Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1629 Returning the Pearl 5

Chapter 1629 Returning the Pearl Five

But it is because of these trials that Ziwei has become more mature. She has only one goal, to regain her identity.

"Miss!" Since Jinsuo became Qianlong's concubine, he has also understood a lot of truths and things, and he knows the difference between a slave in clothes and a good citizen, "forget it...you go out of the palace to find a suitable one When you get married, don’t stay in the palace forever, this is a place to eat people!”

Ziwei immediately pulled her face down when she heard this, "Jin Suo, you are now Huang Ama's concubine, so naturally you don't have to work if you are under one person, but I am different. I have become a slave. I’m really not reconciled, obviously I’m Gege..."

"But..." Jin Suo lowered his head, "Fifth elder brother will not agree with you to do this, because he will not let the little Yanzi be threatened in any way, and the concubine Ling is the concubine Ling who recognized the little Yanzi back then. For the credit of the concubine, if you tell the emperor that he has made a mistake, what will the concubine do?
Let's swallow this dumb loss, as if we don't know anything..."

Ziwei shook her head, "You want to act like you don't know anything, but I don't want to!"

But Ziwei really waited for her chance. When some of them were playing outside, an assassin came suddenly. Ziwei gritted her teeth and rushed over.

Qianlong was naturally very moved, but no matter how moved he was, he would not kill Ziwei, because Ziwei is a woman without innocence, if he accepts such a woman, he will lose all face. If the blood is unclear, that one really embarrasses the face of the ancestors.

Ziwei was seriously injured, she didn't know if she could come back this time, she grabbed Qianlong's hand, and reluctantly said: "Your Majesty, I don't know if I can hold on, but Ziwei has something to tell you...then It's just... that is, I am your biological daughter, not Little Yanzi, she stole my identity, Huang Ama... My mother never blamed you, she waited and thought about it all her life..."

At this moment, Qianlong's face became extremely ugly. Thinking back to those thoughts he had, his teeth were about to be crushed. Fortunately, he just thought about it at the beginning and didn't have time to implement it. If he really did such a thing, then the ancestor His face was all lost by himself.

No matter how angry he was with Ziwei, it was his daughter after all. Qianlong couldn't do nothing to save her. After being carefully treated by the imperial physician, he began to find out the truth of the matter. First of all, it was Jinsuo.

"Reporting to the Emperor, when Miss and I went to Beijing, we happened to meet Little Swallow, a performer. Miss and Little Swallow became sisters. At the same time, Miss also told Little Swallow what she was thinking about!

Later, we heard that the emperor would go hunting in Mulan, so the three of us were going to climb up the mountain to find the emperor, but the young lady was too weak, and she was exhausted halfway through the climb, so I had to hand over the fan and the painting to the little girl. Swallow, I hope that little Swallow conveys...

After the miss and I went back, we thought that the little swallow had failed, but later we saw that the little swallow had become Huanzhugege. The miss and I were very angry and wanted to ask for an explanation. Then we were rescued by Fu Erkang from Fujia, and we learned of the incident After the truth, Mr. Fu helped us bring out the little swallow.

Little Yanzi said that he didn't recognize the emperor on purpose, but because he had no choice but to... In reality, he had never experienced the affection of his parents before, so he recognized him!

The lady forgave the little Yanzi, but she couldn't deny the emperor, so Master Fu decided to let us pretend to be maids, enter the palace to cultivate feelings with the emperor, and tell the truth when we find a suitable opportunity! "

Cultivate feelings... It is true that we have cultivated feelings, but not that kind of feelings. Qianlong was so angry that he hated the little swallow who deceived him, "Come on, put this fake character into a prison and keep it under strict supervision! "

Little Yanzi was terrified, touched her head, and hurriedly knelt down, "My lord, please forgive me. I didn't recognize you on purpose. The most important thing is that my lord is too kind, so I... I acquiesced." , I wanted to say it at the beginning, but the concubine Ling said, if I am not the real Ge Ge, then my head will be lost..."

"Concubine Ling!" The emperor's eyes turned red with anger. He hadn't thought of Concubine Ling at first, but he remembered it when Xiao Yanzi reminded him. Concubine Ling was credited with recognizing Little Yanzi in the first place, "Come on, Relegate the concubine Ling to a nobleman!"

The fifth elder brother broke in, looked at the little Yanzi who was kneeling on the ground and said quickly: "Huang Ama, little Yanzi didn't deliberately lie to you, she is an innocent person, please forgive her!"

"Fifth elder brother, do you know what you are talking about?" Qianlong has always coveted fifth elder brother's high hopes, after all, this is his most capable son.

Fifth elder brother nodded and continued: "I know what I'm talking about, Huang Ama, little Yanzi is really innocent, please let her go!"

"Innocent? He had countless opportunities to tell the truth, but he didn't do it for any reason, because he coveted the glory and wealth of this palace, so that my own daughter can only be a servant!" The emperor was so angry, "Five Brother, I am very disappointed in you, you just looked at your biological sister, but you didn't tell the truth, did you read all your books into the dog's belly?"

"Huang Ama, Ziwei has already agreed to this matter, and everyone has discussed the matter of pretending to be a maid, and no one is unwilling, so there is nothing..." The fifth elder brother knelt on the ground fiercely and knocked a few times. He said, "Huang Ama, please let little Yanzi go, little Yanzi is my life, if she dies, my son will not live!"

When the emperor heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, "You...you..."

Before the words were finished, the emperor passed out on the ground. Seeing the scene in front of him, Sock was about to burst out of fright.

Lin Lang also knew about the farce inside, but he came later because he didn't want to be Qianlong's punching bag, but when things were almost done, he came here leisurely. When he came in, he saw Qianlong fainted on the ground.

Lin Lang's eyes narrowed in an instant, and she quickly said to Nanny Rong: "Hurry up and tell the palace guards to keep the whole palace under strict surveillance, and please invite the Minister of Internal Affairs to come over by the way!

Also, help the emperor to the bed quickly, and invite the imperial physician to come over, only the fifth elder brother and little Yanzi will be locked up in the palace Yan's house to take care of it, and then deal with it after the emperor wakes up! "

When the people below saw that the emperor had fainted, they all panicked. When they heard what the queen said, they seemed to have received the magic needle for calming the sea. They all calmed down and followed the queen's orders.

Lin Lang looked at the unconscious Qianlong, and 1000 thoughts flashed through her mind. First, she poisoned the emperor to death, and then supported her son to take the throne. without any fuss.

More importantly, if Qianlong died, the throne might not be the twelfth elder brother's turn. There was no one of her own in the court, and Lin Lang was alone and helpless, so Qianlong could not die now.

After being rescued by the imperial physician, Qianlong woke up leisurely in the afternoon. Recalling what happened, Qianlong opened his eyes wide and said creakingly, "Fifth elder brother..."

Lin Lang had heard from the imperial physician that Qianlong might have a stroke when he woke up, so he patted Qianlong's hand and said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, those who know the truth of this matter have already been locked up by the concubine. The fifth elder brother and little Yanzi have also been guarded by the Yan family, and the emperor will deal with it when the emperor recovers!"

(End of this chapter)

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