Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1627 Returning the Pearl 3

Chapter 1627 Returning the Pearl Part Three

Ziwei turned pale, "I don't believe it, I want to see Huanzhugege, I have something to tell her..."

Jin Suo stood aside and quickly said: "Miss, forget it, let's go back, don't stay here!"

The eunuch frowned, "Ziwei can go, but you can't!"

Jin Suo said blankly, "Why can't I leave? I am Miss's servant girl. Since Miss is going to leave, I will naturally go with Miss!"

The eunuch laughed, "You guys are commendable. Do slaves know what a slave is? That is the emperor's slave. Everything you have belongs to the emperor!

Ziwei can leave the palace because the emperor doesn't want such an innocent woman to stay in the palace, but Miss Jinsuo, you are the emperor's servant, you are not allowed to leave the palace without the emperor's permission, if you leave the palace privately , that is a fugitive slave, and if he is caught, he will be beaten to death with a stick! "

"Slave..." Ziwei's face turned even paler, "I have become a slave..."

Jin Suo didn't have much resistance to such things, after all, she was a slave to begin with, but when Xiaoxi became a slave, she felt uncomfortable, "Miss, it's okay, anyway, you can go out of the palace when the time comes, wait until you get out." After the palace, you can go back to Jinan, there are our relatives over there..."

"I don't want to!" Ziwei shook her head, "I can't leave here, why do I have more status than others, why do I become a slave, obviously I am Gege, I am the emperor's own daughter!"

When the eunuch heard this, he said sarcastically: "Do you want to be Ge Ge crazy? I don't even look at what you are, a woman who has lost her innocence, it is estimated that no one else will want her after she leaves the palace! "

"You are talking nonsense, Erkang will marry me!" Ziwei said angrily.

The eunuch didn't want to listen to what they had to say, so he raised his hand and someone pulled Ziwei, ready to throw it outside the palace.

Little Swallow ran over, "Let go of Ziwei!"

The eunuch showed a look of embarrassment, "Huanzhu Gege expelled this court lady from the palace, but it is the emperor's intention. If you want to keep this court lady in the palace, you must ask the Pope..."

"Ziwei is my court lady, she can only leave if I let her go, but if I don't let her go, she has to stay!" Little Yanzi said to the eunuch: "Get out of here quickly, or I will beat you up! "

The eunuch also knew that a good man would not suffer from immediate disadvantages, half of Huanzhugege was willing to keep him, and he, a slave, would not spoil the scenery. When the emperor asked him, he would say that Huanzhugege insisted on keeping him. Sometimes I can't blame myself.

Here, after finishing everything, Lin Lang lay on the bed and closed her eyes to accept the plot.

But he has watched the TV series Huanzhugege a long time ago, so it can be said that he knows it well. After all, every summer vacation, Mango TV will broadcast Huanzhugege repeatedly.

[My wish is very simple. At that time, I was obsessed with love. As a result, I was abolished and my children did not die well. I see it now. They can make trouble as they like. I just want to keep Take good care of your own status, take good care of your children, as for love, I really don't want to get involved anymore! 】

After accepting the plot, Lin Lang opened her eyes, only to see Nanny Rong gritted her teeth, with a hint of anger in her eyes.

"What's the matter? Who made you angry?" Lin Lang sat up slowly and asked with concern.

Mother Rong said angrily: "It's not the little bitch planted in the study, the emperor has said that he will drive Ziwei out, but Huanzhugege insists on keeping that little bitch, he doesn't understand any rules!"

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "What did I say to annoy you? It turns out it's such a trivial matter, yes, don't worry about it, and try to focus on our own palace. So what can I do, when I grow up, I will not be sent out by a pair of parents, and there is no need to make a fuss for a gege, it's not worth it!"

Nanny Rong wanted to say something more, but she swallowed the words again, yes, the empress is right, it's just a princess, and she's not a princess, there's no need to make the whole harem angry for a little princess The dog jumped.

Besides, what if Huanzhugege left that Ziwei behind?No matter how lustful the emperor is, it is impossible for him to want a woman who has lost her innocence.

Here, after Ziwei followed Xiao Yanzi back to the palace, she remained silent for a while, and finally grabbed Xiao Yanzi's wrist tightly, staring at her firmly and said: "I am Huang Ama's biological daughter, you are telling Huang Ama now. Ama the truth, give me back my identity!"

Little Yanzi was scared and took two steps back when she heard this, "Ziwei, you don't want to be like this. If I tell Huang Ama the truth, what will she do if she becomes angry and cuts off my head? Do you want to see me die? ? We are sworn sisters, we agreed to live and die together!"

Ziwei gritted her teeth, "I regard you as a sister, but what do you regard me as? Do you know what my identity is now? A coated slave, a coated slave, is someone else's slave, there is no freedom to speak of of!
Obviously I am the real golden branch and jade leaf, why have I fallen into this state, I don't want to, I don't want to be driven out of the palace, I don't want to be treated as a slave by others, I want to regain my own identity, I want to be Gege..."

Little Yanzi became anxious, her big eyes rolled round, "It's not about your status, but about your innocence. Tell us about it. What's going on with you? Why did you faint in the imperial garden? And why is it like that? Could it be..."

Ziwei gritted her teeth and shook her head, "No, it's not like this. After I was called by the Empress, Madam Rong stabbed me with a needle, and then I passed out because of the pain. When I woke up I found myself lying in the imperial garden with disheveled clothes... I really don't know anything... I don't understand how things turned out like this!"

"Okay, that bad woman really did it, I want to tell Huang Ama the truth!" Little Yanzi said angrily.

Ziwei wept softly, "Even if I told the emperor the truth, now everyone thinks that I have lost my innocence, no matter how much I argue, no one will believe me...but I am really unwilling, little Yanzi... I've ruined my whole life..."

Little Yanzi swallowed her saliva, and reluctantly said: "Ziwei, don't think so, you still have Erkang, Erkang has been thinking about you, but because of being injured, the emperor kicked him out of the palace, otherwise she must I will stay by your bedside as soon as possible!"

Ziwei raised her head, her eyes glistening with tears, "Does Erkang still miss me? I...I'm really scared, afraid that he will be like others, thinking that I have lost my innocence and will not marry me again... "

"No, Erkang will not be such a person!" Little Yanzi quickly comforted: "Ziwei, don't cry, don't worry about your identity, when I find the right opportunity, I will definitely put my brother's identity I gave it back to you, but I can't say it now, because if I say it, Huang Ama will definitely kill me, and I won't let Erkang go... So for the sake of everyone, you can bear it, okay? "

Ziwei lowered her head, "Then what should I do? Now that I have lost my innocence, Huang Ama wants to kick me out again, I..."

"Don't worry, I will keep you in Real Madrid by my side. Even if I drive you out, as long as I don't want to, Huang Ama won't force it!" Little Yanzi opened Pai Ziwei's hand, and then looked ferociously. Said: "There is also that bad woman, if it wasn't for him, Ziwei, you would never have caused such a thing, we must find a chance to take revenge on that bad woman, and strive to return Ziwei to your innocence!"

(End of this chapter)

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