Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1626 Returning the Pearl 2

Chapter 1626 Returning the Pearl II

"Ziwei..." Vulkang couldn't help but let out a sound. He originally thought that after Ziwei's true identity was revealed, he would marry Ziwei. Then he would be a concubine, but...he still wanted to marry Is it crape myrtle?A woman who has lost her innocence...

Fu Erkang's mind was spinning rapidly, and soon he raised his head, and after looking at each other with Lingfei, he gritted his teeth, Ziwei cannot marry, even if Ziwei is the emperor's daughter, she is a woman who has lost her innocence Well, their Fujia couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Your Majesty!" Lin Lang sighed pretentiously, "It seems that the harem has to be rectified, and now she is a court lady, maybe one day..."

The queen also didn't want her hat to be green, "Leave this matter to the queen!"

There is no more for Ziwei, the warmth of last night, she flicked her sleeves, "When people wake up, they will be expelled from the palace immediately!"

Little Yanzi knelt on the ground and begged bitterly: "Huang Ama is not like this, Ziwei is definitely not that kind of person, please find an imperial doctor to see if it's okay, Huang Ama..."

Qianlong glared at this daughter fiercely, remembering what she had done during this time, and warned: "Little Yanzi, I can tolerate your nonsense, but you absolutely have no sense of shame!"

Little Yanzi was terrified by Qianlong's tone, she just sat there blankly, her eyes flashed several times with fear, and she didn't dare to say a word of intercession.

After the people left, Linlang looked at Fu Erkang who was kneeling on the ground, and the little Yanzi, "Okay, everyone has been found, let's get out of my palace quickly, I still have important things to do !"

The Fifth Prince was so angry that he just wanted to raise his head to say a few words, but seeing the empress' unkind eyes, he swallowed all the words in his stomach, and left with Little Swallow and the unconscious Ziwei in angrily.

Lin Lang made a fool of Rong Nanny, and after a while, those who made comments were pushed into the palace. You kept silent, looked at them after drinking a cup of tea, and then clapped your hands, "Send them off!" let's go!"

"Empress, please forgive me!"

"Empress, does the emperor know that you are doing this?"

"Empress, you can't do this!"


Lin Lang didn't listen to them either. She watched them being dragged down and beaten to death with sticks, and she was very calm. After those people were out of breath, she glanced at the waiters and said warningly.

"This is the fate of betraying the master!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang returned to the palace, and said to Nanny Rong: "Since there are other people around me, there may be other people around Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, and Wu Gege. Go and help clean it up!"

Nanny Rong nodded quickly, and her methods were very neat. In less than a day, she killed several people around the master.After cleaning up, some new staff were replaced, especially the guards, all of whom were loyal and capable.

When Ziwei woke up and felt the pain in her body, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at Jin Suo who was guarding beside her, and immediately cried out, holding Jin Suo and saying: "Jin Suo, I thought I would never see you again. You, you don't know how ruthless the Empress is, she actually let Nanny Rong stab me with a long needle..."

Hearing this, Jin Suo hesitated to speak, and finally sighed deeply, "Miss, your innocence is gone..."

"What?" Ziwei didn't hear clearly at first, but when he understood, her face instantly turned pale, "What nonsense are you talking about? I was just taken there by the empress and was taught a lesson. How did you lose your innocence? You must be talking nonsense... Where is the Queen? Has he been punished? And Little Swallow, Fifth Brother? And Erkang..."

Jin Suo lowered his head, tears streaming down his face, "Miss, they found you in the imperial garden. At that time, your clothes were disheveled and there were many marks on your body... As for the queen... you were not punished at all, on the contrary, you were five Brother was beaten 20 times, and from now on, he is not allowed to enter the palace without an order!

Little Swallow was locked in the study room to learn the rules, as for the fifth elder brother, he was also locked up in the upper study room... As for the young lady... Later, someone will take the young lady away from the palace, saying that the palace does not allow innocent people... "

"No, that's not the case. I'm the emperor's own daughter. I'm going to find the emperor to make decisions for me!" Ziwei hurriedly said: "And the empress, she should be punished for doing such a thing, I can't leave Palace, if you leave the palace, what will happen to my mother's last words?"

"Miss, don't go, let's go back to Jinan and live a good life!" Jin Suo was really embarrassed to say that the emperor wanted to accept Ziwei.

"Jin Suo, are you still my maid? If you don't help me, what should I do? As for Erkang, he once said that there is no mountain without a mausoleum, and he dared to break with the king. Is it because of this incident?" , so you want to abandon me? I really haven't lost my innocence!"

"Miss!" Jin Suo gritted his teeth and said, "Now that everyone has seen Miss's disheveled clothes and her body covered in bruises, everyone believes that Miss has lost her innocence!
And...Miss, don't go to the emperor anymore, because the emperor...the emperor wants to accept you as a concubine..."

For a while, Ziwei's expression turned green and purple, "What are you talking about? The emperor is my father!"

Mr. Jin kept crying over there. When Ziwei was in a coma, many maids came over, and they spoke in a strange way. Only from their tone, Jin Suo knew about it. They so-called playing chess and music, training women Family affection, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is Ziwei's shameless seduction.

It's all right now, Ziwei has lost her innocence, and it is impossible for the emperor to want such a woman to be his concubine, Jin, so he dare not reveal Ziwei's true identity.

"Miss, why is your life so hard!" Jin Suo cried, "Let's go back to Jinan, wait and get up, let's live a good life, don't mention anything about recognizing your relatives, fifth elder brother and little brother Swallows are simply unreliable, all they think of is themselves seeing something happened to the lady, they don't want to help at all, they wish they could leave this matter behind!

Miss, the only one we can rely on is ourselves. It's good to be out of the palace now, at least we don't have to get involved in these gossips! "

"I'm not reconciled, I'm going to find Erkang!" Ziwei just stood up, but fell down on the bed because of the pain, "I'm going to tell the emperor the truth!"

"Miss, you must not go to the emperor and tell the truth. If you go to the emperor and tell the truth, why do you make the emperor think that you almost let your daughter become a concubine? The emperor can't afford to lose face like this. If they want to If we kill people to silence them, what shall we do?" Jin Suo trembled in fear, "Let's get out of here, otherwise our lives will be lost!"

"No, what about little Yanzi? I want to see Little Yanzi. He robbed my father and my identity. I want her to give me an explanation!" Ziwei said anxiously.

"Yo, you're awake!" At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and an eunuch walked in. "Since you're awake, let's go out of the palace with our family!"

Ziwei shook her head, "I don't want to go with you, I want to see Little Swallow, I have something to say to him!"

"It's just a slave in clothes. I still want to see Gege's spring and autumn dream. You should go out with our family honestly. After leaving the palace, find a man who no one wants to marry, or you will lose like you." An innocent girl, I think no one will want her for the rest of her life!" the eunuch said angrily

Jin Suo was also very angry, "What are you talking about over there, eunuch? Our lady is innocent!"

"Oh, what do you mean by innocence? Do you think I didn't see it? The torn clothes, the traces of the body, and the dirty things, you think we are all fools, don't worry about it What are you dreaming about, hurry up and go out of the palace with us, and don't let us do anything, please be happy, okay?" The eunuch sneered, "Don't even think about finding Huanzhugege, he is the emperor. Your own daughters, you are just slaves who are dressed in clothes, your identities are very different, slaves like you will not be remembered when you are beaten to death, who would offend the emperor for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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