Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1622 Silly Big Sister 8

Chapter 1622 Silly Big Sister Eight
Private sales are not allowed now, and you can only go to regular state-run stores to buy things, but state-owned stores need food stamps, and not everyone has food stamps.

So Linlang went to the countryside to buy, on the one hand, because the countryside is her hometown, and on the other hand, in a village, there are basically relatives, and relatives are connected to relatives, even if they know about this, they will turn a blind eye One eye, after all, relatives don't have time to report other people's things, and the things that Lin Lang brought are really cheap, and there are many things that they don't have in the countryside, and they don't need food stamps, so they are willing to use some Changing things can save some time and money, so why not do it?

As time passed day by day, Lin Lang exhausted all her efforts and finally filled the cellar at home to the brim. Thinking of those days after the disaster, Lin Lang gritted her teeth and took away the precious books and pots and pans at home. All the pots and the like were transferred into the cellar, but she didn't put them outside the cellar, but put them in boxes and buried them in the ground.

Because they were sorting out the food during this period, many people didn't know about it, but the only one who knew the truth was Wang Dali, who was extremely shocked when he saw his daughter put so many books, and so many precious paintings and calligraphy into the cellar. puzzled.

"Dad, don't worry about those things. The world outside is very chaotic. If you let others know that there are such things in our house, they will all be burned!" Lin Lang said with a serious face: "So for Those things are good, let’s bury them in the yard, and take them out after the matter is over!”

Wang Dazhuang sighed. In fact, he knew what was going on outside, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. He nodded and agreed, "Then you have to watch things!"

Lin Lang nodded, and went to buy a lot of books on advanced thinking the next day, wrote some advanced slogans, and pasted them on the wall.

Sure enough, after the spring passed, the price of food outside was one day. Later, the supply of white rice and white noodles was no longer available. Now most people eat some thick rice and noodles, and they almost eat wild vegetables, sweet potatoes, and some People are even more pitiful, they can't even eat sweet potatoes and wild vegetables, and their hungry bodies are swollen.

Because their yard was prepared in advance, it was not affected too much, but who doesn't have a few poor relatives, this one helps a little, that one helps a little, and everyone's hungry stomachs are ringing!
Lin Lang also took this opportunity to sell the food she had accumulated outside, and exchanged many things, such as some antiques, and some valuable things for collection, which she buried in the cellar.

Lin Lang also went to the waste recycling station to recycle things, but the waste recycling station didn't have any good things, so Lin Lang sometimes bought them on the black market, and she put all the things she bought in the cellar.

"Is Wang Dazhuang here? Some people reported that he has a problem with his mind and has close contacts with some people who shouldn't associate with him. Please let him come with us!" A few seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys raised their heads and swaggered Said.

Lin Lang heard their voices and came out, and glanced at them lightly, "I said who is it, so it's you guys, what are you doing here instead of studying?"

Lin Lang still has a lot of prestige among these children. After all, Lin Lang has good grades, high strength, and quick brains. The children around her dare not provoke her.

"Girl of the Wang family, we are doing harm to the people and helping those who are not thinking correctly on the right path. I won't tell you any nonsense. Is your father there? Let him come out quickly, let him Come with us!" the little boy said forcefully.

Lin Lang looked at them, "You say my father's thoughts are not correct, then show the evidence, you can't just let my father come out with your mouth trembling, that won't work, who knows if you will resort to my father? What means, do something that shouldn't be done, I won't let my dad out!"

The young man took a few steps forward, "Not only are your thoughts incorrect, but you are also closely associated with some corrupt people!

More importantly, your family still has the idea of ​​a landlord. I think your mother hired a nanny when she gave birth to a child. Now it’s a new society. Since your family still hires a nanny, do you think your family is still a landlord? ! "

Lin Lang looked at them with a funny face, "How many years ago did this happen? I can't remember clearly, but I didn't expect you to remember it very clearly!
Let me explain to you here again, because it was inconvenient for my mother to be pregnant and I couldn’t help much, so she invited her cousin from far away to take care of her and wait for her confinement!
There is no employment relationship between us, and there is no such thing as oppression. If you don't believe it, you can ask your parents. At that time, your parents were the most clear about this matter!
Also, let me share with you some popular science. If a woman does not confine herself properly, she will get sick in old age and may not be able to have children. This is why my mother asked relatives from her hometown to help Confinement! "

"You...you are relatives, so you will naturally speak for you..."

Lin Lang spread her hands, "Since you said that, then I have nothing to say, but... your family is the real landlord, right? I heard that a little girl came to your family and helps your family every day. I don’t have enough food to eat, I can’t sleep well, I wear thin clothes in winter, and my face is thin and sallow. Isn’t this landlord oppressing the poor people?”

When the boy heard this, he stammered and replied, "No...it's not like this, our family is not a landlord, that is the daughter of my uncle's family, and they came to our house when they were too poor to eat... ..."

"So I work for you every day, and you don't give her anything to eat. You are too cruel. Look at my cousin who will come to help my mother confinement. Our family will not only control her food and drink , Knowing that his son is getting married, he specially gave her a large sum of money and asked her to hold a good wedding for him.

Landlords are all oppressing poor people, do you think we are oppressing others?If you really squeeze others, will you still give others money?

But I think your family is the real black-hearted landlords. They don't feed you after they do the work for you, and you don't even have to pick skins. You are so cruel, you want to kill him! "

"No, no, no..." The boy was so anxious that he was about to cry, "Our family is also poor..."

"Oh, you are not guilty of saying this. Look at yourself and then at your little cousin. The two of you are so different. One is fat and strong and strong, the other is thin and weak. A gust of wind You can brag about it, you said that your family is not rich, you are really guilty, who doesn't know that your father and your mother are dual-career, and your grandparents have retirement wages..." Lin Lang shook her head, "I think you are Protect each other, no, I won't let you unscrupulous people take my dad away, who knows how my dad will be treated after being taken away by you, I dare not gamble!"

"Boss of the Wang family, don't talk nonsense over there, anyway, I will definitely take your father away today anyway!"

"If you dare to take my dad away, I'll hold my waist and curse at your door. I'll curse your family for not having a son and cutting off all children and grandchildren!" The fourth child came out and said in a sharp voice.

If these children are afraid of Linlang because they respect you, then they are afraid of the fourth child because they are afraid of the fourth mouth, because the fourth mouth's words are too ugly, and the swearing is too ugly.

"Little kid, don't stay at home, do things that harm others and benefit yourself, eat enough all day and have nothing to do, if you really have nothing to do, go to the natural countryside, the countryside needs you young people to work the most The fourth child looked at them with a cold face, "If you don't want to apply, I will go to the community to help you apply tomorrow. Ordinary places will definitely not be able to accommodate you, so you can go to remote places!"

My darling, as soon as the words fell, the children stepped back quickly, and one of them begged for mercy, "Grandma, I was really wrong, I don't dare anymore, please don't give me my name." According to the newspaper, I don’t want to go to that kind of poor place!”

(End of this chapter)

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