighbors laugh at me, and she was younger than you when you were young." It's difficult, at least I asked you to work when I was a child. Although you were reluctant, you at least helped out. You don't look like that dead girl who doesn't do any work and is so lazy all day long!" Xu Wanrong complained: "How can I Did you give birth to such a girl?"

What else could be going on, it's not because of your unequal treatment, obviously the fourth child is only one year younger than the fifth child, but you treat the teacher and the fifth child, it is really different, the fifth child has new clothes to wear, The fourth child does not have it, the fifth child has a new schoolbag, and the fourth child does not.

My teacher should go to school when she is old, but Xu Wanrong wanted to let the teacher take care of the fifth child. Xu Wanrong insisted on delaying her going to school for a year. Do you think this child can not be angry?
Lin Lang ate, and then said: "I went to college, the country has subsidies, 20 yuan a month, and some food stamps, so I don't have to eat at home, let alone ask for money from home! "

"You are so chic!" Xu Wanrong lowered her head and muttered, "But the family is not that rich. Your younger brothers and sisters are all grown up. One needs money to go to school, and the other needs money to go to school. I am One penny can’t wait to be broken into two halves to spend. It is said that children as old as you go out to work to earn money to subsidize the family, but you are still in school, let’s not talk about Hua’s family, but I am a penny I haven't even seen the money or coins. I have worked so hard to raise you so big. I can't wait for you to grow up and finish college and marry into someone else's family..."

Linlang said helplessly: "Mom, I'm married, but I'm your daughter after all. Besides, how much money can I spend going to school? My dad's salary is high, so it's already enough..."

"Although your father's salary is high, don't think about it. Your younger brother and sister are all grown up, especially when there are two boys in the family, who are half-children and poor. Our family is really..." Xu Wanrong sighed .

Speaking of eating, Lin Lang's eyelids twitched, "Mom, I almost forgot the business. I heard from some of my friends that the outside world is not peaceful recently, and the ladies in many places have grown a lot. Let's buy some food and store it at home." !"

Xu Wanrong glanced at her eldest daughter, "Where did you get the news from?"

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Of course it's from my classmates, they come from all corners of the country, so they naturally know much more than me!
Mom, I really won't lie to you about such a small matter, even if there is no such thing, why don't our family eat or drink? "

Xu Wanrong frowned, "I'll give you some money later, you go to your hometown in the countryside and find a way to buy some food!"

Xu Wanrong actually didn't believe this, but suddenly thought that if the eldest girl hadn't bought more food when she was young, the second child would have starved to death long ago.

Even if there is no disaster, just tell the boss, doesn't their family eat or drink?Anyway, there is a cellar at home. Put the food in the cellar. If you can’t finish eating today, you can eat it tomorrow, or buy more next year. Maybe it will be cheaper and save some money.

Lin Lang dug out all her pocket money from these years, and asked the second and third children to take out all the lucky money from these years.

"Sister, I don't have much money, only a dozen yuan!" The second child handed it over.

The third child lowered his head, "Sister, don't look at me like this, you know me, once you have money, you can't keep it, you have already spent it, and you don't have any money!"

Lin Lang said to the third child: "Since you said so, then don't blame my sister for not helping you!"

The third child didn't think so, the second child was just a girl's family, even if he was admitted to university, so what, a girl is a girl, and it won't be a big deal.

Linlang used her second child's money and her own money to buy a lot of industrial supplies, such as pencils, soap, washing powder, shampoo, socks, ceram cloth, etc., and bought some more The pots and pans were put in the cart and pulled to the countryside, where they were exchanged for food with others.

In this way, buying half and exchanging half, Lin Lang exchanged a lot of grain, and she took it back to the yard. When others asked her how the grain came from, she said that it was given by relatives in the countryside.

The neighbors in the yard are all good people. Seeing you doing this all the time, I think back to when Lin Lang was a child, I used to buy a lot of food and survived that disaster. Think about whether this big girl has received something News, so as to prepare in advance, so they all took the carts and started shopping everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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