Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1633 Returning the Pearl 9

Chapter 1633 Returning the Pearl and Gege Nine

When Vulkang learned that Forte became XZ's son-in-law, his jealous heart was like boiling hot water, bubbling. Son-in-law, God is really unfair.

But after all, it was Ziwei's fault. If Ziwei hadn't called the guards, she wouldn't have been beaten, and she wouldn't have missed Princess XZ's choice of son-in-law.

Erkang was so angry that he went to look for the fifth elder brother, and said emphatically in front of the fifth elder brother: "I really don't know what happened to Ziwei, the change is really great, I didn't go to her at the beginning, it was for her own good, After all, the situation was so serious at that time, if I went to find her, what would happen if she was involved?
I really like crape myrtle, I regard crape myrtle as my honey, but how does crape myrtle do it?He even found a guard and hit me on the board!

But I don't blame Ziwei, because I know that he also has something to hide, fifth elder brother, we are like brothers, please help me, say a few words in front of the emperor, and betroth Ziwei to me! "

The fifth elder brother raised his head and said suspiciously: "Ziwei? I haven't contacted her for a long time. It seems that she really blamed us for getting in the car, but she doesn't think about it. If we treat Huang A Ma told the truth, what about Little Swallow?
Regarding your proposal, I will have a good talk with Ziwei at that time, and if she is willing, I will give you a few words of kindness in front of Huang Ama! "

How could Ziwei be willing, that's why Erkang wanted the fifth prince to say a few words, let's cut it first and play later, even if Ziwei repents, there is no room for repentance.

"Fifth elder brother, what is there to ask? Don't even think about it. After Ziwei suffered such a thing, she is no longer innocent. Which man would sincerely ask for marriage? But I am different, I am I really love Ziwei, I don't care what happened before, when I marry Ziwei, I will treat her well!" Vulkan said affectionately.

Fifth elder brother also felt right and nodded, "You're right, but I'm not in charge of the marriage between the prince and Gege, it has to go through the empress!"

Vulkan's expression changed again, "How could that old hag agree, she wished she could keep us far apart!"

The fifth elder brother sighed, "Don't be discouraged, Ziwei is probably angry, so she doesn't want to talk to you, I will go to Ziwei and talk to her later, let her forgive you!"

Vulkan nodded, "That's the only way to do it. You must tell Ziwei that I have been waiting for her and ask him to forgive me for what I did before!"

When Ziwei heard the fifth elder brother's words, she showed a sneering smile, "Fifth elder brother, are you awake? Why do you say such nonsense? Let me be with Vulkang, hehe, in this life It's impossible!
A selfish man like him said that he likes it for his own sake. The Fu family is now in ruins, and the concubine Ling has been thrown into limbo. She will never be able to stand up again. They need a princess to maintain their dignity!
As for the so-called liking, don't mind, ha ha... it's all driven by interests! "

The fifth elder brother looked a little ugly, "Ziwei, don't make everyone think so complicated, Erkang also liked you and was willing to give everything for you. I know it was wrong for us to abandon you at the beginning, but we also have our own What an unspeakable secret!

But now everything has come to an end, you have become Gege, Jinsuo has become a nobleman, and you have a child, and you will have a little Yanzi to rely on, and you will become my Gege, and now you are pregnant, so we can all get what we deserve!
Why won't you let go of everything, forgive us for what we did, and join us again? "

"Let me forgive you, it's a dream! When I think about what you did to me, I feel sick and want to vomit!" Ziwei gritted her teeth and said, "I think every day, if it wasn't for my naivety, I would It won't be like this!
You go back and tell Fu Erkang, even if I don't get married in this life, I will never be with someone like him! "

Brother Fifth sighed and shook his head, "Anyway, think about it, think about the relationship between you!
Also, Little Swallow is pregnant. She has been staying in the palace all the time for the sake of safe pregnancy. You can go to play with her when you have nothing to do. Sisters living in heaven and earth! "

Ziwei turned her face away, "When he took away my identity and was unwilling to return it to me, our sisterhood is gone!"

Brother Fifth frowned, "I've made it very clear, Little Swallow didn't deliberately snatch your identity, she just...she just had unavoidable difficulties, don't even think about it, if she tells the truth , can her life be saved?"

"Hehehe..." Ziwei said with a bitter smile, "Yes, you all have unspeakable difficulties, but I am the most selfish and the most preoccupied...so for your own good, please don't treat me like a selfish person. Together!"

The Fifth Prince flicked his sleeves away angrily, "It's really unreasonable!"

After Fifth Elder Brother left, Jin Suo walked out slowly with the child in his arms, and said softly, "Miss, don't be sad for this kind of person!"

Ziwei nodded, "How could I be sad for that kind of person, I'm just not worth it for my previous self!"

Jin Suo continued: "We have woken up, and I don't know when my elder brother will wake up. He is obviously the most favored prince, but until now... people ignore dogs, and this is the way it is in this life!

Miss, don't take to heart what my second brother just said, even if you never get married, there is still me, I will support you, and my child will support you, wait for my child After growing up, I will let her go out of the palace to build a mansion, and take us all out to support the rest of my life! "

Ziwei was very sad when she heard this. He liked Xiao Yanzi and Xiao Yanzi together, but in the end, Xiao Yanzi snatched his identity without hesitation for the sake of glory and wealth, and even made himself a slave!
As for Jin Suo, although I said that I have the same love as his sister, I have always regarded her as a servant. For my own benefit, I can push Jin Suo out without hesitation. only her.

Ziwei cried, "How stupid I was to listen to their lies!"

The fifth elder brother went back angrily, and saw the little Yanzi eating meat and drinking wine, frowning, "Didn't the imperial doctor tell you to eat lightly?"

Little Swallow burped, "I was used to being poor since I was a child, and I would feel so uncomfortable if I didn't eat meat for a day!
Besides, meat is the best food for us. I believe our children will grow fat and fat after eating meat! "

The fifth elder brother is a man, and he really doesn't understand women's childbirth, but he knows that eating meat is really good for the body, so he doesn't stop him, "Okay, you just have an idea in your heart, by the way, I just Go to Ziwei's place!"

Little Yanzi paused, "Then... did she say anything?"

The fifth elder brother lowered his head, "What can I say about the maid, she is just like that, she still remembers the past, and she still hates us!"

Little Yanzi said sadly, "I've told Ziwei many times, I didn't do it on purpose, why didn't she believe me? But forget it, since Ziwei doesn't like me, then I don't like her either, from now on From now on, we will never be good sisters again!"

Brother Fifth sighed, "Okay, don't spoil yourself because of this matter, how is the baby in your belly?"

"You're so good, and you've got a lot of energy, tossing me in my stomach all day!" Little Yanzi said with a smile: "After he comes out, I will teach him how to practice martial arts!"

"Okay!" Fifth elder brother said, "Then I will teach him to read!"

The relationship between Fifth Prince and Little Yanzi is very good, but no matter how good the relationship is, it cannot withstand the tricks of others, and the ones who make things bad are those women in Fifth Prince's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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