Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1628 Returning the Pearl 4

Chapter 1628 Returning the Pearl and Princess Four

Lin Lang didn't know the real situation of Shufangzhai, because she was busy cleaning up the staff, those who were blocked and disobedient, were all sent to remote places by Lin Lang, and at the same time promoted a lot of newcomers .

Concubine Ling naturally knew that her staff had been taken care of by the queen. She was very anxious and wanted to go to the emperor to make decisions, but the emperor didn't see her at all. Nie Fei was so angry that he was hit by several porcelain vases. When the servant girl went to get the porcelain vases, The queen beat her back, saying that concubines in the harem should know how to be frugal.

Concubine Ling was furious, but she knew that there was no other way but love to continue. Fortunately, Huanzhugege was really her right-hand assistant. After a while, she coaxed the emperor to change his mind. Not only that, but also Zhugege also entered the upper study to study.

Lin Lang smiled slightly after learning about this, "I remember that our twelfth elder brother will also go to study in the upper study, I dare not let that kind of woman stay with my son, you will give the twelve elder brother alone tomorrow Rent a house and prepare a room, let the Tai Tuo stay there and give lessons to Elder Brother Twelve!"

The fifth elder brother and the others naturally knew about this matter, and they were the first to tell the emperor about it, and added embellishments: "Huang Ama, we are all Huang Ama's children, why are we treated differently? This is obviously a discriminatory treatment Ah, I still hope that Huang Ama will be the master!"

Qianlong was very angry, and went directly to Linlang's palace, and threw a teacup as soon as he entered the door, "Queen, why doesn't the twelfth elder brother study with the fifth elder brother?"

Lin Lang looked at the shattered slag on the ground, and said slowly: "Your majesty, why don't you think about how old the fifth elder brother is, and how old the twelve elder brothers are, and asking them to study together is... isn't it nonsense?

Twelve is young and stupid, so in order not to delay fifth elder brother and little Yanzi, let him study alone! "

"This..." Qianlong's anger lessened, "But they are all my sons, why should they be treated differently?"

"Although your majesty is both your sons, they are of different ages. Let them study separately. Anyway, there are so many masters in the study room, so there is no difference between one or two of them!" Zhugege is a girl, and Zhugege is quite mischievous, Brother Twelve is rather timid, if something happens in the middle, if there is any accident, it will be bad!"

Thinking of Little Swallow's believers, Qianlong was silent, okay, anyway, there are quite a lot of masters renting houses, so it's okay to study separately.

With such a beginning, the next few elder brothers left the study room to study with the twelve elder brothers. After all, they are not fools, staying with Little Swallow all the time, it is really easy to affect IQ.

Little Swallow also knew that Twelve Elder Brother was the son of that bad woman, and wanted to trouble Twelve Elder Brother, but there were too many guards around Twelve Elder Brother, and all of them were strong in martial arts, so Little Swallow couldn't bear it. Little loss.

As for Ziwei, during this period of time, she really behaved with her tail between her legs. Ever since Jin Suo told the story last time, Ziwei was terrified when she learned that Qianlong had such thoughts about her. Of course, she was also very sad, because She hasn't seen Erkang for a long time.

Finally, the fifth elder brother put Erkang up, and before he could say a word, Erkang left again.

At first, Ziwei thought it was because Erkang didn't have enough time, so she couldn't have a good conversation with herself, but it was just because she wasn't a fool. After a long time, she immediately understood that Erkang was avoiding herself.

Ziwei is actually quite smart. After all, she is a talented woman no matter what. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. After thinking about it, Ziwei quickly understood that she has no other way out except to regain her position.

But how to regain her position, should she tell the emperor that she is her own daughter?Don't be ridiculous, if you say it yourself, and the emperor has that kind of thought about yourself, you probably won't be far from death as soon as you say it.

More importantly, I am alone and helpless. I claim to be the emperor's daughter, but the evidence is that the painting and fan were taken away by the little swallow. I only have a golden lock by my side, but what can these two mentally retarded women do?
Ziwei wanted to rely on Fifth Brother, but after getting along for such a long time, she understood that Fifth Brother's whole heart was on Little Swallow, but he was also relieved, Fifth Brother likes Little Swallow , that would definitely not allow Little Swallow to continue to be his Fair Princess, otherwise the two of them would be brothers and sisters.

So after analyzing the pros and cons, Ziwei lurked down, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the right opportunity to expose this matter.

But how can there be so many opportunities, Ziwei has been waiting, and at the same time, he also knows a lot of things. He is no longer a good citizen, but a slave. .

Hehehe, fortunately I didn't marry her at the beginning, otherwise it would be too cheap. After all, I am the emperor's daughter. As the emperor's daughter to marry a slave, if this matter gets out, it will really be known. I laughed out loud.

After much deliberation, Ziwei thought of a tactful way, that is, the wind on the pillow Yes, Ziwei is also planning to take the female route, of course, this female route does not refer to herself, but Jinsuo, although Jinsuo belongs to her Maid, but she doesn't say anything about her beauty.

The emperor is used to seeing all kinds of beauties, and when he suddenly saw a woman like Jin Suo with a small family, he really had a bright feeling. In addition, Jin Suo was really good-looking, and at the same time, with the help of Ziwei, the emperor immediately He was favored without any scruples.

When Lin Lang heard the news, she almost sprayed the tea out of her mouth, and coughed a few times, "The emperor is really getting more and more confused, then Jin Suo is his daughter's slave no matter what. If you go out, the emperor's face will really be lost..."

But this is Qiong Yao's world, and it's a matter based on love, so after this matter was known to outsiders, they didn't say anything.

After Jin Suo was favored, he was granted the position of changing clothes, which is the lowest rank of concubine, and what's even more strange is that Jin Suo still lives with Little Swallow.

Anyway, to be favored by the emperor is to be the emperor's concubine. After Lin Lang tidied up the room next to the study room and arranged for a few more people, she didn't bother with this matter.

Of course, as for you, there is one more important thing to do, that is, the fifth elder brother is not young anymore, and it is time to add people to him. Lin Lang rolled her eyes and quickly selected several people for him , some are delicate and lovely, some are beautiful and charming, and some are considerate.

The women in the harem are all masters in fighting, and everyone will do anything for their own identity and status.

So it didn't take long before the fifth elder brother fell out. At first, the fifth elder brother didn't intend to pamper those women. After all, he only had little Yanzi in his heart. Drinking in the yard, when he woke up, he found that he had favored a court lady, but let's be pampered, after all, it is normal for a man like him to pamper a woman, so the fifth elder brother just felt a little guilty, Just put that aside.

But once this matter started, I couldn't bear it anymore. I favored one, and then there were the second and the third. The important thing is that one of the maids is already pregnant.

When Little Yanzi learned about this, she was jumping up and down, making a fuss, "Okay, what did you say that you like me, but you ended up having a hot fight with other women? I don't think you have any in your heart. As for what I said I like it, but it's just lip service, I'm really the biggest liar in the world!"

Ziwei sat aside blankly, her face was a lot dumbfounded. After losing the golden lock, Ziwei had no one to help her, so she had to do a lot of work by herself, so that Ziwei changed from an innocent young lady to a heart-warming one. Dry old man.

(End of this chapter)

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