Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1623 Silly Big Sister 9

Chapter 1623 Silly Big Sister Nine
Those brats were scolded and left, but there is no guarantee that they will not come back. After all, many people have suffered. I heard that they are still locked up in the prison.

Wang Dazhuang continued to smoke cigarettes, "What should I do? The big girl hasn't graduated from university yet and hasn't stood up. If I leave, what will happen to this family?"

Xu Wanrong sat on the side and cried, "Why did you come to our house? Our family has never done anything bad, and you have fought devils on the battlefield, but how can you become a real soldier...become a capitalist? What? I don't believe..."

"Okay, now is not the time to cry!" Lin Lang continued: "I just went out to inquire. Some of them were sent to the farms below. Some places are good, and some places are not good. Instead of crying here, why not cry?" Why don't you work it out as soon as possible and find ways to transfer Dad to a good place!"

Xu Wanrong raised her head, "This...where are you going..."

"Go to my hometown, my son. There are all relatives and friends there. We also have a house in our hometown. Although it is broken, we can still live in it if we find someone to repair it!" Lin Lang continued: "The captain of the village has a good relationship with our family. I believe that after my dad goes to his hometown, he should not be bullied by others!"

Wang Dazhuang nodded, and then sighed again, "I don't know when I'll come back after leaving. The key is that my salary and subsidies are gone. From now on, this family..."

"I'll take care of it!" Lin Lang didn't shirk her responsibility this time, "I'm in my sophomore year, and I can go to the hospital for an internship in my third year. After graduation, I'll be paid!"

"Okay, okay, then the boss's family depends on you!" Wang Dazhuang nodded, and a trace of gray flashed on his face, as if he had aged dozens of years all of a sudden.

In the early morning of the second day, Lin Lang and her second son ran to the countryside. After discussing with the team leader, they asked someone to renovate the old house at home, moved some daily necessities back, and went to the community to issue a certificate.

Wang Dazhuang didn't dare to delay. He took his luggage and rode his bicycle to the countryside. He said he was going to reform, but in fact he was helping with the work there.

Life is so uneventful, but some people want to find fault, but when they go to their garage to see, there are no illegal products, and some books are left. They are advanced books, and they are not easy to smash. In addition, they didn't dare to provoke the fourth child who was very swearing, so they let it go lightly.

After graduating from Linlang University, due to family reasons, she was not assigned a good workplace. She was not in a hurry, and went directly to the countryside to take care of Wang Dazhuang while studying and preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Here, after Wang Dazhuang went down, it was indeed much more difficult for the family. First of all, the children at the bottom had to go to school. That little food is not enough for the whole family.

Xu Wanrong gritted her teeth and went directly to apply for a job in the community. Although the money was not much, at least she had money to spend. She brought back thousands of cardboard boxes and asked the children to paste them and sell them for money.

"The school is closed now, and I don't know when it will start!" The second child said with a worried face.

Xu Wanrong lowered her head, "If it's really not possible, don't go to class, Mom will find you a job, do you think it's okay?"

"That can't be done, I want to go to university!" The second child shook his head quickly.

"Now is not the time to take the college entrance examination!" Lin Lang walked in, "Second, third, and fourth, you are all old now, for your own good, your relationship will be transferred to the countryside tomorrow!"

"Why? I don't want to go to the countryside!" The third child spoke first.

Lin Lang glared at him fiercely, "You still don't know the seriousness of the matter, right? If you don't transfer to the countryside, then you have to go to NMG. Are you willing to go to NMG?"

"This..." The third child's eyes were erratic, "I'm not old yet... No matter how I say it, it's not my turn..."

"I can't get away with this matter!" Lin Lang continued: "I will transfer your relationship to the countryside. Although the countryside is a little poorer, at least you won't suffer. Besides, Dad is also there, and our family can have a good life when we go there. Take care!"

"When it comes to evening, I get angry. If it weren't for Dad and those people, our family wouldn't be like this!" The third child complained.

Linlang patted the table, "What did you say, fourth? Do you still have a conscience? Daddy, did those uncles treat you badly? The pens you used before and the white rabbit toffee you ate, which one was not given by Daddy's uncle?" Yeah? Did you eat it all in the dog's stomach?
Let me ask you one last question, do you want to stay in the city or go to the country with me? "

"Sister, I'll go to the countryside with you!" The second child raised his head.

"Sister, I will go to the countryside like you!" The fourth child followed suit.

The fifth child was still a brat, and as soon as he opened his mouth, his saliva flowed all over the floor.

Lin Lang looked at the fourth child, "Second child, fourth child, I have planned everything, second child, I found you a job as an elementary school teacher over there, you teach well there, as the teacher is still too young , go there to go to junior high school first, and then go to high school after junior high school..."

After finishing high school, wait a few more years before you can go to university...

But Lin Lang didn't say the last half of the sentence. Seeing that they were about to leave, the third child was a little anxious, thinking that he was not too young, what if he really wanted to support NMG by himself?I heard that in winter, water can be splashed there to form ice, and if you go outside, your ears will freeze off!
Thinking of this, the youngest gritted his teeth, packed his things, and went to the countryside with his sisters.

Because Lin Lang and the second child have jobs, there is no shortage of their work points at home, but they still have to go to the fields to work. Although working, it is better than going to remote places.

Time passed day by day, and Lin Lang's father returned to the factory. With the subsidized wages these years, Lin Lang used the money to buy several large yards and several shops facing the street.

Although the location is relatively remote, it is in the city anyway.

"Why spend money on buying a house? There are only a few people in our family, and the house is enough to live in. I want to hear that radios are popular recently. Let's buy a radio or a refrigerator..." Xu Wanrong muttered Said.

"What can the refrigerator do? The house is the most useful thing. Don't even think about it. I am older than my second, third, fourth, and fifth children. When they get married, they will all want a house!"

"Second and fifth must need a house. After all, they are boys, and having a house is enough. Why do the rest of you girls want a house?" Xu Wanrong gave Linlang a hard look, "Speaking of which year I am 26 years old, and many people entrust me with relationships, what is your plan?"

"How else can I plan? To respond to the country's call, marry later and have children later, and give birth later!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

"You're going to be 30 soon, you can't procrastinate like this, I'll help you contact a few people, don't do anything tomorrow, just go out and meet those people!" Xu Wanrong said very forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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