Chapter 1624 Silly Big Sister Ten
Lin Lang had no choice, if she didn't go on a blind date, she would have nothing to eat, and she couldn't go home, so she could only hold her nose and go on a blind date. After meeting a few times, most of them were older, either divorced, or What was the delay.

"Mom, why did you introduce so many people to me? Your daughter is not bad, she has a regular job and a house..." Linlang said angrily, "Instead of marrying those people, I might as well not marry them!"

"You...Are you going to let me and your dad raise you forever if you don't marry? No, you have to marry. Besides, what's wrong with being older, you know a lot of things when you are older, at least it won't lead you to detours!

Besides, you are almost 30 years old, so don't choose, find someone to marry quickly! "Xu Wanrong muttered.

Lin Lang was so angry, "Mom, let me emphasize again, I am 26 years old this year, and I am still 30 years away from what you call 4 years old. I would rather be indiscriminate than lacking. If I don't find a suitable one, I would rather not marry." !"

"If you can't get married, your father and I will be ashamed. What about your younger brothers and sisters? Do you want the neighbors in the neighborhood to see our family's jokes?" Xu Wanrong said angrily.

Lin Lang turned her head aside and packed her things directly, "If that's the case, then I'll move out of this house, and you'll pretend you don't have my daughter in the future!"

"Okay!" Wang Dazhuang came out, "What's the point of arguing over there over a trivial matter?
Boss, I'm in charge of your affairs. We don't force you if you don't want to marry. We just hope that you won't regret it when you get old! "

Naturally, Lin Lang will not regret marrying or not. This is not a measure of a woman's value at all. She feels that she is living a good life now. She earns enough money to spend herself, has a house and a car, and waits until the society becomes more open. , when she had money, she went to raise a little wolf dog, and her life was beautiful and good!

But her wishful thinking was in vain. Lin Lang really didn't expect to meet her wishful husband. He was 32 years old and a university professor. He was very gentle, but his body was a little thin, which was probably caused by the suffering in those years.

Lin Lang and Xiao Yu also got admitted to university because of the third child. When Lin Lang was sending the third child to school, Lin Lang happened to meet him and fell in love with him. From then on, the two began to get acquainted by asking for advice and giving things.

Lang had a love affair with a concubine, and their marriage was settled within a year. In the second year, Lin Langzi's belly grew bigger.

When I first bought a house, Lin Lang bought 5 houses, 5 children, one house for each person, all of the same size and address.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, the five children draw lots, and whichever is drawn belongs to whichever one.

Seeing that her parents were getting old, Lin Lang took out the things that were buried in the cellar. Of course it belonged to him, so naturally she didn't share it with them, but Lin Lang gave the second child the share that belonged to her second child.

"When I asked you for money, I went to buy these things, and now I will return them to you!" When Lin Lang handed over the things, the third child's eyes were red, and his heart was terribly sick. It would be nice to give some money too, maybe I have my own share of the things in it.

Lin Lang was not stingy either, and he also gave something to his younger brothers and sisters, which was his kindness as an older sister.

The second child is married, and the other party is an honest man who listens to the second child especially at home. As for the third child, he is also married, and married a very shrewd daughter-in-law, but no matter how shrewd he is, he can't match the mouth of the fourth child.

Xiaojiali's fourth child is also married, and he married a shrewd businessman. The two of them are very intelligent, and they have grown the business in just a few years. Later, under Lin Lang's suggestion, they transferred all their assets to In real estate, I made a lot of money.

Linlang had a good life and a bad life in this life. Although he didn't abandon himself for his younger siblings, he also took care of his younger siblings a lot, and he also assumed the responsibility of being the elder sister.

After getting old, the house is full of children and grandchildren, and every New Year's day, several children will come back to pay her New Year's greetings, and the family is extremely lively.

When Linlang opened her eyes again, she realized that she had become the queen in Huanzhugege. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Ziwei is now locked in a small black room, and Nanny Rong is stabbing her with a needle. crape myrtle.

Lin Lang sat aside and drank a cup of tea, looked at the fainted Ziwei, and waved to Nanny Rong, "There is a concubine Ling in our palace!"

"Ah?" Rong Momo was very worried, "Then master, what should we do next?"

Lin Lang put down her teacup and said very flatly, "Take off this little bitch's clothes first!"

Lin Lang took off the long armor she was wearing, pinched Ziwei a few times, creating bruises, and grew a pot of aloe vera, spread the juice on Ziwei's body, and kicked Ziwei fiercely. a few feet.

After doing all this, Lin Lang asked Nanny Rong to find some machines, spread them on the clothes, and threw Ziwei into the Imperial Garden while no one was paying attention. Sure enough, a large group of people broke in after a while.

"Queen, where did you get Ziwei!" Little Yanzi asked angrily with wide eyes.

Linlang looked at the fifth elder brother behind him, "Fifth elder brother, as Little Swallow's elder brother, tell her what is the crime of not being a aunt?"

Fifth elder brother reluctantly came out, "Empress Empress, I heard that Ziwei was kidnapped by you, and I ask Empress Empress to hand her over!"

Linlang looked at them, "Fifth elder brother, although I am not your biological mother, I am still your aunt, so I want to teach you a few things. First, I am your aunt. You should call me Huangerniang. If you don't want to recognize my words, you can tell the emperor to delete your name from the imperial genealogy, and then you don't have to call me the emperor's mother anymore!
Also, I did call Ziwei over, but I just wanted to teach him some rules and tell him some things by the way, but after I finished speaking, I let him go back. You don't even know the etiquette, but I would like to ask where you have learned the etiquette all these years? "

Vulkang stood aside, gritted his teeth and said, "Empress, Ziwei hasn't come back since morning. We are in a hurry, so..."

"You can break into the queen's palace if you are in a hurry?" Lin Lang smiled softly, "Although I am your biological mother in terms of name, Brother Fifth, we have nothing to do with each other. You suddenly broke into my palace, Fortunately, I didn't do anything, but if I did, you suddenly barged in, saw something you shouldn't see, and you brought such a large group of people with you... just to give you Huang Ama's head Plant some grass?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qianlong came in suddenly and stopped when he heard this sentence, "Queen, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Lin Lang wasn't afraid, anyway, this was Qiong Yao's world, and the human brain circuits here had three turns and eighteen turns, "Your Majesty, didn't you hear what my concubine said just now? Why do you need to ask again?

Instead of giving a lesson here, why don't you ask your good son, ask your good minister, what does he want to do when he barges in without saying hello?
She used to be your woman no matter what, but I've never heard from anyone that a servant would break into the master's yard without the master's permission, especially the master's wife's yard?
Of course, if you don't mind growing a little green on your head, your majesty, it doesn't matter to your concubines either! "

Qianlong was terribly raised, but he frowned, and felt that what the queen said was right, so he looked at Fu Erkang fiercely, "What are you doing in the queen's courtyard at night?"

Concubine Ling stood aside and said softly: "Your Majesty, these children would not do such a thing for no reason, please listen to their patient explanation!"

Little Swallow said loudly: "Huang Ama, Ziwei was called here by the queen early in the morning, but she hasn't gone back until now. I feel anxious, so I came to the queen's palace to ask!"

"Where are you asking, you are simply asking me. After all, I am the mother of a country, but I am not as good as a servant. Your majesty, you said that some big men suddenly broke into your woman's palace. You, the emperor, have a little heart." Don’t you have any ideas? If that’s the case, I will notify the guards at that time, and you can enter the palace of the harem concubine at will!”

(End of this chapter)

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