Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1634 Returning the Pearl

Chapter 1634 Returning the Pearl Ten

Two of them are also pregnant, but they have never seen the fifth elder brother when they were pregnant, but Xiao Yanzi can see the fifth elder brother every day, and what is more important is that if there is anything good in the palace, the fifth elder brother will definitely send it to him first. On the side of Little Yanzi, they can't even touch them. Every time Little Yanzi suffers any grievance, they are always the first to be scolded. Why are they the fifth elder brother's women? Why are they treated differently?
With this thought in mind, she was even more afraid that Little Swallow's child would take away their child's status, so Little Swallow had a difficult delivery.

After Lin Lang found out, she made a decisive decision and invited the best imperial physician and Wen Po to go there. Little Yanzi was worthy of being the heroine. Although she was bleeding profusely, she gave birth to the child, a boy.

But due to holding it in for too long, the child was a little weak, and he would get sick every now and then, but fortunately, the most important thing in the palace was imperial physicians and medicinal materials.

Lin Lang thoroughly investigated the matter of Little Swallow's dystocia, and handed over the results of the investigation to the fifth elder brother, "After all, it is the people in your palace, and some of them are pregnant, so I will hand over this matter to you." Handle it for you!"

"Just pull it out and beat him to death with a stick!" Fifth elder brother said with a full face of hostility.

Lin Lang frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about, some of those women are pregnant with your child, if you let them kill you, don't you want to kill your own child?
They may be wrong, but they shouldn't die. After they give birth, they can give their children to others or lower their status, or they can be thrown into limbo. There is no need to beat them all to death! "

The fifth elder brother lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice: "But they almost killed the little swallow. The little swallow is my life. If the little swallow dies, I won't live!"

"It's said that Aixinjueluo's family is a lover. It seems to be true, but..." Linlang shook her head, "Nobility is a matter in your own palace, and I don't want to get involved too much. You have an idea in your heart." Just do it!"

As for how to deal with it, Lin Lang didn't care, but after this incident alone, Little Yanzi's body was not as good as before, and she even struggled to go for a walk.

Time passed day by day, Lin Lang was in charge of the affairs in the palace, and at the same time, there was another problem in front of her, which was Ziwei's matter. When Ziwei was old, it was time to talk about her husband's family, but because of the many things that happened before Erlang didn't want to marry Ziwei at all.

In fact, Linlang also knew that Ziwei was still innocent. To be honest, Linlang didn't regret what she did at the beginning. At least what she did made them fall apart and made her live a better life.

Of course, people in the capital cannot be found, but they can be found in Mongolia. Almost all princesses will marry to Mongolia.

Linlang went to Qianlong and told her her thoughts, "Ziwei is a good girl, she shouldn't die alone. Although the environment in Mongolia is not as good, I can find a good place for her!"

"Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi did so many wrong things to anger you at the beginning, but I never thought that you are so generous and willing to help Ziwei, I really married a good wife!" Qianlong said with a sigh.

Linlang lowered her head, "The emperor is serious, the emperor's child is my child, besides, Ziwei is a good girl, she did such a thing at the beginning, it was because she didn't know people well, now she has repented, we should give Ziwei a chance!"

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you!" Qianlong nodded, "Fifth elder brother is growing up too, and it's time to prepare for his affairs!"

To be honest, Lin Lang didn't want the fifth elder brother to get married, because once the fifth elder brother got married, it meant that he could enter the court when he grew up. Although the fifth elder brother was unreliable, he had a full bloodline.

What's more important is that once the fifth elder brother has connections, once people have status and power, they will hope to have more status and power. Desires cannot be filled...

"Actually, my concubine has been thinking about...what kind of wife to choose for the fifth elder brother...but after much deliberation, there is no good candidate, so this matter depends on the emperor..." Lin Lang didn't want to accept this matter, Thinking of pushing this matter out.

Qianlong thought for a while, "I have a few candidates, and I don't know if they are suitable..."

After finishing speaking, Qianlong uttered those names. After Linlang heard about them, those people were all the daughters of ministers. Marrying them, the fifth elder brother, was equivalent to marrying a golden baby.

"Everything is up to the emperor!" Lin Lang lowered her head, "But the brother below is getting older, I hope the emperor treats everyone equally, but don't forget the children below!"

"Of course I won't forget it!" Qianlong continued, "In a few years, Brother Twelve will grow up too, so it's time to prepare!"

Lin Lang said with a smile: "The concubine believes that the emperor will never treat Elder Brother Twelve badly, and will definitely find a good wife for Elder Brother Twelve!"

After leaving the upper study room, Lin Lang got into the sedan chair and kept thinking about what Qianlong said just now, would she be beating herself to find a favorable wife for fifth elder brother?
"Your Majesty!" The sedan chair stopped suddenly, and Nanny Rong whispered, "Little Swallow Gege is beside you!"

Lin Lang realized that she hadn't seen Little Swallow for a long time. It seemed that the last time she met was two years ago. After thinking of this, Lin Lang lifted the curtain, looked at Little Swallow with a pale face, and said with concern: "Why did you come out? It's not the body. Are you sick?"

Little Yanzi's face changed again and again, "Mother... Your Majesty... I... I couldn't sit still, so I came out..."

I used to call myself an old witch, but now I call myself a mother. Why has it changed so much? Is it because I have matured?
Lin Lang looked Little Swallow up and down, and then said: "If you can't sit still, you can take a walk in your own room. It's windy outside and you are not in good health. Go back and rest early!"

"Thank you, Empress, for your concern!" In fact, Little Yanzi doesn't like the Queen, but when she learned that it was the Empress Empress who saved her, she hated to see herself owed others, so she felt guilty, and she didn't hold grudges, so she would He quickly put the previous grievances behind him. In addition, no one said bad things about the queen in his ear, and she and the queen had no conflict of interest. She felt that the queen was not a bad person, and she was willing to treat the queen a little bit. Have a good face, and say a few words to your mother.

Lin Lang continued to walk forward with a smile on her face. After taking a look, Little Swallow turned her head, clutched her chest and returned to the palace.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that the fifth elder brother lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking over there, and he didn't notice that he was back.

"What are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied?" Little Swallow asked curiously.

The fifth elder brother came back to his senses, raised his head, and said hesitantly: "Little Yanzi, there is some bad news..."

Little Yanzi looked nervous, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Fifth elder brother said sadly, "Huang Ama wants to marry me!"

"Am I not your wife? Why did he marry you? What happened to Huang Ama? It's not enough to stuff you with so many women, but I still have to give you women. No, I need to talk to Huang Ama." He can't tear us apart!" Little Swallow hurriedly walked out, but fell to the ground within two steps.

The fifth elder brother hurried to help him up, "Little Yanzi, don't do this, Huang Ama did this for my own good. I'm her favorite son, but... my grandfather's family is too powerful, there is no If I want to stand up in the court, I must marry a wife with a powerful family!"

(End of this chapter)

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